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Connectivity, the foundation and carrier of connectivity in other
fields, enjoys the priority in development of the Belt and Road
Initiative. With the endeavors from all countries along the route, the
Belt and Road Initiative is entering a new stage of all-round pragmatic


阿济莫夫·鲁斯塔姆 Rustam Azimov

乌兹别克斯坦副总理   Deputy Prime Minister,Uzbekistan


considers it necessary to putinto the OBOR Initiative concrete projects
and programs for developing moderncommunication and infrastructure. 
Ibelieve that first of all, it means to build advanced infrastructure
fortransport and logistics to allow voluminous flows of goods, services,
investmentand capital, including conceptual and cultural exchanges on
projects.  Uzbekistan is now confronted in itsdevelopment with such a
problem that owing to a series of territorial andhistorical factors, the
infrastructural development of the region is resultedfrom political
interest rather than economic reasons.  It is imperative for us to make
up for theabsence in transregional infrastructure. Uzbekistan suggests
that it is necessary to establish a single plan forus involving
cooperation in building logistic communication that links CentralAsia
with Russia and Europe.  In thisregard, we should explore on building
railways that link China,Kyrgyzstan,Uzbekistan and Afghanistan that go
further afield to Pakistani andIranian ports of the Indian Ocean.


our view, to include railway lines toAfghanistan in the OBOR will
enable us to further integrate transregionalcommunication and logistic
infrastructures, facilitate economic recovery ofvarious countries and
enhance peace and stability of the region and the worldat large.


安耐·伯纳 Anne Berner

芬兰交通与通信部部长 Minister of Transport and Communications, Finland


Finland is a small country, inconsideration of our geological location,
we regard it very important toestablish connectivity by cross border
routes either at sea route or over landroute or in the air.


the future, we are hopeful that Finlandwill become a busy hub of
international aviation, from which passengers canhave easy access to
other European destinations.


accelerate connectivity between Europeand Asia, Finland has conducted a
series of studies.  The best solution to digital connectivity isto
build a Eurasian digital cable,along the line of which many countries
havedisplayed great interest in launching the project.  We hope that it
is an open project, guided bythe market and with crucial role to play
for governments. We also hope that allcountries participating in the
project will be supportive of the project, whichmay quicken the pace of a
paradigm shift, bringing about great change andbenefit to global
community, enterprises and the people.



莉尼·苏玛尔诺 Rini Soemarno

印度尼西亚国企部部长 Minister of State Owned Enterprises, Indonesia


is a country of 17000 islandswith a coastline of 8500 kilometers. Such
natural advantages are important for attracting investment. Atpresent,
the greatest challenge facing us is high economic cost, mainlyincurring
in logistics and communication, especially communication form islandto
island.  At the moment, spending oncommunication takes up 25 percent of
GDP, comparing to 15 percent for othercountries on the average. 
Therefore,between either cities or islands or facilities, connectivity
needs continuedimprovement.  At present, the objectivein infrastructural
construction is to build 2600 kilometers of highways, 5000kilometers of
tolled superhighways, 50 ports and 3500 kilometers of railroadsby 2019,
on top of which construction of optical fiber and optical cableprojects
are also included.


high-speed railway from Jakarta toBandung is very important for
connectivity between Indonesia and the rest ofthe ASEAN region. 
Expected to completeby the end of 2019, this project will better serve
the connection between thetwo metropolises.  Meanwhile, we trustsuch
connectivity will also reduce development imbalance between major
citiesand small and medium cities.

哈内格比 Tzachi Hanegb


Minister of Regional Cooperation and Acting Minister of Telecommunication, Israel


growth is of great significancefor regional stability and stability of
the world at large, a very importantpoint being stable development for


have an advantage in innovation.  Though our country is small in area,
we havevery much encouraged the spirit of innovation, having adopted a
number ofpolicies and solutions to innovation.


松村祥史 Matsumura Yoshifumi

日本经济产业省副大臣 State Mininster of Economy,Trade and Industry, Japan


Belt and Road Initiatives advocated byChina intend to improve
connectivity primarily by developing infrastructure andthereby promote
sustainable economic development of Asia and the world. It isJapan's
view that infrastructure promoted under the Belt and Road
initiatives,developed in a manner consistent with international
standards and utilized withassurance of open and fair access to all
countries, would benefit all thecountries concerned and the enterprises
involved in the initiatives.


乌尔迪斯·奥古利斯 Uldis Augulis

拉脱维亚交通部部长 Minister of Transport, Latvia


has always acknowledged and stressedthe importance of cross border
cooperation and we have actively supported thedevelopment of bilateral
and multilateral cooperation in transport andlogistics with countries
involved in the Belt and Road initiative.


to its excellent geographical locationin Eurasia, right in the middle
of the Baltic region-forming the externalborder of the European Union
with Russia and Belarus. One of our greatesttreasures are our three
ice-free ports: Riga, Ventspils and Liepaja that enjoyspecial economic
zone status with well-developed rail, road and seaconnections, providing
direct access to Scandinavia, Europe and Central Asia.We are able to
providing access to around 90 destinations from Latvia, so weare looking
forward to cooperate with China.


shall promote consultation on trilateralcooperation mechanisms, such as
Latvia-China-Belarus. It is important to notethat Latvia is one of the
very few countries to have a special transportrepresentative at the
Embassy of Latvia in China. Also, our Latvia railwaycompany has recently
opened its representation in Belarus. We shall facilitateconnectivity
development between the Eurasian Economic Union.


罗卡斯·马休利斯 Rokas Masiulis

立陶宛交通与通信部部长 Minister of Transport and Communications, Lithuania


Elevation of infrastructure is one of theimportant guarantees for achieving sustainable development in the future.


members of communication andtransport sectors and concerned government
departments actively applyinnovative technologies, improve legislations,
simplify custom formalities andmodernize infrastructural facilities for
systematic and sustainable operation.


improving global competitiveness oftransport and logistic industries,
it is necessary to give priority to theprocess of regional cooperation
and integration.  At the same time, we should also developinternational
transport corridors and logistic system, which are anindispensable part
of the OBOR.


OBOR Initiative proposed by China hasgained broad traction with
positive responses and support from variouscountries the world over,
countries that are making efforts to improvecommunication and transport
infrastructures, increase transport efficiency,attract new goods, new
technologies and new investment and buildinfrastructures in major
areas.  The OBORInitiative is of high feasibility and great potential,
being a comprehensivesupply chain that links Asia and Europe.


is estimated that between 2014 and 2020,a fifth of national revenue
will be spent on supporting our transportsector.  A special geographical
locationmakes Lithuania a part of the transport corridor between Europe
and Asia andbetween the North and South.


廖中莱 Liow Tiong Lai

马来西亚交通部部长Minister of Transport,Malaysia


ultimate goal of the OBOR strategy isto realize connectivity through
constructing infrastructural facilities. Atpresent, Malaysia is
undergoing a sizable reform plan, reform on transportbeing the priority
among priorities.


is planning to extend the existinglight-rail system and build new urban
rail transit system.  It is our hope to improve transport conditionsof
Kuala Lumpur region, to improve inter-continental communication system,
toincrease inter-continental communication capacity and to increase
productioncapacity of shipping and civil aviation. Now, the project of
high-speed railroad that links Kuala Lumpur withSingapore under
construction will be completed by 2026.  The development of all of the
large-scaleinfrastructural facilities will surely enhance the regional
and internationalconnectivity.


are confident in attracting still moreinvestment on ports and
participation of still more operators of porttransportation, shipping
agents and logistic companies.


拉菲克 Khawaja Saad Rafique

巴基斯坦铁道部部长 Federal Minister of Railways, Pakistan


improving global competitiveness oflocal and regional economy,
communication and transport sectors have a crucialrole to play.  In
2014, Prime MinisterNawaz Sharif launched Vision 2025, aiming to build
East-West and North-Southcorridors that link South Asia with Central
Asia, China, Middle East and Africain developing a reliable,
comprehensive communication and transportsystem.  Pakistan has worked
out anall-round plan for developing communication and transport.


rail, road and air linkage of GwadarPort will markedly advance the
opportunities for regional development.  We will continue to be
committed todeveloping regional integration and building on relations
with neighboringcountries through bilateral and multilateral transport
agreements including theagreement on Pan-Asian railroads as well as
theUNECE TIR Convention andConvention Concerning International Carriage
of Goods by Rail.


亚历山大·诺瓦克 Alexander Novak

俄罗斯能源部部长 Minister of Energy,Russian Federation


present, global economy faces a seriesof challenges, including
stagnation of Europe, shortage of energy and wideninggap between rich
countries and poor ones. We believe that it is the right way in
overcoming difficulties to uniteall forces for common solution to those


linkage between the OBOR and theEurasian Economic Union is a project of
integration, which includes thetransport corridor between Europe and
West China, the high-speed railroadbetween Moscow and Beijing, the
Natural Gas Pipeline from Siberia to China andthe Sea Lane across Arctic
Sea Routes. It is possible to connect energy networks of China, Russia,
Mongolia,Japan and Korean Peninsula by constructing a Greater Asian
Energy Ring, whichcan make great contributions to ensuring energy
security of the region.


It is hopeful that in not so distant futurea unified development space can be set up from the Atlantic to the Pacific.


哈立德·法利赫 Khali Al-Falih


Minister of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources, Saudi Arabia


of communication is crucial tothe development of any countries. The
communication infrastructures of SaudiArabia support many undertakings,
including oil and chemical industries,mining, manufacturing, services
and commerce.


2011, Saudi Arabia’s power grids havebeen merged, which can cut back on
the cost of operation and take advantage ofnew technologies of
electricity.  Weexpect to integrate this into an even larger power grid
that links Asia, Europeand Africa


马卡梅·姆巴拉瓦  Makame Mbarawa


Minister of Works,Transport and Communications,Tanzania


have a number of infrastructuralprojects, including the construction of
Bagamoyo Port and its special economiczone, the building of port
facilities on the island of Zanzibar and industrialparks near and around
ports and railroads there.  Once completed, these projects will enable
usnot only to fully develop natural advantages of the country in making
it a hubof trade with particularly favorable natural conditions but also
to give accessto regional markets such as the East African Community
and the Southern AfricanDevelopment Community. 


see in the OBOR not only the task ofaccelerating connectivity of
infrastructures but also detailed methods forcooperation in all key
areas for all parties.


阿空 Arkhom Termpittayapaisith

泰国交通部部长 Minister of Transport, Thailand


fact that we can take part in andstrengthen communication and
transport, build the internet and improveconnectivity for the whole
country and between regions, especially in regard torailways.  It will
bring great changes toour part of the world, particularly when the whole
region and the world atlarge are at change.


would like to conduct extensivecooperation with other countries in the
region in strengthening connectivitybetween the North and South and
between the East and West, including railways,highways and bridges.


will serve the interest of the wholeASEAN region as well as help
boosting the development of our Eastern EconomicCorridor.  We would like
to see Thailandbecome an important hub on the Eurasian land bridge. 
Besides, we also collaborate with Myanmar andLaos.  In the future, there
will also bea highway to Singapore.  It is our hopeto do our bit in
developing high-speed railroads in the region.

阿尔斯兰 Ahmet Arslan


Minister of Transprot, Maritime and Communications,Turkey



Silk Road is a secure and economic route,complementary to the existing
ones in the East-West axis. To develop the MiddleCorridor, we are
implementing major infrastructure projects not only in Turkeybut also
with the countries enroute. Upon completion of the missing links onthis
route, a seamless railway connection from China to Europe will be
ensured.We are also working in close cooperation with the countries of
the region inelimination of non-physical barriers to promote transit
road transport.


this context, we are aware of thesignificance of our ports. We have two
main hub port projects that we wouldlike to successively realize on the
Aegean Sea and Black Sea.


Turkey's location, ourinvestments in maritime transport and our vision,
we believe that Turkey shoulddefinitely take part in the sea component
of the Belt and Road Initiative andthat it will render a major gateway
to Europe.


波廷杰 Matthew Pottinger


Special Assistant to the President and National Security Council Senior Director for Asian

Affairs, USA


of the objectives of China’s OBOR is toenhance connectivity of
infrastructural facilities, in which the United Statesis mindful of the
importance of China’s quality infrastructural constructionfor improving
economic interconnectivity and as such, we welcome all countries,China
included, to endeavor to achieve this objective.


US OBOR Working Group, consisting ofthe US Embassy in Beijing and US
businesses in collaboration, is one of ourcontact points for cooperation
in this regard. As such, the United States encourages all participants
to make commonefforts, to draw upon useful experience and to achieve the
OBOR objective ofinfrastructural construction.


鲁依斯·特里萨 Ruiz deTeresa

墨西哥交通运输部 Communications and Transport Ministry, Mexico


the past four years, the Government ofMexico has been committed to
improving the whole logistic platform for thecountry and making it a
global one, which helps us to promote local employmentso as to achieve
more efficient shipping and production at a lower cost.


present, Mexico is building threelogistic corridors, important for
Latin America.  It can create some new connection passageway,improving
trade between Mexico and other Latin American countries and
promotingtrade with the United States, Asia and Europe.


沙姆沙德·阿赫塔尔 Shamshad Akhtar


Executive Secretary,United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the



believe that it is necessary toaccomplish in order to maximize the
function of the OBOR.  First, the OBOR should break the limits ontrading
of bilateral projects and promote the making of regional
andmultilateral policy framework and standards. Second, the OBOR should
integrate 17 goals for sustainable developmentinto a sustainable
development framework.


柳芳 Liu Fang

国际民航组织秘书长 Secretary-General, lnternational Civil Aviation Organization


I wish to call for increasing investmenton developing civil
aviation, implementing the OBOR initiativein a more omnibearing way and
makingreadjustment on air transport policy objectives accordingly in
light ofdevelopment plan of countries.  We canalso perceive that doing
so will be of great importance for the overall goal ofthe OBOR and the
UN 2030 Agenda.


International Civil AviationOrganization is working towards a formal
agreement with China on interfacingthe OBOR, adopting the attitude of
leaving no country behind, facilitating thedevelopment of platforms and
projects and helping countries along the OBOR toimplement the ICAO
standards so as to benefit from global air transport.


林基泽 Lim Ki-tack

国际海事组织秘书长 Secretary-General, International Maritime Organization


It is necessary for us to conduct shippingon global scale and further promote common prosperity of all countries.


better interconnection betweenports, shipping and people so as to
promote the development of logistic andshipping industries as a whole.
In the process, we should build on various searoutes including setting
up more smooth going sea lanes between ports.  In this process, it is
necessary to adopt acommon strategy.  Either in policy termsor in
practical terms, we need highly efficient and profitable
transportbetween ports and between ships.


OBOR initiative reminds us of the factthat construction of effective
infrastructure will improve the wellbeing of thepeoples the world over.


阿德南·阿明 Adnan Z.  Ami


Director-General, International Renewable Energy Agency


prospect of renewable energy is veryimportant for the growth and
industrialization in the future. Across theglobal, we see in more and
more countries that the cost of renewable energy ison the decline, and
so is that of power generation based on renewable energy.  At the same
time, we can also see that in thepast four years in the past, a large
amount of electricity in the network isbased on renewable energy. 
Therefore, itis very important to develop renewable and sustainable

赵厚麟 Zhao Houlin


Secretary-General, International Telecommunication Union



International Telecommunication Unionhas 93 member countries and over
800 institutions of research andlearning.  We are especially devoted
tothe development of new technology and new themes in the field


also hope to receive support from policyand supervision departments
relating to modernization.  We can see that there are numerous
challengesfacing the world today, where in developed countries the
penetration rate ofinternet has reached more than 80 percent whereas in
developing countries thefigure is merely 40 percent. In many other
places there is no internet at alland therefore it is our hope that such
a digital gap can be bridged by the OBORinitiative.


绍兹达  Tadeusz Szozda

铁路合作组织主席 Chairman, Organization for Cooperation of Railways


recent years, the membership of theRailway Cooperation Organization has
expanded to 28 countries and regions. Withsuch an extensive sweep, we
have been able to increase the total amount ofcooperation by 1.5 folds.


present, between the Asian-Pacificregion and the Eurasian region a
combined annual traffic volume on the railscan reach 5.5 billion tons,
which is a very large figure.  At present, we are conducting a series
ofcooperation to shorten hauling time and distance.  Cooperation between
our member statesfeatures that the hauling process may cross the
boundaries of many countriesand undergo the formalities of custom
inspection of goods hauled by differentcountries.  Therefore, we hope
tosimplify such formalities through cooperation.