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文|日瓦丁·约万诺维奇(Zivadin Jovanovic)贝尔格莱德世界平等论坛主席  翻译|王晓波




















塞尔维亚与中国在一带一路倡议下的合作也取得了重大成就,充分体现出在“一带一路”倡议下中国与中东欧合作的双赢结果。第一座由中国出资并兴建的横跨多瑙河的桥梁正在塞尔维亚境内建设中,此外还有一些大型桥梁也处在施工阶段。2016年,第一个由中国在欧洲投资建设的钢铁厂已在塞尔维亚的斯梅代雷沃市投入运营,雇用了5000多名工人。第一个由中国在欧洲投资建设的热电厂Kostolac “B”也在塞尔维亚进入施工阶段。中国银行在东南欧地区的第一个分行近期也已经在贝尔格莱德开始营业。塞尔维亚从今年一月开始对中国游客采取免签证政策,这是欧洲国家中第一个这样做的国家。中国公司还参与了许多其它基础设施项目,由于塞尔维亚地处欧洲大陆的十字路口,因此这些横贯大陆的公路、铁路、航空和内河项目对于加强其与欧洲各地的联通非常有帮助。


















Win Win Summit

by Zivadin Jovanovic,Belgrade Forum for World of Equals, Silk Road Connectivity Research Center


New quality

The beginning of 2017 has marked furtherstrengthening of cooperation between CEEC and China (16+1) under the OBORInitiative. Illustrative of the progress, comprehensiveness and new quality ofcooperation has been recent opening of the Bank of China's branch headquarteredin Belgrade, Serbia. From now on The Bank of China will provide on the spotbanking services to all agents of cooperation in investments, trade, tourismand other fields. In addition to Serbia, the Bank's branch will cover othercountries in South East Europe – Rumania, Bulgaria, Greece, Albania, FYROM,Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina and others. The Bank of China is the forthstrongest bank in the world and second strongest in China.

Serbia is long time friend and strategicpartner of China, very active participant in cooperation China-CEEC under OBORsince the inception of the Initiative. At the same time EU has been Serbia'sNo. 1 trade partner and Serbia has been some years now the candidate for EU membership.Naturally, Serbia's long term interests are to harmonize own cooperation withboth EU and China, to contribute to the harmonization of EU – Chinacooperation and to strengthen its constructive role within 16+1.

China and European Union (EU)  are strategic partners cooperating onbilateral and global issues. In 2014, EU imported ˇ302 billionof goods from China and exported ˇ164 billion of goods to China. On the global plan there is need foreven more intensive cooperation in finding appropriate solutions to suchproblems as slowing down of the world economy, growing unemployment,international terrorism, regional conflicts and global warming. During his 2014visit to Europe President Xi Jinping said that China would cooperate withEurope so as to integrate European and Asian markets and to make China and theEU the twin engines for global economic growth. According to the EuropeanCommission President Jean Claude Junker, Europe can benefit from the ChineseOBOR Initiative as it can interact with the EU ˇ315 billionInvestment Plan (2015-2017).



CEEC-China cooperation format aimed atintensifying and expanding cooperation between China and l6 countries ofCentral and East Europe should be regarded as part and parcel of EU-Chinastrategic cooperation, certainly not as a concurrence or weakening of internalEU coherence. Out of the 16 CEE countries, 11 are EU Member States while 5countries are on various stages of the membership candidacy status. In theframework of the initiative, China has defined three potential priority areasfor economic cooperation: infrastructure, high technologies, and greentechnologies which all make parts of EU strategy.

CEE sub-region plays role of a geopoliticalbridge connecting Asia, Europe, the Mediterranean, and the Baltic. In fact,this part of Europe is economic and cultural connection between the West andEast of Euro-Asia, gateway to EU with huge development potential still to befully activated.

Two thirds of CEE countries which are fullEU members do not see any conflict of interest with the rest of EU members.They follow the framework of EU – China comprehensive strategic partnership; they comply withtechnology, environment protection, public procurement and other EU standards.At the same time the most of CEE countries approach cooperation within l6+1Initiative as the way to attain higher productivity, investments and economicmodernization in order to alleviate existing economic and technologicalmisbalances with much higher developed countries of the ‘Old Europe’ (Germany,France, Italy, Benelux).

All this is particularly true in the caseof those five countries which are still in the EU candidate's status (Albania,Bosnia and Herzegovina, FYROM, Montenegro and Serbia). No wonder that theyperceive cooperation within 16+1 Initiative as helping them to achieve higherproductivity and export potential, green energy production,  environment protection and many other EUstandards in a more efficient way and in shorter period of time. Not to mentiontheir anxiety to diminish burning problems of unemployment, high ratesemigration (“brain drain”), poverty, growing social gaps and alike.

CEEC-China cooperation under OBOR is goodexample of shared responsibilities and opportunities. Strengthening ofinfrastructure connectivity between CEEC and China is integral part ofstrengthening overall connectivity throughout Euro-Asia. Win win cooperationand Chinese investments within 16+1 helps CEEC to acquire economic,technological, energy, green development standards which, otherwise, wouldremain sole responsibility of countries concerned and EU institutions.

Harmonizing development plans and economicpolicy measures wherever it is necessary for upgrading efficiency andfacilitating cooperation under Belt and Road Initiative remains a continuouspriority task. Coordinating bodies and associations established by 16+1Summits, as well as bilateral consultations among member countries, willcontinuously play crucial role in this regard. 

CEEC – China cooperationunder OBOR has proved very irreplaceable in modernization of trans-boarderinfrastructure and strengthening of sub regional connectivity among CEEcountries themselves. Excellent example in this regard is modernization ofrailway between Belgrade, Serbia and Budapest, Hungary (about 370km). This isonly a part of the future high speed railway connection line from Port ofPireus, Greece, to Germany and other European destination, up to ports of Northand Baltic Seas. The combination of railways between Greece (Pireus) andneighboring countries (FYROM, Serbia, Hungary) and sea-lanes will shorten thetime of shipment to 7-11 days.

Cooperation CEEC – China underOBOR has excellent perspectives because it is based on win win principle,mutual understanding, flexible organization and without any politicalpreconditions. Great achievements in practice are the best encouragement forfurther enhancement of cooperation in trade, investment, finance, tourism,education, agriculture and people to people exchange. Investments, particularlyin infrastructure, have received strong impetus after China has opened aspecial credit line of 10 billion US dollars and establishment of InvestmentCooperation Fund in support of cooperation 16+1 under OBOR Initiative. Openingsof sub-regional Chinese banks' branches completed on the spot financialservices needed in modern economic cooperation. These financial tools, inaddition to organizational ones, represent the basis for network of synergy,including appearance of additional resources from national or internationalsources for continuous expansion of overall cooperation. 

EU itself is undergoing period ofsystematic crisis provoked by Brexit, massive immigration, expansion ofinternational terrorism, monetary union imbalances, rise of nationalism andpopulism and alike. These, however serious and long term problems, should in noway diminish common efforts for continuous strengthening of EU – Chinaoverall economic cooperation, as well as cooperation within the 16+1Initiative. In the new conditions cooperation 16+1 under OBOR should be furtherreinforced as a factor of stability and source of dynamism for overall EU – Chinacooperation.  New situation calls uponfor active approach of all sides, for more not less openness, forintensification of dialogue and coordination on global, government agencies andthink tanks levels. Pro-active approach, creation of new ideas and newsynergies is the best response to the challenges of new era. 


Serbia and China – steel partners

Serbia and China are traditional strategicpartners steadily developing bilateral and international cooperation in allfields of mutual interest. Serbian-Chinese relations are brilliant example ofmutual respect, friendship and profound mutual trust.

The true nature of friendly relation,mutual trust is mirrored by continuous intensive political dialogue on thehighest level. The Prime Minister of China Li Keqiang visited Serbia in 2014when Serbia's capital City of Belgrade was the venue of the third China-CEESummit. In 2015 the President of Serbia Tomislav Nikolic visited China andcontingent of Serbian Army participated at the celebration of 70 years sincethe liberation of China from Japanese occupation and victory over fascism, inBeijing. Last year President of the Republic of China Xi Jinping paid historicstate visit to Serbia during which 22 different agreements on cooperationbetween the two countries were signed. The set of documents includes, also,Joint Declaration on establishment of comprehensive strategic partnership. InMarch 2017 Serbia's President Tomislav Nikolic paid official visit to Chinameeting President Xi Jin Ping, Prime Minister Li Keqiang, other statedignitaries and business community leaders in Beijing. This May the PrimeMinister Aleksandar Vucic is expected to attend the OBOR Initiative Summit inChina.

Serbia's role in the implementation of theChina – CEE cooperation under OBOR is growing. In the past five years only,business partners from the two countries have been constructing or modernizingroads, highways, railways, ports, bridges, tunnels, thermo-electric plant,steel production, strengthening people to people exchanges.  As of January this year, no-visa system forcitizens of the two countries came into force. A number of infrastructureprojects, already implemented, or under implementation in Serbia, are highlyimportant for modernization of connectivity in the CEE sub-region and inEurope.

New important projects are underconsideration for implementation in the future concerning industry, mining,transport, food production, irrigation, tourism and other.

Cooperation between Serbia and China underthe Belt and Road Initiative is an inspiring example of great achievements ofwin win cooperation within China+CEEC under OBOR initiative. FirstChinese-built and financed Bridge in Europe was constructed in Serbia, overDanube River, while a number of other major bridges are under construction; asof 2016 the first Chinese steel factory in Europe operates in Serbia in theCity of Smederevo, employing over 5,000 workers. First Chinese built andfinanced thermo power plant in Europe, Kostolac “B”  is under construction in Serbia; first Bankof China's branch in South East Europe has been recently opened in Belgrade;Serbia is the first European country which has abolished visa for visitors from China as of January this year. Chinesecompanies have been engaged in many other infrastructure projects thusstrengthening connectivity potentials of Serbia as a crossroad of European andtranscontinental highways, railways, air-ways and inland water ways.

No wonder that, in the light of such uniqueachievements, Serbia and China have been publically characterized as “steelpartners”.

To underline the importance of people topeople exchange, cultural and scientific cooperation, the two heads of States -Tomislav Nikolic and Xi Jinping – in June 2016, have officially unveiled the Confucius monument andinitiated construction of the Chinese Cultural Center in Belgrade. In March2017 it was announced that Serbia is going to open own Cultural Center in Beijing.

Two countries agreed also to open directair flights Belgrade-Beijing (Shanghai) thus complimenting no visa system,already in force. Expecting the growing number of tourists from China, Belgradeand other major cities of Serbia have, already placed hundreds of informationboards featuring tourist information inscribed in Chinese language. More andmore Serbian students and postgraduates have been educated in China and viceversa. In March this year 33 universities from Shanghai were introduced at theNinth Shanghai Universities Fair held at the Belgrade State University.Theaters, operas, museums, academies of science and arts, students associationsand think tanks have been steadily upgrading cooperation helping the public ofboth countries to know and understand each other better.


Some priorities

Modernization of infrastructure and peopleto people connectivity should remain top priority for future Serbia – Chinacooperation under OBOR Initiative.

High speeds railway Belgrade – Budapest(378km), which has been agreed upon, should be expanded to the south up toAthens, Greece (another 1.102km). It would be crossing several CEE countriesproviding the shortest connection between the falsest growing Mediterraneanport of  Piraeus (Greece), and Centraland Northern Europe (Corridor E-10). Two important branches of Europeancorridor 10 should be also taken in consideration: 1. Nis (Serbia)-Sophia(Bulgaria)-Istanbul (Turkey); and 2. Thessaloniki (Greece).

Chinese and Serbian companies have alreadybeen involved in construction of portions of the highway Belgrade (Serbia) –Bar(Adriatic Sea port, Montenegro). Completing this highway and adding tomodernization of the railway, would not only provide rational access of several land locked CEEC to Adriatic(Mediterranean) Sea (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Hungary, Check Republic,Slovakia), but would also rationalize transport of goods and economiccooperation with China, in general. Finally, it would be compatible with theproject of “Three Seas” (Adriatic, Black and Baltic Seas).   

The Belgrade Forum and COREC, being Serbianthink tanks and members of Silk Road Think Tank Association (SRTA), haveproposed development and modernization of the Danube River inland waterstrategic European transport corridor. Danube River commends enormousconnectivity and development potentials which deserve priority consideration(navigation, energy, irrigation, water preservation, food production, tourism,culture). Danube is the second longest river in Europe, next to Volga and farthe shortest, low cost transport route between Black Sea and North Sea (Sulina – Rotterdam3,500km). It flows through 10 CEE countries, 7 of which are EU members, while 9others belong to the drainage basin. Danube's length through Serbia is 588 kmwith seven ports, all needing modernization and expansion of capacities.

Positive experience with Chinese HesteelCo. which has undertaken Smederevo Steel Factory in 2016 has encouraged inSerbia new similar ideas regarding some other big industries. In this regard,it would be important if partners from China would consider entering strategicpartnership, or other form of cooperation regarding Bor Cupper Mining Company.Generally, Serbia is trying very hard to recuperate and modernize industry whichhas been devastated during the transition period. This is perceived as the wayto provide rising employment for young qualified people and expand export toachieve better trade balance.


Win win Summit

The Belt and Road Summit in China will bethe most important, constructive international conference reflecting globalchanges and new challenges in the world economy. It is expected to demonstratestrong political will in favor of win win cooperation, innovative, inclusiveand sustainable development. No doubt that it will give new energy to theimplementation of all current OBOR Initiative projects and open new horizonsfor future cooperation and coordination of participating countries.

Considering growing mistrust in the world,spreading of international terrorism and worsening of regional crisis it isexpected that the OBOR Summit will contribute to easing of tensions, givingplace to dialogue and shared responsibility in resolving peacefully all major crisisand problems. Peace and stability through dialogue, partnership based onsovereign equality, economic development and win win cooperation is guidingprinciple of OBOR Initiative and the only viable response to present challengesof the world community.

The OBOR Summit initiated by China'sPresident Xi jinping will certainly send unique massage of reason, positivethinking and constructive acting. It will be the Summit of win win cooperation,partnership and all inclusive development.