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  文 |  His Excellency Mr MOKGWEETSI E. K. MASISI, MP





因此,习近平主席倡议的命运共同体的愿景在非洲受到欢迎,它确认了这样一个概念,那就是我们都生活在一个彼此联通的繁杂世界里,世界各国, 强大或者弱小,都无法独自处理面临的挑战或者实现自己的目标。在这方面,我们有一个共同方向,实现平等、包容性增长、和平和繁荣。





博茨瓦纳整装以待,愿意与中华人民共和国进行合作,推动互惠伙伴关系向前发展。我们相信,持续、大量的投资和充满活力的双边贸易将刺激我们的经济发展,创造就业, 助力博茨瓦纳实现其宏大计划,即在2036年前把博茨瓦纳建设成一个富裕的高收入国家。




⬆奥卡万戈三角洲:第 1000 个联合国教科文组织世界遗产遗址


Thoughts on a  Community With a Shared Future

Author |  His Excellency Mr MOKGWEETSI E. K. MASISI,MP

President of The Republic of Botswana

A community is the strongest social fabric within which values and common aspirations of a shared future can be effectively advanced for the betterment of humanity. I am therefore convinced that building strong communities for a shared future is one of mankind's highest aspirations. This no doubt embodies our common ideal of a world characterized by cooperation, dialogue, peace, prosperity and respect for diversity -where countries have a sense of responsibility and accountability to each other, and the environment they hold in trust for future generations.

Indeed, as President, I have pledged to devote my energies to mobilize international cooperation with a view to transform Botswana into a competitive and prosperous nation, where none of our citizens are left behind.

Consequently, the vision of a shared future, as espoused by Chinese President, Xi Jinping, resonates well with Africa, as it affirms the notion that we live in an inter-connected and complex world, where no country, big or small, can address its challenges or achieve its development goals alone. In this regard, we all have a shared end-goal, which include equality, inclusive economic growth, peace and prosperity.

The essence of President Xi Jinping’s vision was outlined in 2015 at the 70 Anniversary of the United Nations (UN). This could not have been shared at a more appropriate forum. The vision not only echoes natural human aspirations, but also positively mirrors the spirit underlying the UN Charter and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS).

I fully concur that in our quest to build stronger and democratic communities, there is the need to enhance international cooperation in political, economic and social endeavours to forge strategic partnerships, based on mutual respect and understanding.

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I believe as Africa, we have already embraced this message. Our African Agenda 2063 clearly sets out the characteristics of the Africa we want. In this regard, the similarity and congruence between the Chinese Vision and that of the African Union is very striking. The only remaining disparity is between the shared visions and their operationalisation.

The Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC), thus offers a unique and practical platform for the realization of our development aspirations through pragmatic collaboration and pursuit of win-win approaches. The significant technical and financial support expended towards African projects under the FOCAC initiative is demonstrative of the Government of the Peoples Republic of China's steadfast commitment and philosophy to contribute to our common future.

As Botswana, we remain ready to engage in this mutually beneficial partnership and cooperation with the Peoples Republic of China. We believe that substantial and sustained investment and robust two-way trade would stimulate economic growth and job creation towards Botswana's ambition of a prosperous, high income country by 2036.

I am very optimistic about this partnership for Botswana and the continent at large. We as Africa seek to draw upon the achievements of China in all areas to boost our own transformation, be it human capital, technology, including green technology, health, energy, transport and communication, to mention but a few.

As I conclude my thoughts, I should reiterate that “building a community with a shared future " is indeed a shared destiny, but it will take expression through the realization of a prosperous Africa which can realize the full potential of its illustrious women, men and youth.

I look forward to fruitful and productive engagements and commitments during the FOCAC Summit.

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