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   帕尔科维奇·拉兹洛(Prof. Dr. László Palkovics) 匈牙利创新与技术部部长
   尤里·先科(Yury SENKO) 白俄罗斯驻华大使
   拉法尔·德斯卡亚(Rafael Dezcallar)  西班牙驻华大使
   阿布杜卡迪尔·埃明·约南(Abdulkadir Emin Onen ) 土耳其驻华大使

   卡特琳娜·扎科奇(Katarina Zakić)   塞尔维亚国际政治与经济研究所“一带一路”研究中心研究员

执着坚守 构筑内畅外联大通道
   李关鹏   中国外运股份有限公司董事长

   科兹洛夫(Козлов  Антон   Сергеевич)   俄罗斯铁路股份公司境外项目和国际合作部主任

   马特恩(Axel Mattern)   德国汉堡港营销协会董事兼首席执行官
   董建国   重庆市发展和改革委员会主任

   何雄   河南省发展和改革委员会党组书记、主任

   周海兵   湖南省发展和改革委员会党组书记、主任
保通保畅  提升班列建设运营水平
   王岿然   新疆维吾尔自治区发展和改革委员会主任、自治区对口援疆工作协调小组办公室主任

   邓超   四川省实施西部大开发办公室专职副主任

   刘迎军   陕西省发展和改革委员会副主任

文|阿布杜卡迪尔·埃明·约南(Abdulkadir Emin Onen )   土耳其驻华大使



建设交通一体化走廊  推广多式联运




建设交通一体化走廊  推广多式联运


















编辑 | 张  

翻译 | 齐晓彤

设计 | 大   米

By H.E. Abdulkadir Emin Onen, Ambassador of  Turkey to China

China-Europe Railway Express marks a significant phase towards Eurasian
rail transportation. The railway connection between two continents
became even more vital in the pandemic era when the freight trains
played a crucial role in stabilizing the international logistics supply
chain, due to limited air and maritime transport options. As part of the
Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), which Turkey supports from the
beginning, this route has experienced a remarkable progress for the past
10 years and will continue its development. 

thanks to her unique geographical location, historically played a
significant role in connecting Europe and Asia. It is manifested with
the well-known Silk Road, and other cross-regional trade routes such as
the Spice Road. Turkey’s strategic position at the intersection of
Europe, Asia and the Middle East still paves the way for her role as the
“regional transportation hub”, which has gained a noticeable momentum
in recent years. 

the leadership of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, massive
infrastructure projects in Turkey, including highways, air and sea ports
and high speed railways have greatly contributed to achieving Eurasian
connectivity. For instance, the new airport in Istanbul, one of the
world’s biggest, has the capacity to accommodate 200 million passengers
annually. Moreover, we are constructing the Edirne-Kars High Speed
Network which will enable faster and cheaper transport from China and
Central Asia to Europe. The Yavuz Sultan Selim Bridge over the
Bosphorus, the Eurasia Tunnel and Marmaray, the Orhan Gazi Bridge over
the Gulf of Izmit, logistics hubs and communication infrastructures are
parts of this hybrid transportation network. With the completion of the
1915 Bridge over the Dardanelles in early 2022, Asia and Europe are will
be connected six times through different means of transportation. 

is now a special focus on transforming high-speed rail (HSR) in the
country, with the goal of constructing an additional 5,500 km of HSR and
rapid lines by 2023. Turkey is the 8th HSR operating country in the
world and the HSR lines between major cities (Ankara-Eskişehir-Konya)
are operational and others (Ankara-İstanbul) are soon to be completed.
With the aim to take advantage of the railways in carrying goods and
products as well, various logistics centers are being constructed across
the country. 

Turkey’s regional integrated transport corridors perspective focuses
on: building a modern Silk Road with dependable and viable alternative
routes, promoting intermodal transport opportunities particularly on the
Trans-Caspian East-West Middle Corridor (MC), upgrading/development of
transport infrastructure, removing bottlenecks especially on border
crossings, simplification of procedures and removing administrative
barriers, enhancing logistics and corridor management capacities, and
finally achieving cooperation and coordination with the transit

briefly mentioned above, some of these recent mega-construction
projects in Turkey are materialized with Chinese investment, and more
are being planned. Turkey has already started delivering on concrete
projects in the fields of transportation, logistics, energy and trade
for reviving the ancient Silk Road. Further developments in this regard
will make Turkey’s geographic advantage also more visible. All of these
projects initiated by Turkey will be readily integrated into the MC,
which will constitute a cost effective and secure route from Asia to

China-Europe Railway Express has also benefited from this ongoing
construction and improvement of railways, facilities and its services.
The initiation of a direct freight train services between Turkey and
China in December 2020 is the most recent and substantial example of
this development. The train followed the MC via Baku-Tbilisi-Kars (BTK)
railway. Its route covers almost 8,700 kilometers, passing through two
continents, two seas, five countries and forwarding its freight from
Istanbul to Xi’an in less than two weeks. In short, “once a distant
dream” finally became possible. More trains followed the first one in
recent months and there are plans to make a regular and more frequent
weekly schedule of freight trains between Turkey and China. 

as the eastern end to the Silk Road and former capital of China, was
once the meeting and melting point of ancient Turks and Chinese, as well
as of many others, for social and commercial interactions. Our
ancestors were well aware of the importance of safe and stable transport
routes for enhancing economic activities. That is why they created a
Road that enabled the transportation of goods between Asia and Europe.
Today, after many centuries, we again follow their path. We are building
a modern Silk Road, with the opportunities provided by technology and

would like to briefly point out the developments and provide some
highlights on Turkey’s MC Initiative that is expected to play a bigger
role in Eurasian connectivity as a reliable alternative option among
others for the following reasons:
First of all, the shift of
economic gravity towards the East generates a continuous growth in the
transport of goods between Asia and Europe. The pandemic did not alter
this trend; it has even strengthened it. For instance, bilateral trade
volume between Turkey and China has reached 26 billion USD in 2020. It
is one of highest figures of any bilateral commerce between European and
Asian countries. Moreover, ongoing commercial, financial and investment
contacts between Turkey and China points that it is very possible to
surpass 50 billion USD in the upcoming years.  

should also be noted that the further use of the railway connection
between Turkey and China will accelerate economic activities across
Eurasia and this in return will be beneficial for our bilateral economic
relations. Turkish and Chinese products will be more easily delivered
through the freight trains. Highly qualified Turkish brands and
products, which are well sought-after in many parts of the world, will
become more available in the vast Chinese market. Particularly, they
will be integrated into e-commerce platforms in China. We therefore
encourage Turkish and Chinese business people to make better use of
Turkey-China freight trains which opened up as a new commercial gate
between the two countries. 

with a population of 84 million, Turkey is serving not only as a
regional hub but also as a bridge between three continents, and for a
wide range of markets in the Balkans, the Caucasus, Central Asia, the
Middle East, and North Africa. Turkey’s Customs Union with the EU allows
direct access to the EU market; while her Free Trade Agreements with 28
countries means a free access from Turkey to almost one billion

the most essential infrastructure for the operationalization of the MC
has been completed. BTK railway, with a total track length of 840 km
became fully operational in 2017. An uninterrupted railway line now
connects Beijing to London through the Caspian Sea and the Bosphorus. It
was used by a China-Europe freight train for the first time in November
2019. BTK has an initial capacity of 1 million passengers and 6,5
million tonnes of cargo per annum, to be increased to 3 million
passengers and 17 million tonnes of cargo per annum by 2034. Freight
transportation on the BTK has significantly increased recently. While it
was just around 4.000 tonnes in 2017, it has doubled from 195.000 to
almost 400.000 tonnes in 2020 during the pandemic, and already reached
106.000 tons in the first quarter of 2021. 

there are clear opportunities presented by the Middle Corridor: it
brings a complementary route to the Northern and Southern alternatives
as well as supplements China’s Central Asia-West Asia Economic Corridor
under the BRI. MC stands as a credible alternative by itself in
China-Europe Express because relying too much on just one existing route
is not a safe approach. The blockage incident in the Suez Canal in
March 2021 proved once again the importance of having alternative
routes. Indeed, one of the main logics behind the BRI is to create
feasible alternative transportation routes. The use of MC in both
directions between Europe and Asia will be compatible with this logic.
Therefore, MC presents a faster and shorter connection to the Balkans,
West and Northern Europe.

MC route has favorable climatic conditions during winters, which will
be advantageous in transporting non-durable food and agricultural

there is a strong political will between Turkey and China to enhance
their cooperation in this area as exemplified by President Erdoğan and
President Xi. Turkey has been one of the earliest supporters of the BRI.
Our MC Initiative has a natural complementarity with the BRI.  In 2015,
Turkey and China signed a MoU to further harmonize the BRI and the MC.
Turkey and China have similar outlooks for deepening regional economic
cooperation on the vast Eurasian landmass via transport corridors. The
relevant Turkish and Chinese authorities are planning to hold a “High
Level Joint Working Group Meeting” in the upcoming period towards this

conclusion, the rapid global transformation is marked by the rise of
the Asian continent and the connectivity projects. The deepening
Turkish-Chinese cooperation in transportation and logistics sectors will
surely result in more prosperity and stability across Eurasia. Much has
been achieved thanks to the fruitful cooperation between the two
countries. The recent initiation of the direct freight trains between
Turkey-China was one of the most successful examples of this
cooperation. Broader opportunities of collaboration lies in front of us
as long as we continue to galvanize our joint efforts towards our common

Editor | Zhang Mei

Design | Demi