Expectations of Opportunities Between China and Colombia
By H.E.Mr. Oscar Rueda García, Ambassador of the Republic of Colombian to China
● BRI and Latin America
● Colombia and the BRI
The Ancient Silk route, was initially a regional trade link between the Asian countries for the exchanges of goods. Firstly, it involved these countries, and then it included some routes to other continents such as Europe and Africa.
Particularly, around 1565, it included America, through the Galleon of Manila, that crossed the Pacific Ocean from this city to Acapulco, in Mexico. This means, it was the first global trade route, that exchanges “a large amount of commodities like silk, porcelain, lacquer, cotton, blanket and tea from China, India, Persia, and Japan” (Chinese Government) to Latin America. Being a historical integration process and a globalization initiative, it has been an inspirational study case for modern trade, and specifically for the Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st Century Maritime Silk Road.
The “Belt and Road Initiative – BRI” was launched in 2013 by China, as an innovative integration process to rebuild the ancient Silk Road, in order to boost economic and trade relations. Its main objective is to strengthen a worldwide better connectivity development trough infrastructure building (roads, ports, and airports). However, is also looking forward to improve cultural and education exchange, reinforce people to people links, develop science and technology, among others.
In 2015, it was published the “Vision and Actions outlined on jointly building the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road”, issued by the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China, with the State Council authorization. This plan is divided in different chapters that outlined the background, principles, priorities, mechanisms, among others, that set ambitious goals for the future. It clearly describes five main objectives: policy coordination, connectivity, unimpeded trade, financial integration, and people-to-people bonds.
To launch the Initiative globally, China carried out the Forum Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation on May 2017. During the Forum China presented the advantages and principles of cooperation, as well as, some projects that will have an impact in regional integration. During this forum, 28 headed of states attended the roundtable meeting and more than 1,500 experts took part in discussions. China made clear there is no specific characteristic needed to be part of this big platform. In his speech, president Xi invited Latin American and Caribbean countries to joint this initiative.
BRI is by far, President Xi’s most ambitious foreign and economic policy, based on the creation of strong ties between the different countries, to achieve common goals. Despite any specific consideration, this initiative attracts the world´s eyes to analyze and understand how different regions in the world can access it. Consequently, it has been recognized as an effort to provide new schemes of cooperation and create tight links globally. According to official announcements, more than 100 countries and several international organization have been participating in BRI.
Moreover, International Organizations support specific projects in some matters that are of general interest as the United Nations Agenda of Sustainable Development and its SDGs. In this sense, it provides a further framework that includes not only China’s economic relations, but as it is described by the UNDP, a “bridging with the rest of the world both physically, financially, digitally and socially”. For example, in some UNSC Resolutions and UNGA, it is mentioned as a regional development initiative, that has become an important multilateral cooperation mechanism.
It should be noted that several efforts has been made by China to contribute to wide this cooperation and investment initiative. The establishment of the China-Mongolia-Russia corridor is just one example of a successful national plan that promote social and economic development among the region. The Eurasian and Economic Union, as well as the Northern Power House of Britain, shows how this initiative, that look upon on favorable investment projects, has had recognition among strong economies.
Along with this, economic and social development around the world it’s a key factor that has been shown trough projects as the establishment of the Multilateral Development Agency AIIB (Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank) which was founded by 57 countries, including four of the five permanent member of UNSC: UK, France, Russia and China. The AIIB was formally established on December 25, 2015 with a capital of USD 100 billion. Since then, this organization has provided more than USD 509 million for power distribution, system upgrade and expansions of projects in Bangladesh, Indonesia and Pakistan (CCICC´s Belt and Road Research Team).
Following this line, BRI expect to contribute 60% of the world´s economic growth over the next 10 years. Some calculations made by several models presented by the BRI, shows the actual annual growth rate of the GDP in the next 10 years will reach 4,7%. This means that the total GDP in the BRI including the UE member countries will reach USD 62 trillion” (CCICC´s Belt and Road Research Team). Nonetheless, this only will be possible if countries work together to enhance connectivity in the fields of economy and finance information, being capable to adapt and participated in the lead off the new economic revolution at the information era.
During China´s government most important event of the year, the two sessions, they also highlighted BRI as the prioritized strategy. For that reason, there were presented additional achievements, underlining there were signed 101 documents of cooperation with around 86 countries and international organizations. The building of speed trains and railways such as Mombasa-Nairobi, China-Laos and Hungry-Serbia, among others, are several examples of the implementation, effectiveness and execution of the projects. Likewise, making reference to the construction of structures that facilitate the transportation of important materials suchas oil, China has finished, in cooperation with Russia, the project of the second line of the crude oil pipeline.
Additionally, during this important sessions, they announced the creation of a new international development cooperation agency, one of the few decisions that involved an extension of the government´s bureaucracy, which will take responsibilities regarding the expansion of the BRI. This new agency will be in charge of drafting foreign aid policies and control the projects execution. In this regard, the cooperation and aids for development are one of the main concerns for the Chinese government.
BRI and Latin America
In recent years, China has increased its relationship with Latin America in terms of politics, trade, investment, cooperation, culture and education, among others. Therefore, BRI represents an opportunity to expand mutual benefits in different areas and to establish solid grounds to eliminate geographical barriers. In addition, it became a unique chance to enhance trans-pacific connectivity.
China and Latin America had an specific interindustry trade and economic relation, in which commerce was based on the exchange of raw materials and manufactured products. This dynamic, exposed the trade deficit with China, in which for example, Mexico´s exports to China in 2016 reached only 1.4% of its total exports. Meanwhile, the imports from China to Mexico represented 18% of its total imports (CEPAL).
Nevertheless, there are sectors like agriculture, in which the region keep a surplus, than in 2016, reached USD 23,000 million (CEPAL), becoming the perfect opportunity to diversify regional exportations to China. In this matter, both Latin American and China share similar profits that benefits both markets. In this sector, there has been an steadily growth of the participation of China in the total exports of the region, from 3% in 2000 to 13% in 2016.
Taking into account the importance of BRI in China´s policy, Latin American countries are introducing this approach in their bilateral and multilateral relations. For example, Presidents of Argentina and Chile attended the BRI Summit. In that occasion Chile highlighted the importance of communications and virtual routes in the digital era, and advanced in some ideas regarding a fiber optic cable between both countries. Additionally, President Bachelet affirmed the initiative matches the open trade policy and that Chile wants to play a main role in the "new sea route" across the Pacific Ocean.
Furthermore, during the “II Ministerial Meeting of the Celac-China Forum” held in Chile in February 2018, it was agreed an special declaration regarding the BRI. Accordingly, the declaration stated that China “considers that Latin American and Caribbean countries are part of the natural extension of the Maritime Silk Route and are indispensable participants”. This not only represents an step forward in the process, but also an specific interest in its development. Moreover, it declares an additional official invitation to Latin American and the Caribbean countries to join.
China stated it is willing to share and cooperate with Latin American countries in a reciprocal basis, and a win-win approach. In this sense, Latin American countries recognizes China as one of the main partners in terms of cooperation, in identified areas as: politics, infrastructure, transportation, ICTs, capacity building, agriculture, science and technology, environment, culture, innovation, among others.
The above, is an example of the willingness of both regions to expand their tights trough a new process of integration and a commitment with the principles of cooperation.
Colombia and the BRI
Colombia is a large (4th in LA) and dynamic economy, leader in Latin America in terms of economic growth, with an average of 4.1% in the past six years. The GDP per capita (PPP) in Colombia has doubled in the last 15 years, going from USD 6,603 in 2000 to USD 14,126 in 2016 (IMF). At the same time is the fourth most business-friendly destination in Latin America (Doing Business 2018), and had the most policy reforms to improve its business environment in the region.
In terms of investment, Colombia offers a wide range of incentives as Free Trade Zones, tax exempt income, incentives for machinery imports, research, development and innovation, among others. As a result, according to the World Investment Report, Colombia is #21 in the ranking of the main destinations for FDI in the world. In 2016, the country recorded USD 13,743 million of inward FDI, an increase of 18.1% compared to the FDI recorded during 2015 (USD 11,632 million). In 2017, it continue increasing, and recorded a total of USD 14,518 million.
In terms of connectivity, Colombia is an important hub in Latin America. In this sense, the main airport (El Dorado in Bogota) is number one in cargo and number three in passenger’s traffic. In the same way, Colombia has a new infrastructure development plan that includes fourth generation roads, airports and ports, as an innovative condition for progress.
In this context, Colombia is an attractive market that has been expanding its ties with Asia Pacific, and specifically with China. Colombia has been strengthening the bilateral relations with China, through visits and high level meetings, with the aim of drawing clear lines and projects that benefit both countries. Thus, during the PM Li Keqiang´s visit to Colombia in 2015, both countries signed 12 agreements in technical and economic cooperation, housing, SMEs, capacity building, working plans in education and culture, investment, agriculture, infrastructure projects, industrial capacity, among others. This represents a wide cooperation framework in which both countries identified opportunities and are developing activities.
For example the company CHEC-China Harbour Engineering Company, is involved in the public private partnership to develop a fourth generation road, called MAR 2. Similarly, there are two ambitious projects established in a Memorandum of Understanding for the development of infrastructure and connectivity in Buenaventura (Colombian main port in terms of exports) and Altillanura (region with the greatest potential for agricultural development).
Additionally, there has been other high level visits as: visit from the Minister of Foreign Affairs of China to Colombia, in order to review the political agenda, visit of the Minister of Trade, Industry and Tourism of Colombia to China, to improve trade and investment; and from the Minister of Water Resources of China to Colombia, in order to enhance cooperation in housing and access to water.
China has been one of the main cooperators in matters of national interest, where we can highlight its commitment to our post-conflict and peace building, through donations and execution of projects for development in infrastructure, agriculture, education and sports. Colombia appreciates this cooperation and hopes to continue working on the implementation of these projects.
Moreover, economically, China is one of our main trading partners, ranking #2 in terms of imports in exports. In 2017, exports amounted around USD2,000 million and import amounted around USD8,000 million. Regarding, our efforts to diversify our exports, currently, we work together so that more Colombian products such as Hass avocado and bovine meat can enter China´s market. Likewise, we have initiated approaches on the feasibility of developing a study for a Commercial Agreement.
Everything mentioned above demonstrates the coincidences between the new dynamics of Colombia and the BRI, defining this initiative as an exceptional opportunity to deepen cooperation. In conclusion, Colombia highlights the achievements of BRI, its importance for the world, Latin America and our country, and considers this process promotes connectivity and integration with Asia Pacific.
In this sense, is following closely its achievements and looking forward to understand its institutionalization and procedures.
文|奥斯卡·鲁埃达·加西亚(H.E.Mr. Oscar Rueda García ) 哥伦比亚共和国驻华大使 翻译|檀生兰
● 倡议发展历程
● “带路”倡议与拉丁美洲
● “带路”倡议与哥伦比亚
2013年,中国提出“一带一路”倡议(简称 “带路”倡议),旨在重建古丝绸之路,促进全球创新一体化发展,加强经贸联系。“带路”倡议的主要目标是推进道路、港口、机场等基础设施互联互通,推动文化教育交流、人文交流和科技等领域的发展。
众所周知,中国采取一系列措施,扩大合作和投资力度。比如, “中蒙俄经济走廊” 建设,它是促进域内经济社会发展国家计划的典范。再比如,“一带一路”倡议,通过与“欧亚经济联盟”和“英国北部经济振兴”战略对接,实现投资项目升级,得到很多经济大国的认可。
在两个极其重要的年度会议——两会期间,中国政府再次强调“带路”倡议的重要意义,介绍了最新的发展成就,主要包括:与大约86个国家和国际组织签署了101分合作文件;蒙内(蒙巴萨至内罗毕),中老(中国至老挝),匈塞(匈牙利至塞尔维亚)铁路建设等一大批项目得到有效实施和开展;还有一些运输重要材料的管道建设比如石油管道——中俄原油管道二线工程已经竣工。中国政府还在两会期间宣布成立了国际发展合作署,它可以避免官僚机构的弊病,更好地服务共建 “带路”建设,是两会做出的重要决定之一。这个新机构将负责制定外援政策,监督外援项目的执行情况。由此可见,中国政府非常重视国际发展的合作和援助。
⬆哥伦比亚的夜晚 (CFP)
哥伦比亚是一个(拉美第四)生气勃勃的经济大国,过去6年平均经济增长率达到4.1%,是拉美地区发展最快的国家。根据国际货币基金组织的数字,过去15年哥伦比亚人均GDP 翻了一番,从2000年的6,603美元增加到2016年的14,126美元。不仅如此,根据世界银行2018年发布的《全球营商环境报告》,哥伦比亚营商环境便利度在拉丁美洲排在第四位,其为改善地区营商环境做出最大程度的政策调整。
为了吸引外资,哥伦比亚实施各种激励措施,比如设立自贸区、减免税收、鼓励机械进口、研发和创新等等。联合国发布《世界投资报告》显示,哥伦比亚吸引外国直接投资排在全球第21位。2016年,哥伦比亚吸引外资137.43亿美元,较2015年(116.32亿美元)增加18.1%。 2017年,外资持续流入,共计145.18亿美元。