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文I 林松添  中国驻南非大使


























The 19th National Congress of the CPC Ushers in A New Era for China-South Africa and China-Africa Cooperation

By H.E. Ambassador Lin Songtian of China to South Africa

On 18-24 October, the Communist Party ofChina (CPC) successfully convened its 19th National Congress in Beijing. Thismeeting drew very high attention from both China and the world. It represents ahistoric milestone for China during the decisive stage in building a moderatelyprosperous society in all respects and at a critical moment as socialism withChinese characteristics has entered a new era.


A New Blueprint for China’s futuredevelopment

The Congress has made two major politicaljudgments concerning the overall situation. The first judgment is that theprincipal contradiction facing the Chinese society has evolved into the onebetween unbalanced and inadequate development and the people's ever-growingneeds for a better life, instead of the previous one between the ever-growingmaterial and cultural needs of the people and the backwardness of socialproduction. Today, the needs to be met for the people to live a better life areincreasingly broad. Not only have their material and cultural needs grown;their demands for democracy, rule of law, fairness and justice, security,better eco-environment, balanced urban and rural development, and equitableincome distribution are increasing.

The second judgment is that socialism withChinese characteristics has entered a new era. The new era means that theChinese nation, which since modern times began had endured so much for so long,has achieved a tremendous transformation: it has stood up, grown rich, and isbecoming strong; it has come to embrace the brilliant prospects ofrejuvenation. and it has now enter a new era of securing a decisive victory inbuilding a moderately prosperous society in all respects, a new era ofrealizing common prosperity for all the Chinese, and a new era of fullybuilding a modern socialist China. This new era means that, China will focusmore on addressing unbalanced and inadequate development, on improving thequality and effect of development, so as to better meet the ever-growingeconomic, political, cultural, social, and ecological needs of our people, andto promote all-round human development and social progress. This new era meansthat, the socialism with Chinese characteristics has achieved huge success,blazing a new trail for other developing countries to achieve modernization andmaking greater contributions to the mankind.

Based on the fundamental judgments of thechanges in China’s national conditions, the Congress elaborated on the CPC'shistoric mission in the new era, and drew up a new blueprint of securing adecisive victory in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects,and then embarking on a journey to fully build a modern socialist China. By2020, we will secure a decisive success in building a moderately prosperoussociety in all respects, meaning as the world’s most populous country, Chinawill completely eradicate poverty out of its entire 1.4 billion population,leaving no one behind. It is estimate that by 2020, per capital GDP in Chinawill reach 10,000 US dollars. For the period from 2021 to the middle of thiscentury, the congress has drawn up a two stage overall development plan. From2021-2035, we will basically realize socialist modernization, with estimatedper capita GDP at 30,000 US dollars, reaching the level of moderately developedcountry. From 2036 to mid 21st century, we will develop China into a modernsocialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced,harmonious, and beautiful.

The Congress sets forth the basic policyfor upholding and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics in the newera. It has elected a new generation of CPC central leadership with GeneralSecretary Xi Jinping at its core, and established the historical position of XiJinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as theguiding thought to unite and lead the CPC and the Chinese people going forward.The Xi Jinping Thought has been written into the CPC Constitution.

The 19th CPC National Congress has set outcomprehensive planning and deployment for developing socialism with Chinesecharacteristics in the new era and for the CPC party building. This Congresshas charted the course of both the CPC and China, and bears far-reachingsignificance for the future of both China and the world.


A people-centered approach

As General Secretary Xi Jinping of the CPCpointed out, the original aspiration and the mission of Chinese Communists isto seek happiness for the Chinese people and rejuvenation for the Chinesenation. This is what inspires Chinese Communists to keep advancing. Since itsfoundation, the CPC has maintained its fundamental purpose of serving peoplewholeheartedly. Upholding the firm belief that the CPC is a party of thepeople, for the people and by the people, the CPC is always committed to apeople-centered approach, always puts the interest of the people first, andalways strives to ensure the achievements of social and economic progressshould be and must be shared by the entire population so as to achieve commonprosperity for all.

As General Secretary Xi Jinping stressedthat, the CPC comes from the people. Its roots are based among the people. Itspurpose is to serve the people. Without the people, the Party will lose itslifeline. With the deep conviction that the people are makers of history, theParty must serve the people wholeheartedly, exercise power for the people andcontinue to focus efforts on the aspiration of the people to live a betterlife.

For this utmost purpose, the 19th NationalCongress of CPC has made clear a number of important principles. Firstly,development is the absolute principle and the top priority of the Party ingoverning and rejuvenating the country to realize the ambitious goal ofsecuring a decisive victory in building a moderately prosperous society in allrespect and a modern socialist country with Chinese characteristics. Secondly,we uphold the new development approach that puts quality and effective, greenand sustainable development in the first place. Thirdly, we are committed toopen and innovation-driven development, let the market play the decisive rolein the allocation of resources, and make constant efforts to liberate anddevelop productivity. Fourthly, we are fully committed to fight against povertyfor common prosperity. Our solemn promise is taking no one less of the 1.3billion Chinese people into a moderately prosperous society in all respects,and leaving no one behind on the path towards common prosperity. We will workto ensure utmost fairness and justice, and ensure that every Chinese peoplebenefit from the development of the country, which speaks volume for thefundamental difference between socialism and capitalism.


A New opportunity for the world

The 19th CPC National Congress set out theguiding principles for China’s major country diplomacy with Chinesecharacteristics at the top level. The Congress puts forward that China willpursue a new type of international relations featuring mutual respect,fairness, justice, and win-win cooperation, building a community with sharedfuture for mankind, which is an open, inclusive, clean and beautiful world thatenjoys lasting peace, universal security, and common prosperity. This goal notonly encapsulates the overall objective of China’s diplomacy in the new era,but also declares to the world the general direction of our joint efforts withcountries around the world.

General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed thatit is impossible for China to enjoy peace and development without the peace anddevelopment of the world. That is why China advocates for a new securityconcept of common, comprehensive, cooperative, and sustainable security. Chinais committed to jointly building a world of lasting peace and universalsecurity. To achieve this goal, countries should abandon the traditionalinternational politics of zero-sum game and the law of the jungle, andresolutely reject any country to pursue “absolute security”. This approach isin stark contrast to the foreign policy of few countries that only seek forabsolute security of its own and for that purpose, even incites colorrevolution and tries to topple the regime of other country. China will not onlyfocus on building a beautiful and better China, but will also contribute to abeautiful world. China is willing to work with the international community topromote the cause of the environment, address climate change, and protect theearth as our shared homeland. To build a clean and beautiful and better worldis the solemn promise of the CPC as well as the stated mission of China’sdiplomacy.

Looking forward, under the guidance of theXi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,China will continue to hold high the banner of peace, development, cooperationand mutual-benefit, and uphold its fundamental foreign policy goal ofpreserving world peace and promoting common development. China remains firm inits commitment to strengthening friendship and cooperation with other countrieson the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. China will alwaysbe a staunching force of world peace, development and order.


New Dynamics for China-South Africa andChina-Africa Cooperation

China and Africa always share a commonfuture. We have always understood and supported each other on issues concerningour core interests and major concerns, and we have always stood together toprotect our common interest. Since the entry of the new century, major changeshave taken place to both China and Africa who share the common mission foreconomic development, better life for people and eradication of poverty. Africais endowed with rich natural resources, human dividend, and potential marketwhile China has the comparative advantage of capital, technology, market,enterprises talents and experience of successful development. China and Africashare mutual needs and complementarities and face a rare historic opportunityto synergize their development strategies.

In view of new developments in China-Africarelations, President Xi Jinping instructed us that in conducting our relationswith Africa, we should always follow the principles of sincerity, practicalresults, affinity and good faith, and uphold the values of friendship, justiceand shared interests. The essence of the instruction is to closely combineChina’s development with the independent sustainable development of Africancountries, so as to achieve win-win cooperation for common development. InDecember 2015, President Xi Jinping and President Jacob Zuma co-chaired theForum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) Johannesburg Summit. Our twoPresidents, jointly opened with other African leaders a new era of China-Africawin-win cooperation for common development. During the Summit, President XiJinping announced the China-Africa Ten Major Cooperation Plans, which isspearheaded by efforts to accelerate Africa’s industrialization andagricultural modernization. With a commitment of 60 billion US dollars offunding support, China aims to support Africa to breakthrough three developmentbottlenecks, namely inadequate infrastructure, lack of professional and skilledpersonnel, and short of financial resources so as to achieve lasting peace andself-sustainable development. We believe that there will be no politicalindependence without economic independence. Only by realizing industrializationand agricultural modernization can Africa create more jobs, tax revenues andforeign exchange and achieve self-sustainable development.

The new FOCAC meeting will be held in Chinanext year. Under the guidance of the 19th National Congress of the CPC, andupholding the values of friendship, justice and shared interests, and the newapproach of common, intensive, green, peace, and open development, China willwork together with Africa to jointly build the Belt and Road and promotecomprehensive cooperation in the five pillar areas of politics, economy,culture, security and international affairs, and bring China-Africa relationsinto the new era of win-win cooperation for common development.

Currently, China-South Africa comprehensivestrategic partnership maintains robust momentum. China-South Africa relationsare in its best historical moment and is faced with new historicalopportunities. Over the years, a multi-layered, wide-ranging andall-dimensional cooperation framework has taken shape. Driven by three enginesof mutual political  trust, economic andtrade cooperation and people-to-people exchanges, China-SA relations havedelivered tangible results to both peoples and become a model for China’scooperation with African countries and all developing countries. Situated in aprime location, and boasting rich resources, sound infrastructure,well-regulated market, and sound legal system, South Africa is the leadingAfrican country that is in the best position for deeper China-Africa mutuallybeneficial cooperation. China and South Africa not only have the comparativeadvantages, and more importantly a strong political commitment to the commondevelopment. A new miracle for development will be created by China and SouthAfrica complementing their respective strengths for win-win cooperation.

Next year will mark the 20th anniversary ofChina-South Africa diplomatic ties. China and South Africa will take thisimportant opportunity, fully leverage our strengths of political mutual trust,economic complementarity, and the friendship between our two peoples, and worktogether to promote cooperation in ten priority areas including infrastructure,human resources, manufacturing and processing, agriculture, tourism, marineeconomy, finance, security, people-to-people exchange and internationalcooperation. China is ready to support South Africa as a leading goose inAfrica and a locomotive to drive Africa’s industrialization, and a product basefor African industrialization and modernization and make China-South Africarelations more productive and more beneficial to our two peoples.