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继往开来 深化合作


   拉赫曼塔拉·默罕默德·奥斯曼(Rahamtalla M. Osman Elnor)
继往开来 深化合作
   特肖梅·托加(Teshome·Toga) 埃塞俄比亚驻华大使
   傅弋珂    芮婉洁 (Hannah Wanjie Ryder)

文|特肖梅·托加(Teshome·Toga)   埃塞俄比亚驻华大使 





































编辑 | 张梅

设计 | 大米

Cover Stories
Coevolutionary pragmatism
   ——Approaches and Impacts of China-Africa Economic cooperation

   Tang Xiaoyang
New Development Philosophy Expands the Route of Africa-China Cooperation
    H.E. Ambassador Rahamtalla M. Osman Elnor
    Permanent Representative Of The African Union To China
Africa-China Cooperation: Determinants and Deliverables
   H.E.Teshome Toga Chanaka , Ambassador of Ethiopia to China
Moving on up? Three steps for China’s FDI to Africa in a post-COVID19 world
   Yike Fu and Hannah Wanjie Ryder

By H.E.Teshome Toga Chanaka,Ambassador of Ethiopia to China 

Domestic Dynamics and Transformation as a Key Factor in Africa-China Cooperation

has made phenomenal socio-economic and infrastructure development since
the opening up and reform in 1978. This stellar achievement was in
particular a driving factor to the Chinese “Going Global Policy”.
According to available data, in the last 40 years, China became the
second-largest economy and the first manufacturer and exporter. It also
became the second importer of goods.

globally, China has been elevating and attracting many countries around
the world to partner with China in investment and trade and overall
economic cooperation. And China unremittingly asserted itself as a
global player as well. 

the same vein, African economies also made impressive progress. Once
dubbed as the “hopeless continent”, many African countries made
remarkable progress and earned the compliment of “Africa rising” over
the 2000s in particular. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, IMF data
indicated that among the 10 fast-growing economies globally, six would
be in Africa. Africa, previously marred with conflicts, witnessed a
decrease in the incidence of conflicts and many countries made a more
stable and peaceful transition to electoral democracy.

continent also made a remarkable institutional transformation from the
Organization of African Unity (OAU) to the African Union (AU) in 2001,
with the creation of the New Partnership for African Development (NEPAD)
– which acts as the think tank for the continent, the African Peer
Review Mechanism (APRM) – to encourage peer-to-peer learning and
benchmarking, and the Africa Peace and Security Architecture (APSA).
These institutions and others together in 2014 defined “Agenda 2063” as a
blueprint for the transformation of the continent, key aspects of which
– such as goals for industrialization and job creation – were then
incorporated into the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) agreed in
2015, as well as the FOCAC agreements thereafter. 

the domestic progress that was made both in Africa and China, I argue,
is the driving factor for both to cooperate and partner with each other.

Cooperation in trade and private investment
there is anything to concretely measure Africa-China cooperation in the
last 20 years, it is cooperation in the sphere of the economy. In 1999,
the trade between Africa and China was very insignificant measured by
the huge potentials of the two. Reports indicated that the volume of
trade between the two was only 10 billion USD. Regarding trade and
investment, it is true that trade between Africa and China grew in the
last twenty years from a mere 10 billion USD to the current level of
over 200 billion USD. These figures indicate 20 fold increase in about
20 years.

any measure, the growth is spectacular. Africa’s export to China over
the years have increased. However, the import of Chinese goods increased
too, and even faster.  Therefore, the trade relationship leads to two
critical problems. First, the trade balance is in favor of China. And
second, it only accounts for 4% of Chinese foreign trade volume in
total. Africa as a continent is the smallest trade partner of China. If
we compare this with the trade volume of China with other continents in
Europe, North America and Asia, Africa with 54 countries and 1.3 billion
population is least trading. Apart from volume, Africa’s export to
China is mainly commodities, as it is with other partners. The fact is,
we are endowed with abundant natural resources (Africa accounts for 90%
of the world’s platinum, 90% Cobalt, 50 %, Gold,  9.6% Oil,  ⅔
manganese, 35%  uranium, 75% Colton). Africa is a huge market for
industrial products of the major economies, and for China too. But there
is a dire, urgent need to add value to our industrial products within
the continent.

China stands out, however, is at least an expressed willingness to
support this. Responding to African concerns, Africa and China agreed at
the last FOCAC in 2018 to improve the two structural bottlenecks
through a new trade facilitation pillar. As part of this, the first
China Africa Economy and Trade Expo was staged in Changsha, Hunan in
2019. Preparation for the second edition is well underway to stage it in
September 2021. While a great deal more needs to be done, this was
aimed to assist African exporters to exhibit their products to the
Chinese consumer market. More remedial measures will be needed in the
future, including trade capacity building, easing requirements, and
custom facilitation and trade negotiations. These will greatly
contribute not only to increasing the trade volume but also to narrowing
the trade imbalance.  

this regard, attracting more Chinese manufacturing enterprises to
Africa could significantly contribute to addressing the issue of
productivity and value addition. So far, overseas investment stocks from
China in Africa have increased over time, reaching over 43 billion by
2019 (SAIS-CARI). Chinese enterprises, both state-owned and private
steadily are having strong footprints in Africa through various forms of
investment, from infrastructure to energy, oil and manufacturing and
agriculture. However, China is still behind other development partners
in this area, and while around 12% is focused on manufacturing, the flow
is not evenly distributed across Africa. Besides, there is
significantly more potential, especially in Africa’s Special Economic
Zones (SEZs), of which there are now hundreds. The Chinese side can
participate in investing in agro-processing for instance, and can also
participate in capacity building, transfer of agricultural technology,
skill development, and sharing best practices.  

in the other direction, opening up for more African businesses to
operate in China will be helpful as well to ensuring better knowledge
and facilitation of trade and FDI opportunities. Trade and tourism are
expected to play a vital role in post-COVID recovery for the

Cooperation in Finance

many African countries, China has become a source of not only FDI and
trade but has also become a major source of finance and project
contracting of major infrastructure projects. Over the period of the
FOCAC, Chinese contractors have been commissioned to deliver a large
number of major projects. Chinese enterprises have been contracted to
build over 6000 km of the railway with finance, engineering, and
construction work, and in some cases initially managing the running of
the railways. Two notable rail projects are the Mombasa-Nairobi Standard
Gauge Railway in Kenya, first envisioned as a regional project with the
ambition to stretch to Uganda and Rwanda, and the Addis Ababa-Djibouti
first electric railway – with a cost of about 4 billion USD. While these
projects, no doubt, have significant positive social and economic
impacts, as public goods they have their challenges – for example in
recouping sufficient revenues to avoid government subsidy. However,
these are long-term projects and issues, and African governments should
take ownership of dealing with them.

intensified and diversified cooperation between Africa and China,
diverse opinions have been expressed. One mind-boggling opinion is China
colonizing Africa or China taking over Africa. Characterizing
cooperation in such a way has two major problems. One has to do with its
objectivity – colonization was a human rights violation of huge
proportions, so it cannot be minimized by linking it to economic
relationships. The other is a patronizing attitude in suggesting that
Africans are open to colonization in the 21st century. 

to the above-mentioned characterization is that Africans are in debt
distress or traps. The argument is that China is intentionally burdening
Africa to mobilize diplomatic and political support to its policies and
strategies or what some call “debt diplomacy”. A default by Zambia for
some of its private creditors – coming out of COVID-19 – has attracted
media attention and linked to China (Africa Report 2020). 

Africa is not a country. Available data indicate that overall 17-20% of
all the debts of Africa are owed to China. In fact, there are just
seven countries in Africa where Chinese debt represents over 20% of
external debt: Angola, Djibouti, Kenya, the Republic of the Congo,
Cameroon, Zambia, and my own country Ethiopia.

broadly, there are a few other conceptual questions regarding the debt
issue. Firstly, is debt something China imposes on African countries?
Secondly, is it not Africans that ask for the loan, whether it is from
China or other financiers? Are Africans the only ones that borrow money
for development financing from China? Is China the only lender to
Africa?  For instance, Africans including President Kenyatta of Kenya
argued that why only the Chinese debt is singled out as Africa is
indebted to many multilateral agencies and bilateral creditors
(President Kenyatta interview to CNN). Although this makes China the
largest bilateral creditor to Africa, more is owed to multilateral
institutions such as the World Bank as well as the international private

the most critical question is how and where do Africans invest and make
use of money – from all sources. Is it in the productive sectors so
that it can generate or produce income and manage the debt properly? Or
is it in social sectors, which will not likely generate such a return? 

is true in some cases that the debt matures before many projects are
completed and generate expected income in which case debt repayment
becomes a challenge. In other words, governments are forced to borrow
more. The latter aspect of the problem has to do with the national
capacity to effectively execute projects in time and with good quality
and standards. The former is the responsibility of borrowing countries
to ensure that the money goes to production or service sectors like
infrastructure so that the economy sustains. The fact is, calculations
of “debt distress” by the IMF do not take the “asset” creation provided
by loans into account, and therefore create a highly distorted picture
of African finances.

it may be that countries that have taken proportionally more loans from
China rather than others – could be in a better position to pay off
debt, given the productive infrastructure nature of loans secured from

Cooperation in Global Issues

has 54 votes in the UN. As a result, any major economy like China has
to collaborate with Africa on various emerging challenges facing the
international community. 

recognized this early on, even before we had those votes. China lent
its support to the independence movement of African liberation movements
and struggle in the 1960s and beyond. In return, independent African
states supported the People’s Republic of China to take a permanent seat
in the United Nations in 1971. That formed the early political and
diplomatic engagement between Africa and China. China’s aid to Africa in
early years of Africa’s independence was seen as an aid for political
support for China in the global arena. For instance, it is recorded that
the Communist Party of China mobilized students and workers in several
Chinese cities to demonstrate against the invasion of Ethiopia by
fascist Italy in solidarity with the people of Ethiopia in their
struggle to defend and preserve the sovereignty and independence of
their nation. That laid the foundation for Ethiopia-China relations.
China also supported several other freedom movements.

with our 54 votes, Africa must be involved in all discussions of peace,
security and stability, reforms of the global governance structure,
climate change, the fight against terrorism, migration, and mobility,
SDGs, the fight against COVID-19 pandemic, and trade issues. These
agendas, among others, are crucial for the global governance structure
to involve Africa in. 


there are many writings, I am strongly convinced that Africa-China
cooperation is not well-researched and the story is not told fully and
in a balanced manner. That is what this writer intends to contribute to
filling the lacuna by presenting the evidence-based analysis.

paper has laid out the increasing ties between Africa and China in all
areas – from trade, to finance, to people. It seems apparent that those
who had stronghold in Africa are worried that they are being replaced by
the new and aggressive Chinese community, which is a serious source of
worry and concern for those who used to take Africa for granted. From
that point of view, the misperception and negative narratives about the
Africa-China partnership from the liberal world are understandable or
not surprising.

I would argue that the progress in cooperation over the last 20 years
between Africa and China is commendable. But as we celebrate
achievements, there are serious structural issues that need to be
addressed, which are not the same as those mentioned by outside

I mentioned earlier, the first problem is the trade imbalance between
Africa and China. Africa is not alone in this as China is the largest
manufacturer of industrial products globally. Except for oil-producing
countries, most have trade deficits with China. 

this regard our focus must be, as we have been doing so far, resolving
the structural bottlenecks, including supply side constraints,
productivity and value addition issues; as well as joint efforts to
reduce the lengthy negotiation processes and trade agreements; and
simplifying stringent import standards, logistics, customs clearance,
and payment and dispute settlement mechanisms. With over half a billion
middle class and a population of 1.4 billion, Chinese markets is a great
opportunity for African exports which we must not miss, nor can China
let us miss it. 

second challenge relates to finance. The debt trap and debt distress
narrative are highly problematic. However, due to our significant
infrastructure deficit, and our current lack of independent monetary
institutions, even with the possible high growth in the post-COVID-19
ear, there is still no doubt that African governments will need to
continue borrowing money from bilateral sources and multilateral
financial institutions, such as the World Bank and IMF. No African
government can manage national development with only domestic revenue
generated by the economy. China has been a very helpful partner in
helping fill the gaps in financing our development agendas and plans,
but more can be done. Not only in terms of continuing to extend more
concessional loans, and ensuring those deliver maximum benefits for
African nations, for instance through technology transfer and use of
local employment and content, but also using the finance to leverage FDI
better for productive purposes, including through Public-Private
Partnerships (PPPs) where appropriate. We also need to work on this

celebrating the achievements in Africa-China cooperation over the last
two decades, the need for open, candid, and constructive reflection is
very imperative. That reflection, however, should come from and be led
by both sides.

Editor | Zhang Mei

Design | Demi