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在森大工作的学习与成长——专访森大集团肯尼亚陶瓷厂采购经理彼得·姆琼巴(Peter Mjomba)、 森大集团加纳分公司合作事务与人力资源总监大卫·耶乌伽博士(Dr. David Yevugah)


● 利国利民的投资之道——专访森大集团董事长沈延昌 / 唐溪源
● 产业金融深度融合 赋能优质中非制造——专访南非标准银行中非业务客户经理周蓓 / 唐溪源
● 渠道加技术的双重优势——专访科达(肯尼亚)陶瓷有限公司总经理李瑞钦/ 唐溪源
● “希望更多投资者涉足制造业和工业”——专访加纳投资促进中心西部区域办公室主任 / 唐溪源
● 在森大工作的学习与成长——专访森大集团肯尼亚陶瓷厂采购经理彼得·姆琼巴(Peter Mjomba)、森大集团加纳分公司合作事务与人力资源总监大卫·耶乌伽博士(Dr. David Yevugah) / 唐溪源

文|本刊研究部    唐溪源        图片提供|森大集团        翻译|刘俊望




⬆ 彼得·姆琼巴(Peter Mjomba),森大集团肯尼亚陶瓷厂采购经理

⬆ 大卫·耶乌伽博士(Dr. David Yevugah),森大集团加纳分公司合作事务与人力资源总监

彼得(Peter Mjomba):森大集团为员工提供了一切必需品,营造了一个良好的工作环境。公司确保员工的福祉得到照顾,例如为员工提供用餐、专门成立一个委员会来解决员工关心的问题。是的,森大集团对这一问题给予了足够的关注和支持。

大卫(David Yevugah):森大集团提供了一个促进生产力和职业发展的有利环境。但是与谷歌、脸书等跨国公司相比,森大集团仍有改进的空间。

彼得(Peter Mjomba):我接受过管理和领导技能方面的培训,这使我能够以更专业的方式处理工作,我们希望有更多这方面的培训。

大卫(David Yevugah):我觉得自己很幸运有机会参加海外人才素质提升训练营和其他培训项目,这些项目显著提高了我的管理能力。

彼得(Peter Mjomba):森大集团在为员工提供培训方面做出了积极努力。不管是在职能部门还是在轮班工作岗位中,大多数早晨都有技能和发展方面的培训,取得了积极成效。但公司需要进一步加强这些培训,比如邀请一些公司以外的职业指导师来工厂提供更多培训。

大卫(David Yevugah):我认为森大集团提供的技能培训和职业发展机会值得称赞。这些培训促进了员工技能发展和能力建设,对于确保员工在各自岗位上取得优异成绩至关重要。通过这些举措,目前有约40% 的管理岗位由本地员工担任,而这些岗位以前都是由中国人担任的。

彼得(Peter Mjomba):森大集团的企业文化必然与我们在非洲其他公司所习惯的企业文化不同。森大集团的工作方式更加有效和高效,不会浪费时间和资源,重点主要聚焦于取得工作成果,而不是墨守成规。这让工作更加灵活高效。我已经融入了这种文化,这让我的工作变得更加轻松,也能让我更高效地实现既定目标。

大卫(David Yevugah):卓越、创新、创造力、诚实和忠诚在森大集团文化中根深蒂固。作为一名员工,理所当然要在履行职责时勇于创新、积极主动和保持高效。我的工作就是在这些价值观的指导下进行的,这些价值观磨练了我的技能。


⬆ 科达(加纳)陶瓷员工技能比赛


彼得(Peter Mjomba):是的,我们有一个员工委员会,由大约95%的普通员工和5%的管理层组成,委员会定期开会讨论员工事务和公司问题,并向公司管理层反映,任何影响员工的问题都可以通过委员会得到有效解决。所有员工都可以与自己选出的委员会成员直接沟通。

大卫(David Yevugah):公司通过周会、月会、年会和调研,促进开放式沟通,从而为员工提供一个表达意见的平台。这也为管理层提供了反馈信息,为决策提供依据。

彼得(Peter Mjomba):公司有多种团队建设活动,如户外徒步旅行、体育运动等。在工作场合中,公司所制定的制度和操作程序能产生强大合力,使工作顺利进行。所有员工都是团队作战,为实现既定目标而努力。我们没有任何冲突,如果出现问题,多个部门会一道解决问题。

大卫(David Yevugah):森大集团意识到有效沟通对建立和维系关系的重要性,在多元文化的工作环境中尤为如此。因此公司与海岸角大学孔子学院合作开设了中文培训课程,为当地员工打下了坚实的汉语基础。这很大程度上促进了员工之间的友好情谊。


⬆ 肯尼亚科达陶瓷厂本地员工军训

⬆ 科达(塞内加尔)陶瓷厂管培生团建


彼得(Peter Mjomba):森大集团制定了安全操作规程和个人防护设备政策,规定了员工在工作时如何安全工作和穿戴防护设备。公司为在生产线上工作的员工提供个人防护设备。此外,公司还为员工购买了工伤福利保险,在发生事故时可以为员工提供赔偿。公司还对所有员工进行例行体检,确保他们在工厂工作时身体健康。工厂还设有医疗室,配备一名注册护士,为轻症患者提供免费治疗,并帮助将重症患者转诊到医院。

大卫(David Yevugah):公司非常重视员工的健康和安全。为此公司专门成立了健康与安全部,负责采取积极措施,确保员工的安全。这大大减少了意外事故的发生。

彼得(Peter Mjomba):森大集团不会做出对环境产生负面影响的决策,所有决策都以确保对环境产生积极影响为指导。例如,公司安装了最先进的、不会对环境产生负面影响的气化厂。公司大院还种植了许多树木,并定期浇水,这改变了我们这片干旱地区的面貌。

大卫(David Yevugah):森大集团积极参与企业社会责任活动。例如,在新冠疫情最严重的时候,政府当时正努力控制疫情,森大集团雪中送炭,提供了财政援助和个人防护设备。另外,森大集团还通过其沈扬和沈越儿童心脏基金会为先天性心脏缺陷儿童的矫正手术提供全额资助。该基金会还为周边社区、学校、医院、安全部门和其他政府机构提供支持。

彼得(Peter Mjomba):森大集团会邀请专业的职业和生活指导师来公司,在工作和生活成长与发展的多个领域对员工进行培训。

大卫(David Yevugah):虽然森大集团在能力建设方面取得了一些进展,但仍有改进的空间。例如,公司可以为优秀员工提供全额奖学金,帮助他们继续深造,而不是目前80%的额度。公司还可以为高层管理人员支付学费,为员工提供贷款便利。

彼得(Peter Mjomba):员工的确有成长的空间,虽然职业成长更多是基于员工个人成绩而非工龄的增长。职业发展是有的,但公司仍需要通过培训使员工达到所需的确切水平。大多数情况下,员工并不清楚自己的成长计划是怎样的。公司可以考虑制定一个制度,例如可以告诉员工,如果你完成了这项工作,接受了这样或那样的培训,并完成了三年的工作,那么你就可以晋升到某个职位,再过个两年,你就可以升到另一个确切的职位。

大卫(David Yevugah):公司通过提供部分学费来帮助员工继续深造。此外,作为本地化战略的一部分,公司还通过海外人才素质提升训练营为表现最出色的本地员工提供培训,提高他们的能力。


⬆ 加纳科达陶瓷本地员工团建

⬆ 加纳科达陶瓷本地员工团建

彼得(Peter Mjomba):是的,公司无意间从全国乃至全球各地聘用了很多人,使其成为了一家国际化公司。最近我们有一位来自西班牙的访客,我们还有来自印度的同事,更不用说来自国内不同民族社区的所有员工了。

大卫(David Yevugah):森大集团通过中文培训项目和本地化政策等举措,大力促进包容性。公司的招聘政策和程序将多样性和包容性视为重要因素。公司以社区招聘为基础,让所有符合条件的人都能参与招聘过程。但是公司仍有必要进一步加快本地化进程,提拔更多的本地人担任高层管理职位,确保他们充分参与决策过程。

彼得(Peter Mjomba):公司领导在努力学习英语,以便与员工进行有效的沟通,但这还不够,仍然存在误解和沟通不畅的情况。公司聘请了几位翻译来帮助解决这个问题,但在翻译过程中往往会丢失一些意图和含义。沟通仍然是一个需要解决的难题,管理层可以为当地员工开设中文课程,也可以为领导开设英语或本地语言课程。

大卫(David Yevugah):中文培训项目证明了公司致力于促进跨文化交流和理解。这能让不同文化价值观在培训过程中得以交流,也促进了当地员工与中国员工之间的良好沟通。

彼得(Peter Mjomba):森大集团的管理层在做决定之前会考虑员工的意见。比如我们有几次会议,会上提出某一个问题,我们可以对其发表意见,最后做出的决定会反映我们讨论的内容。员工委员会会议也是这样的。毫无疑问,员工有机会参与公司的关键决策。

彼得(Peter Mjomba):森大集团为周边的社区提供水源,为贫困儿童提供奖学金机会,为干旱家庭提供农场饲料。公司在这方面的确发挥了重要作用。

彼得(Peter Mjomba):是的,当地工厂每年都会颁发年度优秀员工奖和先进员工奖,森大集团每年也会为优秀员工和集体颁奖。如果员工努力工作,达到要求的分数,公司会有足够的激励和奖励。

彼得(Peter Mjomba):森大集团必须加强本地化方面的工作,重视本地管理人员的具体要求和对培训的诉求,让本地管理人员能够承担更大的管理责任。

大卫(David Yevugah):森大集团与其他跨国公司一样,也在努力应对与多元文化工作环境相关的挑战。为了促进当地员工和中国员工之间建立长足的友好关系,公司与海岸角孔子学院大学签署了一份谅解备忘录,为当地员工教授汉语及其相关文化和价值观,以期促进更有效的沟通。公司还定期组织团队建设活动。为了促进公平和公正,公司采用了统一的排名制度。管理层的这些举措值得称赞,但仍有进一步改善员工关系的潜力。

彼得(Peter Mjomba):公司提供的员工福利都是基本的,但也能满足需求。我们希望在医疗和教育方面有更多保障,因为公司在这些方面提供的福利标准都是政府规定的,可能不能完全满足员工需求。如果公司能为员工提供更良好的医疗保障,那就再好不过了。

彼得(Peter Mjomba):森大集团深知自己的成功取决于员工,因此非常重视对员工的管理和关怀。当员工生病或受伤时,公司会照顾他(她)往返医院,必要时还会送他(她)回家,给他(她)足够的时间康复后再让其重返工作岗位。

大卫(David Yevugah):管理层通过提供奖学金、医疗保险、住宿和长期计划(员工持股计划),着力改善员工的福利。公司计划建造满足员工住宿需求的额外设施和供员工下班后放松的娱乐室。毫无疑问,这些都将极大地鼓舞团队士气,促进公司取得成功。我本人有幸获得了公司的奖学金。公司为我支付了80%的学费,让我得以攻读博士学位。

彼得(Peter Mjomba):在森大集团工作让我学到了很多东西,比如如何提高工作效率、批判性思维以及商务谈判技能,这让我对商业世界以及如何成功经营一家如此庞大的公司有了新的认识。我希望看到森大集团成长为一家强大的公司,因其在提供优质、实惠的消费品和服务方面的积极作用而享誉全世界。我们希望当地员工能够完全融入高层管理层,并为非洲员工提供持有公司股份的机会,从而与公司共同成长。

大卫(David Yevugah):森大集团为我提供了平台和无数机遇,让我不断提升我的谈判技能、管理技巧、沟通技巧和在高压下工作的能力。我期望公司能增加在职培训,提高员工福利和津贴。




⬆ Peter Mjomba,African employees Peter Mjomba- Purchasing Manager of Senda Group Ceramics Factory in Kenya

⬆ Dr. David Yevugah,Director of Cooperate Affairs & Human Resource,  Ghana Branch

My Career and Life at Senda Group
——Interview with African employees Peter Mjomba- Purchasing Manager of Senda Group Ceramics Factory in Kenya,  Dr. David Yevugah- Director of Cooperate Affairs & Human Resource,  Ghana Branch

China Investment: As an employee of Sunda International Africa Factory, how do you evaluate the working environment and welfare treatment? Do you think Sunda International has given enough attention and support in this regard?
Peter:Sunda International has been able to set up a conducive environment for working by providing all the essential needs to its employees. It makes sure that the welfare of its employees are taken care of for example by providing a meal and, having a committee that addresses the concerns of its employees. Yes, Sunda has given enough attention and support to this issue.

David: The company provides a conducive environment that promotes productivity and career progression. However, there is still room for improvement compared with other multinational companies, such as Google, Facebook, etc.

China Investment: In your position, have you received relevant skills training and ability improvement opportunities? How has this training contributed to your personal and professional growth?
Peter:I have received training in management and leadership skills which has enabled me handle work in a more professional manner, we desire to have more trainings on the same.

David: I consider myself fortunate to have had the opportunity to participate in the Overseas Talent Quality Improvement Training Camp and other training programmes which have created a significant improvement in my management abilities.

China Investment: What do you think of Sunda International’s efforts in providing skills training and career development opportunities? Do you think the company has achieved positive results in this regard?
Peter:Sunda International has put effort in providing training to the staff weather in the functional department or shifts, most of the mornings there is training on skills and development, there is positive results but the company needs to enhance on these training by having outside career coaches visit the factory to provide more training on the same.

David: I think the skills training and career development opportunities provided by Sunda Group deserve commendation. These promote skills development and capacity building which are crucial to ensuring employees excel in their roles. Through these initiatives, local staff currently occupy about 40% of managerial positions which were previously occupied by Chinese.

⬆ Ghana sanitary factory

China Investment: As an African employee, what is your understanding and recognition of the corporate culture of Sunda International? How do you think the company culture is reflected and influenced in your work?
Peter:The corporate culture of the company is certainly different from what we were used to in other companies in Africa, work is done in a more effective and efficient manner, no wastage of time or resources, focus is mostly put in achieving the results rather than sticking to the routine. This gives more flexibility and efficiency. I have grown into the culture and this has made my work to be easier and the set goals achieved more efficiently.

David: Excellence, innovation, creativity, honesty and loyalty are deeply ingrained in the company culture. Necessarily, as an employee one is expected to be innovative, proactive and efficient in the performance of one’s duties. My work is guided by these values which have sharpened my skills.

China Investment: Do you think Sunda International pays attention to employee participation and communication in African factories? Is there a mechanism or activity to encourage employees to express their opinions and suggestions?
Peter:es, we have an employee committee that is composed of about 95% employees and 5% management, which meets regularly to discuss employee matters and company issues that is relayed to and from the company management, any issue affecting the employees can be addressed effectively by the committee. All employees have direct communication to the members of the committee which are elected by themselves.

David: The company promotes open communication through weekly, monthly and annual meetings and research, thus, providing a platform for employees to express their opinions. This also allows for feedback to management to inform decision making.

China Investment:As an African employee, how do you evaluate the performance of Sunda International in employee relations and teamwork? Do you have any relevant cases or experiences to share?
Peter:The company has multiple events for teambuilding activities like outdoor hiking, sports, and other. In the workplace there is synergy that makes work flow smoothly though the system and the operating procedures the company has put in place, employees work as a team to realize the set goals, we do not have conflicts and if there is a problem multiple departments come together to solve the problem.

David: Recognizing the importance of effective communication in building and maintaining relationships especially in a multicultural work environment, Sunda, in partnership with CIUCC(Confucius Institute University of Cape Coast), instituted the Chinese Language Training programme to provide locals a solid foundation in Chinese. This has gone a long way to foster a sense of camaraderie among its staff.

⬆ Twyford (Kenya)donated to the local community children’s hospitald

China Investment: What do you think of Sunda International’s focus on production safety and employee health? Does the company have measures and policies in place to ensure the safety and health of employees?
Peter:The company has laid out safety operating procedures and PPE (personal protective equipment) policy that outlines how the employees need to work in a safely manner and put on protective equipment while at work. The company provides PPE to its employees working in the production line. It has also the work injury benefit insurance that seeks to compensate employees in case of an accident. It also undertakes routine medical checks for all employees to ensure they are in good health while working in the factory. There is also a medical bay with a registered nurse on site that offers free treatment to minor cases and help refer major cases to the hospital.

David: It places great importance on employee health and safety. It is on this account that the Health and Safety Department was created and specifically charged with taking proactive measures to ensure the safety of its employees. This has significantly kept the number of accidents at the barest minimum.

China Investment: As an African employee, how do you evaluate the social responsibility and sustainable development efforts of the Sunda International? What specific achievements or contributions has the company made in this regard?
Peter:The company does not make decisions that would affect the environment, all decisions are guided by the need to ensure positive impact on the environment, for instance installation of a state of the art gasification plant that does not produce negative impacts to the environment. The company’s compound is also planted with trees and watered regularly which has changed the face of the area that has been considered a dry area.

David: Sunda is actively involved in Corporate Social Responsibility activities. For instance, at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic which left the government grappling to keep it under control, Sunda Group stepped in to provide financial assistance and PPEs. Secondly, through its Shen Yang and Shen Yuet Children’s Heart Foundation it provides complete funding for corrective surgery for children with congenital heart defect. It also supports neighboring communities, schools, hospitals, security service and other government agencies.

China Investment: What other improvements or innovations do you think Sunda International can make in staff training and capacity improvement? Any suggestions or expectations?
Peter:Invitation of professional career and life coaches to the company to train staff in several areas of work and life growth and development.

David: Although it has made some strides in capacity building, there is still room for improvement. For example, it can provide full scholarship to deserving staff to further their education instead of the current 80% it covers. It can also facilitate the payment of school fees of top management members; provide loan facilities for employees.

⬆ Twyford (Senegal)Employee Football Team

China Investment:  In your observation, what kind of planning and support does Sunda International have for employees’ career development and promotion? Are there mechanisms or opportunities to promote career growth?
Peter:There is room for growth, though limited to personal achievement rather than career and professional time growth, career growth is there but needs to be enhanced by training staff to the exact level desired. Most cases it is not clear how the growth plan is, we can have a system for example the staff can be told if you do this work and achieve this and that training and complete 3 years then you will be promoted to a certain position and after another 2 years you will move to this certain position.

David: It provides assistance to staff to further their education by partially funding their tuition. In addition, as part of its localization strategy, it offers training to best performing local employees through its Overseas Talent Quality Improvement Training Camp to enhance their managerial skills which will enable them to seamlessly replace the Chinese in management positions.

China Investment: As an African employee, how do you feel about the diversity and inclusiveness of employees in Sunda International? Do you think the company has shown enough attention and effort in this regard?
Peter:Yes, the company has inadvertently hired very person from every location of the country and globe making it an International company, most recently we had a visitor from Spain, we also have colleagues from India, and not to mention all the staff from different ethnic communities within the country.

David: It has made substantial efforts to promote inclusion through initiatives such as the Chinese Language Training Programmme and its Localization Policy. Its Recruitment policy and procedures allows for diversity and inclusion. It is based on community recruitment which allows for everybody who qualifies to be involved in the process. There is, however the need to expedite the localization process to promote more locals to top management positions in order to ensure they fully participate in the decision-making process.

China Investment: What is your comment on the communication and exchange between Sunda International and local employees? Do you think the company has made progress in cross-cultural communication and understanding?
Peter:There is effort put by leaders to learn English in order to have effective communication with the staff but it is not enough, there is still misunderstandings and miscommunications, the company has hired several translators to help in this, but the intention and meaning most often is lost in the translation. Communication still is a challenge that needs to be addressed, management can introduce Chinese classes to the local staff as well as the English/Local language classes to the leaders.

David: The Chinese Language Training Programmme is testament to its commitment to promoting cross-cultural communication and understanding. As this allows for exchange of cultural values during the training. This has facilitated good communication between locals and Chinese.

China Investment: As an African employee, do you have the opportunity to participate in the decision-making process of Sunda International? What do you think are the characteristics or highlights of the company in terms of employee engagement and degree of participation?
Peter:The management of Sunda is considerate of the opinions of the staff before making a decision, we have several meetings where an issue is raised and we get to contribute and the decision taken reflects what we discussed, this is also done in the employee committee meetings. There is no doubt that employees have opportunities in making key decisions for the company.

China Investment: As an African employee, what do you know about Sunda International’s corporate social responsibility activities and philanthropy? Do you think the company has played a positive role in this regard?
Peter:The company has provided water to the surrounding local communities, scholarship opportunities to needy children, and farm feeds to drought stricken families. It has indeed played an important role in the same.

China Investment: As an African employee of Sunda International, do you feel fully recognized and motivated for your work? Does the company have incentives or rewards in place?
Peter:Yes, there is local factory annual excellent and advance employee awards and Sunda International awards which are given to excellent employees and groups each year. The company has enough incentives and awards should the employee work hard enough to attain the required marks.

China Investment: Do you think there is possibility for improvement in the management of Sunda International? Are there any specific suggestions or suggestions for improvement?
Peter:Peter: The area of localization has to be enhanced, training on the exact specifics and desires of the local managers has to be emphasized to have local managers who can undertake bigger managerial responsibilities.

David: Sunda Group, just like any multinational company, grapples with challenges associated with a culturally diverse work environment. As part of its efforts to build a longstanding relationship between locals and Chinese, it signed an MOU with the Confucius Institute University of Cape Coast (CIUCC) to teach Chinese and its associated culture and values, promoting a more effective communication. It also regularly organizes team building activities. In order to promote equity and fairness, it adopts a uniform ranking system. Management deserves to be commended for these initiatives; nonetheless, there is the potential to further improve employee relations.

China Investment: How do you evaluate the performance of Sunda International in terms of employee welfare? Does the company offer reasonable benefits and benefits programs?
Peter:The employee welfare offered is basic but serves the purpose, we would like to have more cover for medical and also education, the ones offered are government required which may not be as reliable as needed. If the company can have a good medical cover for its employees, it would be great.

China Investment: As an African employee, what do you think of the employee care and humane management of Sunda International? Do you have a relevant experience or story to share?
Peter:Sunda International knows that its success lies on the staff, so it pays close attention on how it handles its staff. When an employee is sick or injured s/he is taken care of, to and from hospital and home if need be, ample time is given for recovery and the person can come back to work.

David: Management strives to improve the welfare of its employees by providing academic scholarship, health insurance, accommodation and Long-Term Initiative (an Employee Share Ownership initiative). There are plans to construct: (i) additional facilities to meet employees’ accommodation needs and (ii) recreational rooms where employees can relax after work. Undoubtedly, these will go a long way to build morale, facilitating the company’s success.

I was fortunate to benefit from the company’s academic scholarship. The company paid 80% of my tuition fees which enabled me undertake a doctoral programme.

China Investment: Finally, please share your personal experience and gain from working in Sunda International. What are your expectations or hopes for the Sunda International in terms of working with African employees in the future?
Peter:I have learnt a lot working for Sunda International, how to improve my efficiency, critical thinking and also business negotiations, this has opened my mind to the business world and how to run a successful company of such big magnitude. I hope to see Sunda International grow into a robust company acknowledged all over the world for its positive impact it has in provision of quality and affordable consumer goods and services. We hope to have full integration of local employees into top management and to offer African employees the opportunity to own shares in the company so as to grow with the company.

David: Sunda has given me the platform and countless opportunities to develop my negotiation skills, management skills, communication skills and the ability to work under pressure. It is my expectation that it will increase on the job training and expand employee welfare and benefits.