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伙伴 创新 减少农村贫困——联合国粮农组织与中国共同推广农业可持续发展创新解决方案


文|马文森博士  联合国粮食及农业组织驻华代表    翻译|王晓波


粮农组织是知识和信息库,帮助发展中国家和处于过渡转型期的国家对其农业、林业和渔业进行现代化改造和完善,确保所有国家的营养健康和粮食安全。它用意大利语确立的宗旨fiat panis 的意思就是“让所有人都有面包”。

























6月,粮农组织又与清华大学在北京共同举办了一次减少中国食物损失和浪费的创新实验室(AgLab CX)工作坊。这次工作坊是又一项重大的实践,参与者来自国际组织、政府部门、研究机构、媒体和私营企业,大家在专家和导师的指导下,畅所欲言,集思广益,探讨原型项目,开发创新工具,寻求在整个食品供应和消费价值链中减少食品损失和浪费的解决方案。(编辑:张梅)



















FAO and China, Fruitful Past and Prosperous Future

by Dr Vincent Martin, Representative of Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations(FAO) in China

The Food and Agriculture Organization of theUnited Nations (FAO) is an agency of the United Nations that leadsinternational efforts to defeat hunger.

FAO is a source of knowledge andinformation, and helps developing countries and countries in transitionmodernize and improve agriculture, forestry and fisheries practices, ensuringgood nutrition and food security for all. Its Latin motto, fiat panis,translates as "let there be bread".

FAO analyzes and shares key informationabout food, agriculture and natural resources in the form of global publicgoods. But this is not a one-way flow. It plays a connector role, throughidentifying and working with different partners with established expertise, andfacilitating a dialogue between those who have the knowledge and those who needit. By turning knowledge into action, FAO links the field to national, regionaland global initiatives in a mutually reinforcing cycle. By joining forces, itfacilitates partnerships for food and nutrition security, agriculture and ruraldevelopment between governments, development partners, civil society and theprivate sector.


FAO and China Cooperation

Ever since the establishment of theRepresentation in the country in 1982, FAO and China have established andmaintained a concrete and tight relationship of cooperation, especially in thefields of food security and agricultural development. Throughout the past 40years, FAO has provided a wide range of technical support and had implementedmore than 400 field projects in China targeting tens of millions ofbeneficiaries across the country, with both regular and extra-budgetary funding.

These projects have covered the areas ofagricultural policies and strategies, food security and nutrition, fisheries,forestry, environment, climate change and sustainable natural resourcesmanagement, crop intensification, livestock development, transboundary animaland plant diseases and pests control and prevention (EMPRES), emergenciespreparedness, relief and rehabilitation and South-South Cooperation.

Positioning FAO’s work in the country forthe years from 2016 to 2020, the Country Programming Framework (CPF) aims tosupport sustainable domestic agriculture development, whilst at the same timefacilitating China’s engagement in the regional and global agriculturedevelopment agenda, especially in the context of the Belt and Road Initiative.

Linking national agriculture developmentplans with FAO comparative advantages, the CPF for China (2016-2020) sets outfour priority areas for joint collaboration, including:

Combating food insecurity while addressingclimate change. To support China’s sustainable intensification of agriculturalproduction, FAO promotes innovative interventions to bring greater value toongoing national initiatives. Novel practices of global agriculturaldevelopment including but not limited to agro-ecological approaches, climate-smartagriculture, nutrition sensitive agriculture, sustainable and inclusive foodvalue chains,  Information &Communication Technology and E-agriculture, have been mainstreamed by means ofpolicy advice and development support, awareness-raising, capacity building,institutional networking  and, whereuseful, pilot initiatives in the field. In addition, FAO has also beenpromoting the development of Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems(GIAHS). The concept of GIAHS is distinct from, and more complex than, aconventional heritage site or protected area/landscape. A GIAHS is a living,involving system of human communities in an intricate relationship with theirterritory, cultural or agricultural landscape or biophysical and wider social environment.

Supporting China’s poverty alleviation. Togetherwith partners, FAO is designing programmes to support poverty reduction inChina by bringing in its expertise in order to empower the rural poor and theirorganizations, promote decent rural employment and rural social protection. Inaddition, a number of countries have demonstrated a great interest in adaptingChina experience to their national context. In this regard, FAO is mappingChina’s experience in poverty reduction with a view to sharing it with otherdeveloping countries.

Promoting the “One Health” approach.  FAO promotes a “One Health” approach forsustainable agriculture and improved public health. The aim is to manage andreduce the impact of animal and plant diseases and other public health threats,especially Transboundary Animal Diseases (TADs) and Antimicrobial Resistance(AMR), thus improving food safety and human health and nutrition, whileenhancing trade flows.

FAO and its partners have been successfullyconducting the China Field Epidemiology Training Programme for Veterinarians(CFETPV) through the “One Health” approach since October 2010. Since itsinception, 133 graduates have conducted 61 outbreak investigations and morethan 120 epidemiological studies. Training sessions have benefited more than7,000 participants engaged in national response to H7N9, peste des petitsruminants (PPR) and other disease emergencies in the field.

Global knowledge transfer. China sets anexample in the area of agricultural development and has accumulated a wealth ofexperience and techniques, including knowledge, good practices, policies,technology and resources, to share with the rest of the developing world. Asone of the most important partners and largest contributors in FAO’sSouth-South Cooperation (SSC) Programmes, China has, since 1996, providedsupports to agricultural and rural development in 28 countries, through itstrust fund in the amount of USD 80 million. China has dispatched over 1,000experts to countries around the world, working on a wide range of technicalareas, including irrigation, aquaculture, horticulture, livestock, cropproduction, agroforestry, agricultural mechanization and agribusiness.


FAO and the “B&R” Initiative

“The Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road” (“B&R”)initiative proposed by Xi Jinping, the President of China, is expected to yielda significant contribution to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals(SDGS) by 2030. Its successful implementation will require strong support andactive participation of various stakeholders.

As most of the countries along the “B&R”initiative are developing ones, agriculture is still a dominant economicsector, accounting for more than 25% of GDP in many countries in SoutheastAsia, South Asia, Central Asia and Africa. Thus, it must play a key role inoverall national economic development. More importantly, agriculture stillaccounts for more than 40% of employment in many of these countries, making thesector’s health crucial for ensuring food and nutrition security preservingnatural resources and biodiversity, and promoting eco-civilization building, aswell as generating income and sustainable livelihoods for rural farmers so asto ensure social and political stability that is essential to sustainabledevelopment and the overall success of the “B&R” initiative.

FAO, as the leading United Nationsspecialized agency in food and agriculture, provides a unique forum forfacilitating mutual collaboration among countries along the “B&R” in thearea of sustainable agriculture development and food security.

In June 2016, FAO and the Ministry ofAgriculture of China signed a Memorandum of Understanding to further strengthentheir strategic cooperation on agriculture and food security under theframework of the “B&R” initiative.

The vision underlying this strategicframework document is the eradication of poverty and hunger and increasedprosperity in the “B&R” regions by 2030, through agricultural innovationsand technology cooperation on improved connectivity and partnerships in theiragri-food systems, leading to stronger connections to global markets, greateragricultural diversification and more sustainable development. This frameworkstrives to develop novel cooperation models and governance mechanisms,public-private partnerships to attract investments in agri-food chain andextend the production chains, tripartite cooperation involving otherinternational organizations or countries and funding institutions, improvementand upscaling of the existing South-South Cooperation modality, innovativeapplications and introduction of Internet Plus and e-commerce, communication anddissemination of knowledge through various international conferences andplatforms.


Partnership and Innovation, FAO China’sfuture focus

In order to push forward agriculturaldevelopment of China and countries alongside the Belt and Road, the Chinese governmentlaunched a series of documents, such as the 2030 Agenda for SustainableDevelopment (the 2030 Agenda) in 2016 and the recent Vision and Actions onjointly promoting agricultural cooperation and building construction of theBelt and Road in May 2017. The objective is to accelerate transformation ofcompetitiveness locally and internationally, facilitate science and technologyinnovation, and pay attention to the effectiveness and impact of new forms ofcooperation for development.

FAO has been developing partnerships withpublic institutions, the private sector and civil society for many years atglobal, regional and national levels. FAO’s Strategy for Partnership aims tomobilize resources, technological innovation, and knowledge dissemination tohelp small farmers develop production, increase output and integrate into themarket value chain, with support from all sectors of society, includingenterprises, cooperative and producer organizations.

To foster the adoption of innovativepractices in China and beyond, FAO will continue to strengthen its South-SouthCooperation programme with China and promote innovative solutions with partnersand recipient countries for sustainable agriculture development and povertyreduction.

In May 2017, FAO China also successfullyheld a public event on food loss and waste in Shanghai, which started FAO’sjourney for innovation by raising awareness on the ecological footprint andeconomic impact of food loss and waste along the food chain.

One month later, an Innovation Lab (AgLabCX) Session on Reducing Food Loss and Waste in China was also held in Beijing,co-organized with Tsinghua University. This session has been another importantexperiment where participants from international organizations, government, academia,media and the private sector were able to have an open discussion and draw oncollective wisdom under the guidance of experts and mentors, explore prototypesand develop innovative tools, to identify solutions for reducing food loss andwaste along the entire food supply and consumption value chain. 


Aligned with FAO’s mission to China, thefollowing projects illustrate how FAO, working with national and internationalpartners and donors, is supporting communities, families and individuals toimprove their food security and livelihoods.

Farmer Field School

Farmer Field School (FFS) is an approachbased on people-centred learning. Participatory methods to create anenvironment conducive to learning: the participants can exchange knowledge andexperience in a risk free setting. Practical field exercises using directobservation, discussion and decision making encourage learning-by-doing. Thefield is the space where local knowledge and outside scientific insights aretested, validated and integrated, in the context of local ecosystem andsocio-economic settings. Community-based problem analysis is the entry pointfor a FFS group to develop a location specific curriculum. A growing range oftechnical topics are being addressed through FFS: soil, crop and watermanagement, seeds multiplication and varietal testing, IPM, agropastoralism,aquaculture, agroforestry, nutrition, value chain, and link to markets, etc.

A Farmer Field School offers space forhands-on group learning, enhancing skills for critical analysis and improveddecision making by local people. FFS activities are field based, includeexperimentation to solve problems, reflecting a specific local context.Participants learn how to improve skills through observing, analysing andtrying out new ideas on their own fields, contributing to improved productionand livelihoods.  The FFS processenhances individual, household and community empowerment and cohesion.

FAO has provided pivotal assistance to thegovernment on FFS-based participatory capacity building for more than 20 years.The Farmers Field School was set up in the early 1990s with an innovative andsuccessful approach to farmer training, focusing on integrated pest managementfor rice and cotton, and later vegetables. These training interventions havebeen shown to have significant impact on pesticide risk reduction, farmers’profits, food safety, environmental and human health improvement andagro-biodiversity conservation and utilization. Local governments are nowactively supporting the programmes with their own funds.


Healthy Food – the link betweenagriculture and household nutrition

A coherent food-based approach for betternutrition was officially introduced to China through FAO’s participation in aUN Joint Programme. In close partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture andthe Chinese Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, the concept was pilotedin three counties of Yunnan and Guizhou Provinces with the development ofintegrated agricultural and nutrition interventions.

In the target areas populated by ethnicminority groups, improvements have been achieved in the production of locallyplanted vegetables rich in Vitamin A and iron, consumption ofmicronutrient-rich foods, and dietary diversity among women and households. ANutrition Education Strategy Paper was formulated as the result of thenutrition education campaign conducted with the project. Family nutritionmanuals, incorporating the national nutrition recommendations as well as FAOglobal guidelines, were also developed and rolled out to more than 2,000households in eight pilot villages. The initiative resulted in significantimprovement in local farmers’ nutrition-related knowledge, attitudes andpractices.


Global Important Agriculture HeritageSystems (GIAHS)

China was one of the first pioneeringcountries in 2005 and has become the lead country in promoting GIAHS, boasting11 out of the 37 enlisted GIAHS sites worldwide. The GIAHS programme in Chinaresults not only in the maintenance and adaptation of globally significantagricultural biodiversity, indigenous knowledge systems and resilientecosystems, but it also contributes to poverty reduction and improvesimpoverished and small-scale farmers’ livelihoods.


Knowledge Sharing Platform for povertyreduction and South-South Cooperation

Over the years, China has made remarkableachievements in poverty reduction and accumulated a number of good practices,especially since China launched the battle to eradicate poverty in 2015. FAO iscommitted to facilitate poverty reduction policy and knowledge sharing, such asthrough its China-Africa rural poverty reduction knowledge exchange platformand trainings. FAO organized the first webinar of the series Rural PovertyReduction – End Poverty Talks – in partnership with the International PovertyReduction Centre of China and the International Policy Centre for InclusiveGrowth. The webinar introduced the experience of China in SSC for povertyreduction in Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia.

Recently during an international povertyreduction forum last month co-hosted by FAO, the International PovertyReduction Centre in China, the China Internet Information Centre, World Bankand ADB, the five co-hosts jointly launched the Global Poverty Reduction OnlineKnowledge Sharing Database. The database aims to collect and share povertyreduction good practices which are technically replicable for both China andworldwide users. This will be a useful source of reference for countries asthey are working to achieve SDG1 (No Poverty).