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   帕尔科维奇·拉兹洛(Prof. Dr. László Palkovics) 匈牙利创新与技术部部长
   尤里·先科(Yury SENKO) 白俄罗斯驻华大使
   拉法尔·德斯卡亚(Rafael Dezcallar)  西班牙驻华大使
   阿布杜卡迪尔·埃明·约南(Abdulkadir Emin Onen ) 土耳其驻华大使

   卡特琳娜·扎科奇(Katarina Zakić)   塞尔维亚国际政治与经济研究所“一带一路”研究中心研究员

执着坚守 构筑内畅外联大通道
   李关鹏   中国外运股份有限公司董事长

   科兹洛夫(Козлов  Антон   Сергеевич)   俄罗斯铁路股份公司境外项目和国际合作部主任

   马特恩(Axel Mattern)   德国汉堡港营销协会董事兼首席执行官
   董建国   重庆市发展和改革委员会主任

   何雄   河南省发展和改革委员会党组书记、主任

   周海兵   湖南省发展和改革委员会党组书记、主任
保通保畅  提升班列建设运营水平
   王岿然   新疆维吾尔自治区发展和改革委员会主任、自治区对口援疆工作协调小组办公室主任

   邓超   四川省实施西部大开发办公室专职副主任

   刘迎军   陕西省发展和改革委员会副主任

文|帕尔科维奇·拉兹洛(Prof. Dr. László Palkovics)   匈牙利创新与技术部部长夫





























编辑 | 张  

翻译 | 齐晓彤

设计 | 大   米

Special Reports on China-Europe Railway Express
Hub of Transport and Logistics for Central European Region with Highlighted Function
   Prof. Dr. László Palkovics, Hungarian Minister of Innovation and Technology
NBelarus is to gain sustainable development of China-Europe Railway Express
    H.E. Yury SENKO,Ambassador of  Belarus to China
CR Express: Closing Up Ties of Spain-China Cooperation
   H.E. Rafael Dezcallar,Ambassador of Spain to China
Turkey-China Freight Trains: A New Page In Turkish-Chinese Partnership
   H.E. Abdulkadir Emin Onen, Ambassador of Turkey to China

The impact of China-Europe Railway Express – past, present and future
   Katarina Zakić, PhD Research Fellow,Regional Center "Belt and Road" Institute of International Politics and Economics Serbia

Persevering in Constructing a Smooth Going and Outreaching Great Passage
   Li Guanpeng, Chairman of Sinotrans ltd.

A Vision of Russia-China Cooperation in Digitalization in Railway Transport
   Anton Kozlov, Head of Foreign Projects and International Cooperation Department, JSC Russian Railways

A European Railway Freight Hub on the New Silk Road
   Axel Mattern, Member of the Executive Board and CEO of Hafen Hamburg Marketing

Forging a Brand New Value Chain with the Support of CR Express
   Dong Jianguo

Supporting and Serving the Construction of a New Platform for Inland Provinces to Open to the Outside World
   He Xiong

Building a “Golden Passage” to boost the “Belt and Road”
   Zhou Haibing

Keep Smooth Going and Unobstructed, Improve CR Express Operational Efficacy
   Wang Kuiran
New Chengdu-Europe Express: An Important Economic Tie Linking the World
   Deng Chao
Building an Efficient, Low-Cost, Good-Service International Trade Corridor
   Liu Yingjun

By Prof. Dr. László Palkovics,Minister for Innovation and Technology of Hungary

has always considered the People's Republic of China as an exceptional
strategic partner and China has expressed its appreciation and interest
in Hungary as the two sides have partnered and implemented a number of
projects and initiatives that have been successfully launched and are
operating in all areas of our relations and at all levels of our
cooperation. The “Opening to the East” policy of the Hungarian
Government since 2010, the “Belt and Road Initiative” of which Hungary
was the first EU member to join in 2015, the Comprehensive Strategic
Partnership between China and Hungary established in 2017 and the 17+1
cooperation mechanism platforms have long contributed to deepen
relations in many fields of key importance.

milestones were achieved in the past years while China also became
Hungary’s largest trade and investment partner outside the EU. As a
result of our countries long lasting partnership in the past decades,
Hungary has become an important destination for many Chinese companies
and has become an important transit and distribution point for accessing
the European market.

China-Europe Railway Express Yields Remarkable Results

new model of innovative cooperation on the "Silk Road Economic Belt" is
aworthwhile project in the "Belt and Road" cooperation between China
and Hungary. It creates the environment for Hungarian enterprises to
provide modern and efficient logistic and trade services for Chinese
enterprises, one-stop services for the whole chain of international
warehousing, support the establishment of digital supply chains and the
international marketing of new industries while also helping Hungary and
China to further strengthen facility connectivity and trade flow. 

comprehensive cooperation between the two countries in the fields of
modern trade, logistics and e-commerce are major goals of the Hungarian
Government to further emphasize the role of Hungary as a land
transportation hub for China-Europe freight trains and European inland

are proud to say that by today, all major Chinese and European trains
are concentrated in Hungary with dozens of European inland railroads
crisscrossing the country, allowing goods to be delivered to all major
European cities within a short period of time via a well-developed and
continuously improving rail network.
Generally all freight trains in
China enter Russia directly or indirectly (via Mongolia and Kazakhstan).
Then 90% of the freight trains enter Belarus from Russia, and from
Belarus to Poland. After another change of tracks at the Polish border,
the goods enter the European Union.

in recent years, with the rapid increase in the number of trains, the
operation and transhipment of China-Europe freight trains has faced a
bottleneck at the Belarus-Poland border, as serious congestion has
developed at the intersections of the broad-gauge and standard-gauge
lines at the borders of the European Union.  The current issue – that
seriously affects train schedules and delivery time -, makes it clear
that it is essential to build alternative lines to ensure that none of
the lines would face overloading problems.

April 21, 2017 the first China-European freight train from Xi'an
successfully arrived at Budapest after 19 days and 9,300 kilometres
carrying 41 carriages of various goods. The day marks the date when the
first China-European Express line was established between our countries
and Hungary has become the first Central and Eastern European country to
be directly served by the China-European Express other than Poland.

after, on May 27, 2017, the Hunan Changsha-Budapest China-European
freight train led by CECZ (Central European Trade and Logistics
Cooperation Zone) and jointly operated by Hunan-Europe Express, departed
from Changsha Xialing Station breaking the traditional
Russia-Belarus-Poland route into Europe and opening the southern route
into Europe via the exit of Erenhot, through Mongolia-Russia-Ukraine and
Hungary, where at the junction of Ukraine, Hungary and Slovakia, the
wide tracks are replaced by narrow tracks. After the successful opening
of Changsha-Budapest CEB train, it was immediately recognized by the
national train market and became the first China-Hungary CEB train in
regular operation.

the same year, on November 28, 2017, the first Budapest-Changsha return
train was officially launched, marking the official arrival of a
round-trip China-European freight train from China to Hungary. Quickly
following the trend, in January 2018, the first Xi'an-Budapest
"Chang'an" China-European freight train arrived and has been running
smoothly ever since, taking the lead in opening up the southern route to
Europe via Alashankou/Khorgos, and crossing Kazakhstan-Russia-Ukraine
and Hungary. In June 2019, the first Jiangxi Ganzhou-Budapest
China-European freight train arrived, followed by the Jinan-Budapest
"Qilu" Eurasian freight train, the first direct China-European freight
train to Budapest from North China in August 2019. 

of today, 7 cities and regions (Changsha, Xi'an, Chengdu, Chongqing,
Jinan, Ganzhou, Jinhua (Yiwu)) are connected and moving their products
through Hungary with the established, scheduled China-European freight


Support to the Development of China-Europe Railway Express

Hungarian Government considers the implementation of a modern,
competitive railway transport to be a priority. We believe that the
backbone of every domestic transport is the railway, which must be
secure, reliable, innovative, sustainable and flexible. The basic
condition for this is the joint and continuous modernization of the
railway infrastructure and rolling stock. One of the main benchmark
projects of the Sino-Hungarian cooperation is the modernization of the
Budapest-Belgrade railway line within the framework of the BRI. With the
renovation of the railway line, Hungary will offer the fastest
transport route for Chinese goods between Greek ports and Western
Europe. In the recent period, the traffic in the port of Piraeus in
Greece has increased almost tenfold and therefore it is in Hungary's
interest for Chinese goods to reach Western Europe the fastest through
Hungary. According to our soon to be implemented goals, the duration of
railway cargo transport between East Asia and Europe will be reduced
from 24 to 14 days.

China-Europe freight trains has been running between Hungary and China
on a regular basis for years, further developments for railroad
infrastructure were taken by the Hungarian Government to emphasize the
country’s role as a Central European logistics hub. 

2019, Hungary invested in the development of the Ukrainian-Hungarian
railroad corridor at Záhony as part of the Belt and Road Initiative, a
route providing a solid guarantee for the future passage of
China-Hungary freight trains. With the development additionally to the
southern Budapest-Belgrade path, as well as with the establishment of
industrial parks at the eastern borders of Hungary and the European
Union, we seek to play a central role in regional logistics, maximizing
the favorable conditions and regional endowments of our country.
Transforming the mentioned eastern region into a major transportation
hub, trains will be able to reach 13 major cities in 10 different
countries along the different railway lines, with all running through

Záhony, the Central European Trade and Logistics Zone (CELIZ) project
also secures a great platform for Chinese companies to establish their
plants, factories, affiliates in the territory of the European Union. It
provides them with a site and also supports them in all administrative
and legal matters in order to put their production units into operation
in Hungary as soon as possible. This cooperation is also mutually
beneficial for both the Hungarian and the Chinese sides, as it will
significantly contribute to the improvement of the performance of the
Hungarian economy and will create many new jobs.

also envisage that by 2030, the capital cities of the Visegrad Group
(V4) countries Warsaw, Prague, Bratislava and Budapest will also be
accessible on high-speed railway lines from Budapest but besides rail
and road connectivity, Chinese logistics companies are also constantly
looking for solutions and cooperation opportunities in Europe in the
field of air cargo handling for the huge, ever-increasing export-import
air cargo volumes. Therefore, Hungary participates actively in the Air
Silk Road freight hub projects, and has also reached important
milestones in the past years.

The Deepening of Bilateral Cooperation on Multiple Fronts

part of the Belt and Road Initiative, these projects link the Central
European region to one of the most important trade routes in the world
through Hungary. Mutually benefiting successful initiatives around the
various fields of cooperation do not only bring more job opportunities,
but also increase the confidence of Chinese companies in Hungary. Due to
the continuous support from the Governments and the comprehensive
strategic partnership, by today, Hungary has turned to be an important
transit and distribution centre for entering the European market while
also becoming a key destination for many Chinese companies. 

the past year, we could witness the transformations the epidemic
(COVID-19) has brought to the world, but despite the heavily disrupted
global supply chains during these extraordinary times, China-Europe
Express trains managed to keep the Eurasian supply chains running
seamlessly. As the demand continuously grows for inland transport
opportunities, Hungary is devoted to further increase its role in
connecting regions with advanced and safe logistics with the help of our
Chinese friends and partners, within various frameworks of

support free and fair global trade, which is even more important than
ever before: the fewer the obstacles, the faster the recovery.

Editor | Zhang Mei

Design | Demi