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Uganda Modeling China to Provide the Path for Africa’s Industrialisation 以中国为楷模 打开非洲工业化路径


为何要 “扎根非洲”
● 为何要“扎根非洲”——专访天唐集团董事长张志刚  / 李雅温
● 非以中国为楷模 打开非洲工业化路径  / 大卫·巴哈蒂(Hon. David Bahati)
● 在乌干达的实干兴邦实践——专访天唐集团副董事长、总经理王文通  / 李雅温
● 探索中非产业发展对接之路——天唐集团的非洲投资实践与思考  / 唐溪源

By  Hon. David Bahati, Minister of State for Trade, Industry and Cooperatives (Industry)

文|大卫·巴哈蒂(Hon. David Bahati)  乌干达贸易、工业与合作社部国务部长(主抓工业)         翻译|黄诗洁         译审|廖东





In the next 30 years, Africa will have one of the strongest human resource bases in the world. It now stands at the population of 1.34bn and will be at 2.5bn by 2050. Currently, Africa imports goods worth $547bn and yet it is endowed with; gold, diamond, copper, coffee, tea and raw materials needed to provide all these products that it imports. For Africa to get out of current poverty levels, industrialization is the path way. Value addition is a given quality for the development of Africa, not aid. It is normally wrong for Africa to continue exporting raw materials yet importing products that are made out of these raw materials.

Some countries on the African continent have woken up to add value to the raw materials they are endowed with and Uganda is providing a good example. Uganda developed on industrialization policy in 2020 which provides away other strategies for value addition in the following areas

1. Agro-Based Industrialization 2. Knowledge Based Industrialization. 3. Export Oriented Industrialization 4. Import Replacement Industrialization 5. Resource Based Industrialization 6. Market Orient Industrialization

Uganda currently has a population of 41.5m and is projected to grow to 86.5m by 2050. It currently imports goods worth $7bn and most of these goods would be produced here, if we added value to raw materials.

In terms of Agro-industrialisation. Uganda produces ; coffee, 360,000 tons, bananas 9.7m tons, cassava 2m tons, milk 2.8bn litres and cereals 5m tons.

Uganda is also endowed with massive mineral resources, oil and gas , 1.4bn barrels, 21.6 m tones of lime stone, 1.31m of gold with pure gold content of up to 320,158 tons valued at $12.8tn, iron ore 318m tons and phosphates 230m tons.

Uganda has maintained a stable micro economic stability with raw inflation at an average rate of 5% for the last two decades. It is considered the most political stable and having maintained peace, stability and security for 35 years and helping neighbors like South Sudan, Somalia DRC, etc to stabilize.

Uganda industry value addition as a percentage of GDP increased from 9.6% in 1986 to 27.1% in 2021, which provides room for more industries to set up. We have put in place favorable investment policy to grow this industrial sector.

Uganda is modeling the Chinese industrial policy in the following ways;

We have opened up the economy and now are considered the most open country in the region for foreign direct investment. New companies investing in Uganda are given 10 years exemption on income derived by investor in industrial park. We have adopted a policy of developing industrial parks to support investors. These parks are in two categories;

The first category is industrial parks developed by government. According to our plan Uganda will develop 22 full serviced industrial parks in the next five years starting with five this year. The main purpose of this strategy is to support investors with places where they can establish their factories without many problems. These parks will be developed with roads, water, internet, electricity that will be given to investors at 5 cents USD per kilowatt.

The second categories are industrial parks developed by private sector, e.g. Tian Tang Group that has partnered with government to build Mbale Industrial Park. Tian Tang Group has set up a modern industrial park that has attracted investors who are now producing products. We have been importing for example, mattresses, flat irons, electrical bulbs to mention but a few.
This private park has provided jobs to young people and women and provided them with skills required in the park. Because of Tian Tang Group as a successful example now other private parks are starting to mushroom.

Government of Uganda will continue to model the Chinese policy of industrialization by inviting foreign direct investors to take advantage of immense opportunities for industrialization these opportunities are mainly in the following areas,

1. Agro industrialization 2. Import replacement 3. Mineral based industrialization 4. Export oriented industrialization.

The above opportunities are supported by the huge markets negotiated by Uganda namely; African Continental Free Trade Area, Europeans markets, East African countries, African Growth Opportunity Act (AGOA), preferential markets of China, Japan, etc.

On this journey of industrialization, China remains a reliable partner. It has supported Uganda to put up the required infrastructure like; Karuma dam, substations, airport and roads. These infrastructures are key in creating a conducive environment to grow our industrial base.

Uganda invites all Chinese investors to come and take advantage of immerse opportunities in our country and participate in the industrialization of Uganda and provide a good example that will light the whole of Africa.



未来30 年,非洲将成为世界上最强大的人力资源基地之一。当前非洲人口为13.4亿,到2050年,将达到25亿。目前,非洲货物进口额为5470亿美元,而其资源禀赋拥有黄金、钻石、铜、咖啡、茶叶等原料,足以供生产所有进口货物所需。非洲要摆脱当前的贫困水平,工业化是唯一路径。争取增加值而不是援助,方为促进非洲发展应有的品质。对非洲而言,继续出口原料,进口这些原料的制成品,实属反常。






过去20年来,乌干达的微观经济一直保持稳定,原始通货膨胀率平均为 5%。此外,乌干达还被视作政治最为稳定的国家,维持和平、稳定和安全达35年之久,并帮助南苏丹、索马里、刚果(金)等邻国实现稳定。









