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文|林松添  中国驻南非大使

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⬆由中国路桥工程有限责任公司承建的姆贝亚-卢万吉罗公路(图片提供 中国路桥工程有限责任公司)







⬆观众在第二届进博会南非国家馆参观(新华社 殷刚摄)






China-Africa Win-Win Cooperation
Boosts Africa’s Self-sustainable Development

By H.E. Ambassador Lin Songtian of China to South Africa    Translation|Chinese Embassy in South Africa

and Africa are good friends based on equality and mutual trust, good
partners for win-win cooperation and good brothers sharing weal and woe.
No matter how the international situations may change, China and Africa
are always a community with a shared future and interests.

and Africa have similar historical suffering and common development
missions. In the past, we fought side by side and supported each other
for national liberation and political independence. In a new era, China
and Africa are working together hands by hands to pursue win-win
cooperation for common development, embarking on our new journey towards
realizing the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese
nation and the African dream of all-round development.

the face of the international financial crisis, China and Africa have
joined hands to tide over the difficulties. In the wake of the Wenchuan
and Yushu earthquakes and in times of the Ebola epidemic, China and
Africa have offered assistance and support to each other. Confronted
with unilateralism and bullying acts, China and Africa have stood
together to unequivocally and firmly uphold multilateralism and
international fairness and justice.

and Africa need each other, have respective advantages and can offer
opportunities to each other when conducting cooperation. Africa, a
continent with 54 countries and nearly 1.3 billion people, boasts
abundant natural resources, demographic dividend and huge development
potential. Development, revitalization and strength through unity have
become the consensus and shared aspiration of African countries. Major
breakthroughs have been made in building the African Free Trade Area and
advancing Africa’s economic integration. African countries have well
recognized that if Africa cannot be economically independent, it will be
politically controlled by others. Only by achieving self-sustainable
development, can Africa get rid of external interference and conflict,
shake off poverty and achieve lasting peace.

as the world's second largest economy, enjoys development advantages in
capital, technology, equipment, market and human resources. More
importantly, China has the firm political commitment to sincerely
supporting Africa to achieve self-sustainable development. China is
ready to unreservedly share its development experiences and fruits with
African countries. China-Africa cooperation is facing a new historical
opportunity for seeking synergy in development strategies.

the new century, in particular since China entered the new era,
China-Africa relations have entered a new stage of comprehensive and
rapid development, with unprecedented scope, depth and enthusiasm for
China-Africa cooperation. In 2013, President Xi Jinping chose Africa as
the destination for his first overseas trip after taking office. He put
forth the principles of sincerity, real results, affinity and good faith
and the values of friendship, justice and shared interests, shall be
followed in conducting China-Africa cooperation, so as to combine
China's development with Africa’s self-sustainable development to
achieve win-win cooperation for common development.

Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) has become a banner in
leading international cooperation with Africa. At the FOCAC Johannesburg
Summit in 2015 and the FOCAC Beijing Summit in 2018, President Xi
Jinping respectively announced the Ten Major Cooperation Plans and Eight
Major Initiatives, with an aim to support Africa to facilitate Afirca’s
industrialization and agricultural modernization, support African
countries’ efforts to break through the three development bottlenecks,
namely, backward infrastructure, lack of professional and skilled
persons, and short of capital sources, so as to fuel Africa’s
self-sustainable development.

above-mentioned major measures, which meet African countries’ urgent
need for industrialization and modernization, focus on supporting
Africa's efforts to strengthen infrastructure and human resources
development, aim to enhance Africa's capacity for self-sustainable
development, and have greatly promoted China-Africa win-win cooperation
for common development.

has become the most important and key partner for Africa to achieve
rapid development. Now over 30% of Africa's infrastructure projects and
80% of its telecommunication infrastructure are financed and built by
China. China has built and financed in Africa more than 10,000
kilometers of roads, 6,000 kilometers of railways, more than 150
stadiums, conference centers, and parliament buildings, over 200
schools, more than 80 power plants or stations and a lot of airports and
ports, benefiting almost all African countries.

the framework of the FOCAC, the Chinese government provides 30,000 to
50,000 government scholarships to Africa every three years and trains no
less than 200,000 talents in practical technology and management in
various fields. At the same time, the Chinese local governments and
enterprises investing in Africa are encouraged to provide scholarships
and training opportunities to Africa. Now there are over 60,000 African
students studying in China.

has become the most important stakeholder in Africa's development.
China has been Africa's largest trading partner for 10 consecutive
years. In 2018, bilateral trade grew against the odds, reaching $204.2
billion, up by 20% year on year. China's investment in Africa has
increased from less than $1 billion in 2000 to more than$110 billion in
2018. The number of Chinese tourists traveling to Africa is increasing
rapidly and vice versa.

win-win cooperation has entered a new stage of transformation and
upgrading, featuring a shift from government aid-centered to investment
and financing cooperation-centered. The general commodity trade has been
upgraded to production capacity cooperation and processing trade, and
the simple project contracting upgraded to investment, construction,
operation and financial cooperation.

Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is becoming a new engine driving the
common development of China and Africa. Now Africa has become an
important direction for the Belt and Road cooperation. So far, 44
African countries and the African Union Commission have signed the
cooperation documents on the Belt and Road cooperation with China. China
and Africa, by following the principle of “Three Togethers”, namely,
planning together, building together and sharing together, have
effectively aligned the BRI with the AU Agenda 2063 and the respective
development strategies of African countries. China and Africa have been
committed to the “Five Connectivities” in policy, infrastructure, trade,
finance and people-to-people exchanges to promote high-quality mutually
beneficial cooperation with high standard and at a higher level.

is the most reliable friend and strong cooperative partner for Africa
to achieve its self-sustainable development. Since 2014, the aid,
investment and trade from the US, European countries and Japan to Africa
have all declined dramatically. On the contrary, driven by the FOCAC
and the BRI, China-Africa production capacity cooperation has been
developing rapidly. A large number of infrastructure projects including
railways, roads, bridges, ports, airports and communications have been
completed and conducting. Notable progress has been made in connectivity
in and among most countries, which has greatly accelerated Africa’s

has been rising rapidly, demonstrating a strong momentum of multi-speed
development. In 2018, 17 African countries registered a GDP growth rate
of more than 5%. Among them, Ethiopia, Kenya and some other Eastern
African countries registered a GDP growth rate of more than 6%.
According to IMF, in 2019, Africa's GDP growth rate is expected to
exceed the world average growth rate. More than half of the countries
with the fastest growing GDP rate are in Africa, and 19 African
countries will register a GDP growth rate of over 5%.

Africa, Ethiopia, Kenya and Nigeria are the bridgeheads and successful
examples of the Belt and Road Initiative synergizing with Africa's
development. South Africa is the first African country to sign the
intergovernmental MOU on the Belt and Road cooperation with China as
well as an important participant and beneficiary of the BRI. China has
been South Africa's largest trading partner for 10 consecutive years,
and has become a major source of investment and tourists for South
Africa. South Africa has been China's largest trading partner in Africa
for nine consecutive years. In 2018, bilateral trade between China and
South Africa reached $43.55 billion, up by 11.18% year on year and
accounting for nearly a quarter of the total trade volume between China
and Africa. Up to now, the Chinese companies have invested more than $25
billion in South Africa, creating more than 400,000 jobs for local

investment and financing in Ethiopia has reached nearly $30 billion,
which has helped Ethiopia build the Addis–Djibouti Railway and the
modern port of Djibouti. Several industrial parks and such connectivity
infrastructures as power grids, communications and roads have been built
along the railway and an economic development corridor has taken shape.
Ethiopia has become one of the fastest growing countries in the world
from once one of the poorest one. Over the past 10-plus years, it has
achieved a double-digit growth rate on average annually.

has supported Kenya in financing the construction of the
Mombasa-Nairobi Railway, which has greatly promoted Kenya's investment
and tourism development, boosted Kenya's GDP by 1.5%,cut the logistics
cost by up to 40%, and created 46,000 jobs for local people.

⬆Mombasa-Nairobi Railway

has provided Nigeria with tens of billions of dollars in financing. Two
railways and a large number of infrastructure projects including roads,
communications and power grids have been completed and put into use.
Nigeria has started to build its first communications university and the
feasibility study has been completed on a 1,000-kilometer-long coastal
railway, which will soon be put into construction. In recent years, with
the strong support of China, Nigeria has made remarkable achievements
in infrastructure construction, laying a solid foundation for its
sustainable socio-economic development.

cooperation complies with the trend of the times and meets the
aspirations of the two peoples. It has set a good example for
South-South cooperation and the international cooperation with Africa,
and has been welcomed by the Chinese and African people and universally
recognized by the international community.

are glad to see that China-Africa cooperation has not only promoted the
multi-speed economic growth and diversified development of African
countries, but also played an important balancing role in encouraging
the international community to attach greater importance to and increase
their input in cooperation with Africa.

help Africa achieve durable peace and self-sustainable development
serves the common interests of the people around the world and is also
the common responsibility of the international community. China's
cooperation with Africa always follows the principle of equality, mutual
benefit, openness and inclusiveness, and is committed to win-win
cooperation for common development. We will never exclude others, never
follow the old colonial path of the West to plunder Africa, and never
sacrifice Africa's ecological environment and long-term interests.

the result-oriented approach, China has set up a follow-up committee
mechanism of the FOCAC, and taken a pioneering step to hold the
coordinators' meetings on the implementation of outcomes to ensure that
the consensus reached by the two sides can be timely aligned and
effectively implemented, and deliver benefits to the two peoples at an
early date.

the FOCAC Beijing Summit, China has been in close touch with Africa on
the implementation of the Eight Major Initiatives. We have formulated
the sub-national implementation plans through consultation and specified
over 880 cooperation projects which will be implemented in the next
three years. In June this year, the coordinators' meeting on the
implementation of the outcomes of the Beijing Summit was successfully
held in Beijing. The relevant parties have reached important consensus
on the cooperation going forward, which will promote the high-quality
and sustainable development of China-Africa cooperation.

countries are facing three major development bottlenecks, namely,
backward infrastructure, lack of professional and skilled personnel, and
short of capital sources in achieving industrialization and
modernization. Therefore, they are in urgent need of substantial
investment and financing support from the international community. It is
estimated that to achieve the development goals set out in the AU
Agenda 2063, Africa is short of $100 to $130 billion on infrastructure
expenditure annually. I believe that no country in the world can finance
Africa's development alone.

⬆China Harbour Walvis Bay container terminal project

are glad to see that this year, Russia, Japan and some other countries
have held summits with African countries respectively and announced a
large number of practical measures for cooperation with Africa.
Cooperation between emerging economies such as India and Turkey with
Africa is also growing rapidly.

as the world's only superpower, the United States has only paid lip
services instead of taking concrete actions in its cooperation with
Africa. Its “New Africa Strategy” and “Prosper Africa” initiatives are
full of ideological bias and cold war mentality without concrete
measures. More regrettably, the United States not only has no intention
to Africa itself, but also is reluctant to see the rapid development of
China-Africa cooperation. The US is afraid that with China’s support,
Africa will achieve economic independence and then get out of their
control politically, so it has fabricated all sorts of “fake news” and
lies to accuse China of creating the debt crisis, debt traps in Africa,
plundering Africa’s resources, and pursuing “new colonialism” in an
attempt to deter Africa’s cooperation with China, with an evil intention
to prevent Africa from achieving self-sustainable development.

achieve self-sustainable development, Africa needs more international
partners. China welcomes the diversification of Africa's cooperative
partners and increased input from countries outside the region. It is
our sincere hope that the United States and other developed countries
can honor their commitments, offer real financial support and take
concrete measures to repay the historical debt they owe to Africa,
fulfill their due international obligations, provide investment and
financing support for Africa's infrastructure development, and open
their markets to Africa.

stands ready to work together with the international community to
conduct tripartite cooperation with Africa on the basis of fully
respecting Africa’s will so as to make the international community join
hands to help Africa achieve lasting peace and self-sustainable
development, and make greater contributions to building a community with
a shared future for mankind for the benefit of the Chinese and Africa
people and all peoples around the world.

编辑 | 张  梅

翻译 | 中国驻南非大使馆

设计 | 高  蕊