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文I 文森特·奥穆森  肯尼亚共和国驻华大使馆商务参赞    翻译I 王晓波    图片提供I 肯尼亚共和国驻华大使馆














肯尼亚的野生动物保护区多达44,359平方公里,占了国土面积的7.6%。主要的国家公园有:阿布戴尔国家公园(Aberdare National Park),安布萨里国家公园(AmboseliNational Park),地域之门国家公园(Hells Gate National Park),纳库鲁湖国家公园( LakeNakuru National Park),美鲁国家公园(Meru National Park),埃尔岗山国家公园(Mount Elgon National Park),肯尼亚山国家公园(MountKenya),内罗毕国家公园(Nairobi National Park),东西萨佛国家公园(Tsavo Eastand Tsavo West National Park)。最受游客欢迎的莫过于马赛马拉国家公园(Maasai Mara National Park),拥有国宝级地位。肯尼亚还有两大海洋公园:蒙巴萨国家海洋公园和马林迪/瓦塔姆国家公园(Malindi/Watamu)。在肯尼亚的国家保护区里处处栖息着无以计数的野生动物。























































Kenya, Home of Safari

By Mr.Vincent Omuse, Commercial Counsellor, Embassy of Republic of the Kenya in Beijing;  
Photo by Embassy of the Republic of Kenya in Beijing

Kenya is rich in terrain and varied in climate. It has towering mountains, rolling prairie and white sandy beaches. The east branch of the Great Rift Valley splits the Plateau from north to south, which divides it into the two parts of the West and the East, and so it is often known as "the cross of East Africa". There are a large number of plateaus in Kenya; the Kirinyaga peak (or Mount Kenya) in the middle, the second highest mount in Africa, is as high as 5199 meters with snow covered at its top, and Kenya got its country name just from this mount. Kenya is really a quite unique destination for tourists all over the world, where they can witness "the cradle of human civilization".

The Cradle of Human Civilization

Judging from the archaeological relics unearthed from the Turkana Lake, Kenya's long history can be traced back to six million years ago. In the Neolithic Age, the primitive human there began to grow crops on this rich land. Then nomadic people from Ethel, West Central Africa, Sultan and Somalia were also migrated to Kenya. In the past 2000 years, from the Mount Kenya to the India Ocean coast, well-equipped ethnic communities have sprung up everywhere. In the 8th century, merchants from Arabia, Persia and China began to arrive in the East African coast to trade with local people. As a result, some of them settled down there, which brought Muslim culture to local tribes in the areas of Lamu, Mombasa and Malindi. They also started trading gold, ivory, animal fur, rhino horns, spices and slaves. It is worth mentioning that Zheng He passed Kenya during his voyages to the West; Karen Brickson, (his pen name Isaacs Dinesen) and Ernest Hemingway, both of whom are famous writers, also once lived here and created a large number of literary works about Africa, which are still deeply rooted in the hearts of people. Besides, Kenya's amazing natural beauty has certainly not escaped the eyes of artists and the attention of Hollywood, so it is not surprising that many classic films, such as ‘Out of Africa’, ‘the Immortal Gardener’ and ‘Tomb Raider’, have been shot in Kenya.

Rich Tourism Resource

There are two rain seasons in Kenya which are April to May and October to November. The best travel time will be July to October, December till next year’s February.

Kenya has rich tourism resources, tourists can experience Safari games, nice India Ocean’s beaches, East African Great Rift Valley with volcanoes, Plains with over million wildlife animals, Lake covered by flamingos, and tropical rain forests. Kenya has over 42 tribes and 80 different local languages. Tourists will have different experiences of high level of golf, one of the best diving place in the world, you can climb Mount Kenya, and have Hot-ball experience, etc.Furthermore, Kenya has different accommodation choice, such as deluxe hotels, safari tent, resorts, etc. Besides, Kenya is a good choice for family, honey moon and business clients.

Kenya is also home to 6 UNESCO World Heritage sites in Lamu Old Town, Fort Jesus Mombasa, and Sacred Mijikenda Kaya Forest, Kenya Lake System in the Great Rift Valley, Lake Turkana National Park and Mt. Kenya National Park. Kenya is one of the world’s premier tourism destinations. This is due to its natural attractions, unique historical and archaeological sites, improved touristic infrastructure and its tradition of hospitality.

Kenya is the official “home of safari” with 56 national parks and reserves spread out all over the country. Each park offers visitors a unique experience with diverse flora and fauna. Kenya also offers visitors a wide range of unique tourism products such as adventure safaris, cultural safaris, historical safaris and a host of other niche products such as sports tourism and agro-tourism.  

Kenya's wildlife reserves are up to 44359 square kilometers, accounting for 7.6% of the land area. The main national parks are: Aberdare National Park, Amboseli National Park, Hells Gate National Park, Lake Nakuru National Park, Meru National Park, Mount Elgon National Park, Mount Kenya, Nairobi National Park, Tsavo East and Tsavo West National Park, while Maasai Mara National Park is the most popular one, which enjoys the status of national treasure. There are another two big ocean parks in Kenya: Mombasa National Ocean Park and Malindi/Watamu National Park. Millions of wild animals are inhabited in these national reserves.

It is known as the Greatest Wildlife show on Earth, the largest single movement of wildlife on the planet, the annual migration of the wildebeest is a spectacle unrivaled in grandeur. Pure theatre, it is always awe -inspiring sometimes comic, often tragic painted large across the face of the savanna it presents an image that is both breathtakingly beautiful and bitterly brutal. Between the end of July and November,over one and half million blue wildebeest, accompanied by half again as many Zebras, and gazelles, migrate from the short -grassed plains of Tanzania’s Serengeti National Park to freshpasture in the grassland of Kenya’s Masai Mara National Reserve. Movement in groups of up to 20,000 at a time they thunder across the plateau hesitating only briefly to cross the Mara River, where many fall prey to the waiting crocodiles. Towards the end of October, they begin crossing back into Tanzania. The actual timing ofthe migration, however, is dictated by the weather and does not always run to schedule.

As well as featuring in the main migration, Kenya has its own private migration, known as the Loita Migration which commences in April when some 30,000 wildebeest migrate from the conservancies to the north of Masai Mara National Reserve to the mineral -rich -soils of the Loita Plains – lingering until June when they move back to the private conservancies.

The diverse landscapes, abundance of biodiversity and the unique blend of cultural heritage, cuisine, arts and crafts, have placed Kenya on the global tourist map as a must-visit destination.  

Tourism Investment Opportunities

There are lot of tourism investment opportunities in Kenya:

Nairobi International Convention and Exhibition Centre

Promoter: Bomas of Kenya Limited

Estimated Invest: USD 120 Million Private Sector Participation: PPP

Location: Nairobi County

The project will enhance Kenya’s position as a major regional and global Meetings Incentives Conventions and Exhibitions (MICE) destination. The proposed NAICEC and its components will occupy sixty (60) acres of land of Bomas of Kenya. The site is located off Langata/Forest Edge Road in Langata/Karen area of Nairobi city. As a premier venue of meetings, conferences, exhibitions, and special events, it will cater to organizers of international, regional and local events by providing highly advanced conferencing equipment and facilities; friendly, efficient and professional service with a blend of cultural experience.

Expansion of Kenyatta International Convention Centre

Promoter: Kenya International Convention Centre (KICC)

Estimated Investment : USD 232Million

Private Sector Participation: PPP (Build-lease-transfer)  

Location: Nairobi County

This project entails the expansion and development of a 300 bed hotel and exhibition Centre in the middle of Nairobi’s central business district. Land is available next to the KICC and this will enable the conference participants’ access accommodation next to the venue.

Makuyu Ridge Country Golf Resort

Promoter: Makuyu Ridge Country Golf Resort

Estimated Investment: USD 550 Million

Private Sector Participation: PPP

Location: Murang’a County

The Project will be located at Murang’a County, which is 72km from Nairobi, on 1000 acres and seeks to develop a mega resort for retreat, leisure, golf and conferencing.  

Development of accommodation facilities and other Tourism Products

Promoter: Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS)

Estimated Investment: USD 50.65 Million

Private Sector Participation: PPP

Location: National Parks

This is a 24 bed luxury tented camp to be built on Greenfield sites in all National parks.  

Enhancing Marine Protected Areas Management

Promoter: Kenya Wildlife Service

Estimated Investment: USD 10 Million

Private Sector Participation: PPP

Location: Meru County  

The project aims to enhance the management of marine and coastal protected areas, develop, diversify and market tourism products, engage local communities in conservation and develop nature based alternative livelihoods.  

Development of Sports Facilities and Stadia.

Promoter: Ministry of Sports, Culture and the Arts.

Estimated Investment: USD 4 Million

Private Sector Participation: Joint Venture

Location: Nationwide.

The investment opportunities exist in construction and development of 11 regional sports stadia countrywide.

Academies of Sports

Promoter:  Ministry of Sports, Culture and the Arts.

Estimated Investment Cost: USD 1.5 Million

Private Sector Participation: PPP

Location: Nationwide.

The project aim is to search, nurture and develop sports talents at the grassroots. The government has come up with an establishment of 10 regional academies of sports countrywide.

Kenya International Arts and Culture Centre

Promoter: Ministry of Sports, Culture and the Arts.

Estimated Investment : USD 30.9 Million

Private Sector Participation: PPP

Location: Nairobi County

The project will entail the construction of several auditoria, studios for music production, national visual arts gallery, multimedia production studios and open amphi-theatre for arena arts and carnivals. The International Arts and Culture Centre is expected to be the meeting point for artistic activities at local, regional and international levels.