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文 & | 罗纳德·加藤  乌干达《非洲新闻报》记者 

翻译 | 齐晓彤  

编辑 | 裴安迪  

设计 | 李玉丹  

制作 | 黄硕存



● 纳谷鲁中乌友好医院











医院的愿景是成为提供专科与综合医疗服务的一等中心。医院的使命则是“提供综合与专科的患者救护服务,培养医疗骨干,开展研究项目”。 在这里,为人称道的服务项目有住院服务、出院服务、诊断服务、专科治疗护理服务、疾病预防与康复服务、社区外联服务以及管理与支持服务。


据乌干达卫生部称,自正式开放的第一天起,医院的患者数目日益增长,大多数患者接受生殖卫生服务的同时,也会享有泌尿、 肠胃病、矫形术、针灸、耳鼻喉、肥胖、高血压、儿科等专业服务。


1983年,中国第一支医疗队踏上了乌干达土地。许多年过去了,大约有170位医护专家在乌干达工作过,他们的专业覆盖了泌尿学、矫形术、传统中医学、眼科学和妇科学。去年在欢迎最新一支医疗队伍赴坎帕拉的庆典上,乌干达的卫生部长露丝·阿曾对中国为改善乌干达医疗卫生状况所付出的努力予以赞许。 “我们感谢中国多年以来的合作与支持,对这些医疗队在医院的贡献予以肯定。”阿曾说道。







64岁的杜尼·穆萨在今年年初罹患中风,他在内陆一家收费较少的医院接受了一个多月的治疗后转诊至纳古鲁医院接受针灸治疗。 “治疗收效很好,我现在可以移动大部分身体了,药效可观”,杜尼说道。












China-Uganda Health Cooperation: Saving Lives, aiding prosperity

Author | Ronald Kato

Journalist of Africa News in Uganda

Design | Li Yudan

Production | Huang Shuocun

● China-Uganda Friendship Hospital Naguru 

Chinese medical teams 

Appreciation for Chinese medicine

● Taking health services to rural areas 

Saturday morning and a sigh of relief in one of the delivery rooms at the China-Uganda Friendship in Kampala, Uganda’s capital. 28 year old Margaret Nanteza’s baby has just been born. 

“It is a girl. I am very happy”, she says. Although exhausted after hours of obstructed labour, Nanteza is able to smile, thanks to the staff at the hospital. She came to the hospital by ambulance after being referred by a smaller health centre. “If she had spent any more time away from the hospital, things would have ended really bad”, said a midwife at the hospital.

Unknown to her, Nanteza is another beneficiary from the China-Uganda health and medical cooperation, an arrangement which began in 1983 where China supports Uganda’s health systems through provision of infrastructure, capacity building, logistics, human resource training and personnel exchanges.

China-Uganda Friendship Hospital Naguru

The China-Uganda Friendship Hospital Naguru (CUFH-N) was donated by the Government of the People’s Republic of China was completed and handed over to the Government of Uganda on 6th January 2012. The Chinese government, designed and built the hospital between 2009 and 2012 as a gift to the people of Uganda, at a cost of US$8 million (UGX:20 billion).

Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) donated the 5acres site where the hospital was built. The government of Uganda contributed an estimated US$2 million (UGX:4.8 billion) in tax waivers on construction materials used to build the hospital, landscaping, road access and licensing fees. The hospital is on Naguru Road, on Naguru Hill, Nakawa Division.

The facility serves Kampala Metropolitan Area and other Ugandans. Naguru Hospital is also meant to decongest Mulago National Referral Hospital, the only general public hospital serving an estimated 3 million inhabitants of the Kampala Metropolitan Area.  The hospital has a bed capacity of 100 beds and its mandate is stipulated in the National Hospital policy of 2006. The facility delivers 22,000 mothers annually according to its director, Mr. Emmanuel Batiibwe.

It has a vision of being a centre of excellence in providing specialized and general health services. The mission of the hospital is “ to provide general and specialized patient care. services, train health professionals and conduct research. The hospital is famed for Inpatient Services, Outpatient services, Diagnostic services, Specialized curative care services, prevention and rehabilitation, Community outreach services , management and support services.

Naguru hospital was completed in December 2011 and consists of seven buildings, four operating rooms, a maternity ward, a pediatric unit, a teenage center (adolescent health unit), a blood bank, radiology department (including a CT scanner) and housing for medical staff. Naguru hospital was officially handed over to the Government of Uganda on 10 January 2012, to be jointly administered by the Ministry of Health and Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA).

Ever since the official opening, the hospital has seen growth in the number of clients , the majority of whom access reproductive health services, specialized services such as Urology, gastroenterology, Orthopedics, acupuncture, E.N.T, diabetes, hypertension, specialized pediatrics among others are offered, according to Uganda’s ministry of health.

Chinese medical teams 

The first Chinese medical team set foot in Uganda in 1983. Over the years, about 170 medical experts in different specialties ranging from urology, orthopedics, Traditional Chinese Medicine, ophthalmology and gynecology have served in Uganda.

At a ceremony to welcome the current team in Kampala last year, Uganda’s minister of health, Hon. Ruth Aceng praised China’s efforts in improving Uganda’s health sector. “We thank China for the continued collaboration and support. We appreciate the good work these teams do in our hospitals,” Aceng said.

The current team is headed by Dr. Cong Linhai. The nine-member team is based at the China-Uganda Friendship hospital. It has general medicine, surgeons and acupuncture specialists. The team also helps to train intern doctors sent at the facility.

“Our mission is to provide care and share skills and experience with our Ugandan colleagues”, said Cong.

According to Cong, the mission has going well and has the team rich experiences. 

Yang Jun, a surgeon originally from Yunnan province told me that the failure to communicate with his patients well somehow complicates his work.

“Many don’t speak English very well. Neither Chinese. I have to spend a lot of time listening and asking questions”, he said. Yang often seeks the help of his Ugandan colleagues to attend to his Luganda speaking patients. Luganda is one of the most spoken languages in Uganda.

Appreciation for Chinese medicine

The acupuncture ward at the China-Uganda Friendship hospital is full to capacity. Ni Wei heads the department and handles most of the patients as his Ugandan colleagues still have not mastered the alternative therapy, a key component of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

64 year old Duni Musa suffered a stroke at the start of the year. After being admitted in an upcountry hospital for over a month with little change, he was referred to Naguru hospital for acupuncture. 

“I am making good progress. I can move most of my body now. The medicine is working”, said Duni.

Acupuncture has grown in popularity in Uganda and has become an important element of the China-Uganda health and medical cooperation. Ni is training several nurses in the ward to administer acupuncture and “we’re happy to do it”, said one of the nurses. 

Rose Nakafeero was referred to the acupuncture ward by a hospital in south central Uganda. Three months ago, the 40 year old fell and hurt and hurt her back badly. She could not sit or stand well. Since her referral, Nakafeero has made fast progress.

“I can now sit and walk. The most important thing is that the treatment is free. I am happy for the Chinese needles”, she said referring to the way acupuncture is administered.

At Jinja referral hospital in eastern Uganda, the team has trained two nurses to administer acupuncture. And just like at the Naguru hospital, the acupuncture ward at Jinja hospital is too overwhelmed by patients.

“Skills transfer is one of our core objectives”, said Cong, head of the Chinese medical team.

Taking health services to rural areas 

In March this year, 45 year old Stephen Mukasa, a resident of Kayunga district in rural central Uganda was told about a medical outreach clinic happening close to his village. He prepared to have his legs that had given him excruciating pain for over two years examined.

“When I went there, the doctors examined me and gave me medicine. The pain has since reduced. They should come back to treat us often”, said Mukasa.

The medical camp was organised by China Water and Electric, the Chinese company building the Isimba hydro power station on the River Nile. Chinese medical personnel and their Ugandan counterparts joined hands to offer residents free treatment. “It is important for us to save lives. It gives a lot of satisfaction”, said Cong, head of the Chinese medical mission.