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文| 克里斯·科瑞斯曼多(Kris Crismundo)菲律宾通讯社记者    翻译| 王晓波 

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China-Asia Pacific media cooperation: Bridging people in the region

By Kris Crismundo  Journalist of Philippine News Agency

I received the message from my boss that I am going to China for the
China-Asia Pacific Press Center Program, my understanding of my visit
here is to focus on reporting Belt and Road Initiative (BRI); write
stories on how the Belt and Road Initiative is facilitating in building
roads, railways, seaports, airports, and bridges across the region,
boosting trade and upholding the multilateral trading system amid
threats of unilateralism.

the longer I stay in China, I found another kind of bridge – something
that cannot be destroyed by typhoons and other natural calamities;
something that does not pose threat of debt trap. This is the bridge
that connects peoples of the world. This bridge is us, journos,
communicating the stories we found here to the world.

other nations in the world which have different perspective to other
countries, a number of Filipinos also have a different view on China. I
once heard this term from a government official in my country, but he
said “some Filipinos develop this allergy anything about China”.

diplomatic ties between the Philippines and China have gone through a
rough patch in the past because of the disputes in the South China Sea.

the Philippines’ social media, there is often an impression that when
China does some help to the Philippines, it is a trap for the government
to give up its position in the troubled waters.
News about rude
behavior of Chinese tourists are often being shared in social media such
as the incident of a Chinese girl throwing a cup of ‘taho’ — a local
confectionery — to a police in Manila train station.

Recent news about Chinese tourists being the top ordinance violator in Boracay Island were recently flooding my Facebook feed.

are the kinds of stories mostly shared in Philippine social media about
China. However, these do not help in promoting people-to-people
connection among Filipinos and Chinese. This also brings negative
impression about China among Filipinos.

Sad but true, there are more negative stories about China being shared in our local social media.

as what the Philippine Ambassador to China Jose Santiago “Chito” Sta.
Romana, who was a journalist and former Beijing bureau chief for
American media ABC News, said “The disputes do not define everything;
they are only part of the overall picture”.

also defined the issue on the South China Sea as “a very contentious
issue”, but both sides agreed to resolve this issue to diplomatic
negotiations even the Philippines and China have different positions on
this matter.

envoy here further said that the basic approach in this issue is to
discuss the disputes, but to manage it so that they will not turn into
crisis. It is also crucial to manage it so that they will not be an
obstacle to the development of areas of cooperation.

relationship has improved when Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte
took office in 2016, when his policy towards China is to renew the
friendship with the giant neighbor.

bilateral relation is divided into areas with disputes and areas with
no disputes. The Philippine and Chinese governments continue to resolve
peacefully their disputes while boosting and strengthening those areas
with no disputes; one of them is media cooperation.

has been aggressive with its media cooperation in different parts of
the world – Asia Pacific, Africa, Latin America, the Middle East, and

of the media cooperation being held by China is under the China Public
Diplomacy Association’s China International Press Communication Center
(CIPCC) program.

My China sojourn this year is because I am part of the China-Asia Pacific Press Center (CAPPC) Program.

this year, the CAPPC Program brought together 16 journalists from 15
countries in the Asia Pacific region namely Afghanistan, Pakistan,
India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Mongolia, Fiji, Tonga,
Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Malaysia, and the Philippines.

We also have 34 colleagues from Africa under the China-Africa Press Center (CAPC) Program.

programs of the CIPCC provide foreign journalists comprehensive and
in-depth understanding of China. For us to experience this country
firsthand, and tell the story of China back to our countries.

Although, other countries received these kinds of news exchange and media cooperation with different impression.

those impressions, we cannot deny that the new level of media
cooperation between China and Asia Pacific, as well as other parts of
the world, has brought the connection among our peoples into new

through us – journos – plays a key role in breaking boundaries and
bridging gaps among our nations that are thousand miles apart. Being a
journalist today is not just a media profession. We now also have the
social responsibility towards the community.

me borrow some points that my boss said in her speech during the
Conference on Dialogue of Asian Civilizations (CDAC) about news exchange
and media cooperation:

We brought our partnerships on news exchange and media cooperation to a new level on the belief:

•That news exchange strengthens the concept of co-existence among cultures and peoples;

•That news about initiatives and projects strengthens the values and principles of tolerance;

•That news about dialogues conducted among various cultures and civilizations fosters understanding;  and

news about cultural and social programs contributes to building
tolerant communities Let me expound on these point by point:

news exchange strengthens the concept of co-existence among cultures
and peoples. Hosting articles about one nation’s tradition and culture
will help in understanding the country better, as well as its people. I
think, it is also best if it is shared by foreign journalists who have
direct experience in the culture and people of the said country.

first visit in China was to the ancient city of Xi’an in the Shaanxi
Province. There, I had a background of China’s opening up—not only 40
years ago, but way back to the ancient Silk Road.

the starting point of the ancient Silk Road, has opened up China to the
world by engaging trade with foreign merchants from Middle East and

this time, China also opened its seas and rivers for maritime trade,
facilitating trade from the East and West, and also reducing trade cost.

this, we can trace from history that China is an open country, willing
to connect the world towards shared prosperity. This is what the
China-led Belt and Road Initiative is all about. This is also a crucial
story to tell to let the world understand more about the Belt and Road

news about initiatives and projects strengthen the values and
principles of tolerance. Like the current ties between the Philippines
and China, articles about partnership for projects and cooperating for
initiatives promote the values and principles of tolerance.

the challenges in the diplomatic ties due to some areas of dispute, the
two governments were still able to communicate on areas where they see
opportunities for partnership and cooperation such as infrastructure,
media, and people-to-people cooperation. Sharing this kind of news is
important in a cyberspace where negative stories are often being shared.
If the two governments were able to tolerate each other, it is also
possible that people from the two nations will try harder to understand
and tolerate each other.

news about dialogues conducted among various cultures and civilizations
foster understanding. As what Bollywood actor Aamir Khan said during a
CDAC forum last May, “What kind of influence do you want to be to the
world?” The media, as a powerful influencer, has crucial role in
influencing the minds of its readers. It is important that media
practitioners remain to be critical, and not just tell stories that
might create misunderstandings among civilizations of the world.

fourth, news about cultural and social programs contributes to building
tolerant communities. In this time when hate speech and messages are
very easy to post and share in the social media, informative articles
about cooperation on cultural and social programs are important to
create a community that also shares a common goal of shared benefits and
prosperity. These stories will also promote tourism, as these can spark
the readers’ interest of the country’s culture and let them experience
it firsthand.

my four months of stay here in China, I’ve been sharing how I am still
able to do here the things I usually do when I was in the Philippines,
like joining a choir and singing in a Catholic church, among others.
Most of my friends were surprised that it seems I am having a great time
in China despite living alone and being away from family and friends. I
always told them that my life here in China is beyond my expectations.
Then, my friends are starting to find plane tickets to see China – and
also to give themselves the opportunity to see and learn more about this

these beliefs, we hope that the stories we told from here foster
understanding among our nations, strengthening people-to-people
connection, and bridging people in the region.

文  | 克里斯·科瑞斯曼多(Kris Crismundo)菲律宾通讯社记者

编辑  张   梅

设计  |  李玉丹