World Tensions Increase as Year Ends
By Dr. Clifford A. Kiracofe
Aswe head into the end of the year, world tensions are increasing. Washington’s new Cold War against Russiacombined with the destabilization of the Middle East by the US does not bodewell for the approaching New Year.
Inrecent weeks, international tensions have increased particularly owing to thechaotic situation in the Middle East and the spread of internationalterrorism. The recent Paris bombingsshould have taken no one by surprise given the commitment to global terrorismof ISIS, al Qaeda, and their various affiliates. Asia has not been unaffected as the terroristbombing in Thailand by Uyghur extremists shows.
Russia’sstaunch support for Syria and its people and its unrelenting operations againstISIS are bearing fruit. ISIS has beendealt serious blows by Russian airpower and by the ground operations of theSyrian army joined by its Iranian partner and by Hizbullah.
Thedowning of the civilian Russian aircraft over Egypt and the Turkish downing ofa Russian jet over Syria have escalated the battle against the ISIS terroristsand their allies. It is no secret thatthe key supporters of ISIS are Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Qatar as even the vicepresident of the United States, Joe Biden, has pointed out.
White House Continues Anti-Assad Crusade
Strangely,however, the White House has not been deflected in its support of theanti-Assad forces in Syria despite the well known fact that these forces havelinks to ISIS and to al Qaeda. In fact,the White House continues to call for the overthrow of the Assad government andcontinues to support these forces.
Thebasic explanation for this is that the Obama Administration is continuing themain lines of the foreign policy of the George W. Bush administration. Regime change policy for the Middle East hasnot been changed in Washington yet. Sothe overthrow of Assad in Syria is seen by the dominant US foreign policy eliteas an essential and logical step after the overthrow of Saddam Hussein in Iraqand Muamar Qaddafi in Libya.
BecauseSyria and the Lebanese Hizbullah organization are seen as allies of Iran,Washington seeks to weaken them. Onestrategic objective is to prevent Iran from having access to the MediterraneanSea via Syria.
Policyin the Middle East necessarily involves the Arab states, Turkey, Iran, andIsrael. The task for the US or othermajor powers is to achieve a proper balance in the region while recognizing thedynamic nature of the region and the various uncertainties and surprisesawaiting anyone dealing with the area.
During the George W. Bush administration,vice president Dick Cheney and his national security staff dominated presidentBush’s thinking. Even the senior GeorgeH. W. Bush in his new memoirs publicly points to the bad influence of Cheneyand his hawkish advisors on his son George W. Bush.
Thestrategic concept for the Middle East developed by vice president Cheney andhis neoconservative advisors was never a secret. The concept was to group the Arab states andIsrael against Iran and its allies Syria and Hizbullah.
Turkey’s Expansionist Policy
Turkey being a NATO ally was expected tosupport this concept. Given thepro-Islamist policies of the Erdogan government and its anti-Assad activity,Turkey is in fact supporting this concept. But the Turkish concept is a much larger one that some experts call“Neo-Ottomanism.” Experts say thatTurkey wishes to play an influential role such as the old Ottoman Empire playedin the Middle East and beyond.
The Turkish Neo-Ottoman vision is largerthan the Middle East and extends into Central Asia and beyond wherever thereare “Turkic” people. Of course, theTurks who conquered the Anatolian Peninsula a thousand years ago werethemselves from Central Asia originally. So it is not surprising that the Neo-Ottoman vision looks very fareastward even into China’s Xinjiang province.
Turkey receives massive financial investmentsfrom the Gulf Arab states and thus these feudal regimes based on the Sunni branchof Islam are positioned to work with Turkey as another Sunni power to overthrowthe secular Assad government, to confront Iran which is Shia, and to undermineHizbullah which is a Shia force in Lebanon.
Because Israel considers Iran and itsallies Syria and Hizbullah to be the biggest threat, it is willing to work withMuslim governments opposed to them. Thisis playing the game of “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” so to speak. But critics in Israel and elsewhere areconcerned that this policy may result in serious threats to Israel fromIslamist terrorist organizations.
So Washington’s anti-Assad crusadecontinues despite the intensification of international terrorism linked to theMiddle East and the prospects for vastly increased terrorism should the Assadgovernment be overthrown by radical Islamic political forces.
The Turkish government’s Neo-Ottomanexpansionist policy is not supported by opposition political parties. In fact, such parties are highly critical ofthe present foreign policy and intervention in the region. These parties are concerned about the rise ofextremist Islamist political currents and terrorism.
Traditionally, secularism has been centralto the Turkish Republic’s politics. Thistradition started with the great leader Kemal Attaturk who guided themodernization of Turkey after World War I. His policies rejected religious extremism and emphasized a secular stateas the foundation for modernization.
The present political situation in Turkeyreflects the rise of Islamist politics which the ruling party embraces. The consequences for Ankara’s foreign policyare clear enough and involve the Neo-Ottoman concept of regional expansionismcoupled with pro-Islamist policies.
This orientation of Turkey has attractedthe strong support of the feudal regimes in the Gulf States, particularly SaudiArabia. Thus, it is not surprising thata coordinated policy for regime change in Syria has developed in recent years.
This coordinated policy is encouraged bythe United States and has been a key component of US policy since the George W.Bush administration as noted earlier.
Then Gulf Region and Strategy
Saudi Arabia’s longstanding internationalpolicy is aimed at domination of the Levant and at the projection of powerglobally using its fundamentalist Islamic ideology and its financial resources.
Inthe Middle East, rivalry between Cairo, Damascus, and Baghdad istraditional. Since World War II,however, Saudi oil wealth has enabled it to promote its own regional schemesfor power and influence.
AlthoughCairo, Damascus, and Baghdad have been traditional centers of Arab politics,the new state of Saudi Arabia emerging during the World War I era sought to useits hold over Mecca and Medina to gain legitimacy and influence. Mecca and Medina are two key cities in Islamtogether with Jerusalem.
Saudiobjectives were favorable to British interests and so the British empiresupported the claims of the House of Saud in the Arabian peninsula. Because these claims included seizing Mecca fromthe Hashemite family control British policy for the region had to be adjusted.
Thenew situation then displaced the Hashemite family from Mecca but the Britishmade way for them to become kings of the newly created states of Jordan andIraq which were carved out of the former Ottoman empire. The family remains on the Jordanian thronebut the royal government in Iraq was overthrown over a half century ago andIraq became a secular republic.
Meanwhile,as early as the 1930s, the House of Saud made alliances with fundamentalistIslamist organizations such as the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood. The brotherhood had branches in variousMiddle Eastern areas such as Syria and Palestine.
Duringthe Cold War, Riyadh was seen as a staunch ally against the former SovietUnion. Given its fundamentalistreligious ideology, Western powers used Saudi Arabia to counter political andideological influence from Moscow.
Westernstrategy was to use the fundamentalist religious culture of Saudi Arabia andits Wahhabi religious cult as a method to penetrate and influence variousIslamic areas and thus to prevent the spread of Communist ideology andpolitical influence.
Thisuse of fundamentalist Islamic religious movements was developed in the 19thcentury by the British and French empires. The secret services of these Western powers worked with selectedfundamentalist groups behind the scenes.
Soit was no surprise in the twentieth century that, with Western blessing, Riyadhstepped up its religious penetration of the region and also established ColdWar front operations on a global basis. Western capitals encouraged Saudi Arabia’s promotion of itsfundamentalist Wahhabi brand of Islam to fight against communism.
Today, Riyadh is understandably the mostprominent backer of the regime change war in Syria. Saudi Arabia’s regional strategy would begreatly advanced by the downfall of secular government in Syria and by theeventual domination of Syria by fundamentalists linked to the Saudi monarchy.
Syria’s secular government and constitutionprotects the various religious minorities in the country which includeChristians. It also protects moderateSunni Muslims. Because Syria has adiverse population with religious minorities, a secular republican form ofgovernment is seen best by most Syrians.
Syria in the eyes of Saudi Arabia and GulfStates poses a challenge. First, Syriais a republic and not a feudal monarchy. Second, Syria is a secular state and not an Islamic fundamentaliststate. Third, Syria is an ally of Iranwhich is a republic and also a Shia Muslim state and not a Sunni Muslim state.
Westernpolicy aims at confronting Iran and countering its regional influence and atthe same time supports the aggrandizement of the Saudi regime as a regionalally.
AfterWorld War II, the United States and Western countries needed Saudi Arabia’soil. But this is less the case today ashydrocarbons come from diverse global sources. North American energy resources such as coaland natural gas are plentiful.
Thebulk of Saudi Arabian oil production is in its Eastern Province. This area traditionally is distinct from theSaudi Sunni religious majority bcause the Shia population dominates this keyarea.
The Shia community in next door Bahrain isthe majority community there in terms of religion but is ruled by a Sunniregime linked to the Saudi monarchy. TheUS has a major naval facility in Bahrain.
Soit is easy to see that there are significant strategic issues overlappingreligious divisions in the area. Thissituation has been exacerbated by the Saudi war against Yemen. In this war, Riyadh supports the Sunnireligious tribes against the non-Sunni tribes which have been in revolt.
Sothe Arabian Peninsula and Gulf Region are threatened by instability at a timewhen the anti-terrorist war in Syria and Iran has intensified.
A New Crimean War?
Thenew western Cold War against Russia focuses on the Black Sea region, theMediterranean region, and the Middle East. The resemblance of this geopolitical came to nineteenth century imperialconflict causes some to raise the issue of a repeat of the Crimean War whichpitted the British, French, and Ottoman empires against Russia in a crisis inwhich the Middle East provided a pretext.
Inthe nineteenth century, the rivalry and conflict between the British and theRussian empire in Asia was called “The Great Game.” British policy was to back the Ottoman empireagainst the Russian empire. Little seemsto have changed.
Todaywe see western forward policy creating a regime change by coup d’etat inUkraine threatening Russia from the western flank and Black Sea. This opening gambit has been followed up bywestern moves in the Baltic region aimed against Russia and by moves in centralEurope.
BecauseUkraine borders the Black Sea it provides another flank for western countriesagainst Russia. Moscow countered thewestern coup in Ukraine by bringing Crimea back into the Russian fold. This move protects Russia’s flank in thisregion and strengthens its Black Sea presence.
Thesharp increase in tensions between Turkey and Russia could provide the sparkfor a regional and perhaps global war, some analysts warn. Is Turkey trying to provoke Russia into awar? Many are asking this question asthe regional situation is already on a razor’s edge.
TheTurkish shooting down of a Russian aircraft making strikes against ISIS is amajor issue which will not be resolved soon. Pentagon sources have already admitted the Russian aircraft was overSyrian airspace as Russia has claimed. The rescued crew member of the aircraft has stated that there was nowarning by the Turkish aircraft either by radio or by visual signaling.
Somecritics of Washington have gone so far as to say that the attack on the Russianaircraft was preplanned by the US and Turkey. While this may taken as alarmist by some, such a scenario is not to bediscounted given the White House’s apparent strategic obsession against Russiaand against Syria.
Onequestion is what will NATO do should tensions escalate? Will NATO allow its member Turkey to dragEurope into another Crimean War? WillNATO allow the United States to railroad it into conflict with Russia?
Washington to Continue Flawed Policies
Of course, a rational person would want thesituation calmed down and war avoided. But today’s Washington is far fromrational. Since the George W. Bushadministration, Washington’s politicians have been driven by war fever asexemplified by the ultra-hawkish Senator John McCain.
Criticsof Western policy wonder whether some decision makers want to see war breakout. They argue that because the Westerneconomies in Europe and in the United States are in such bad shape war might beseen as a way to jump start these economies.
Again,this is not a rational perspective but consider the rhetoric of Washingtonpoliticians and also the actions of the White House.
Itappears that the most anti-Russian posture has been adopted by the UnitedKingdom perhaps owing to its imperial tradition and the legacy of itsnineteenth century policies. The WhiteHouse under George W. Bush and Barack Obama have coordinated closely withLondon and have been influenced by hawkish British politicians such as TonyBlair and David Cameron. France hasfollowed the British and US lead.
Prospectsfor a major change in US policy with regard to Russia or to the Middle East areremote most analysts agree. The mainlines of the policy will remain anti-Russian for some time to come while theanti-Assad policy will likely also remain in place.
This US policy orientation may not change even with a new administration coming topower in 2017 after the 2016 elections in the US. Critics say that the dominant US foreignpolicy elite will maintain the policy irrespective of which political party iselected to the White House or gains Congress. There are certainly vocal opponents of Washington’s foreign policy butthey are not yet sufficiently powerful to alter policy.