文|本刊记者 张梅 翻译|王晓波
New Driving Force of China-New Zealand Relations
——Exclusive Interview with New Zealand Ambassador to China John McKinnon
By Zhang Mei from China Investment Magazine
On Mar.27, 2017, the Memorandum ofArrangement on Strengthening ‘the Belt and Road’ Initiative Cooperation betweenPeople's Republic of China and New Zealand was signed by the two governments,and this is the first cooperation document that China signed with a SouthPacific country in ‘the Belt and Road’framework. New Zealand has also become the first Western developed country tosign an agreement relevant to ‘the Belt and Road’ with China. For this specialreason, our reporter made an exclusive interview with John Mckinnon, NewZealand’s ambassador to China, to gain his view on the relationship between NewZealand and China under ‘the Belt and Road’ Initiative.
Journaliste:There are many ‘firsts’ in theChina-NZ bilateral relations. Why NZ is always brave to be the ‘first’ amongwestern countries? Why NZ and China sign the memorandum of Arrangement on theBelt and Road Initiative?
John Mckinnon: China is one of New Zealand’smost significant political, economic and cultural partners. The close, mutuallybeneficial relations that we enjoy are evident in the series of firsts that wehave achieved across the breadth of the relationship.
New Zealand and China have a “pioneeringand exemplary” bilateral relationship, as described by President Xi during his2014 visit to New Zealand. We have achieved five important firsts in our traderelationship. New Zealand was the first country to agree to China’s WTOaccession, the first to recognise China as a market economy, the firstdeveloped country to commence negotiating and to sign a bilateral FTA withChina and most recently the first developed country to launch an upgrade ofthat FTA.
But this pioneering spirit isn’t limited totrade. Perhaps most prominent is China’s first trilateral aid project, whereNew Zealand and China and partnered to create better water infrastructure inthe Cook Islands. New Zealand was the first country to sign treaty-levelagreements with China jointly to produce both television and film, and a seriesof exciting co-productions are underway. New Zealand was the first developedcountry to sign up to the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), and in2016 became the first country mutually torecognise our respective organics foodsystems, to the benefit of our two countries’ organics producers and consumers
In March, China’s Premier Li Keqiang paidan official visit to New Zealand. Our two countries have a strong andconsistent history of high-level political contact, and a genuine friendship.New Zealand was privileged to host the Premier at such an important timeglobally.
The visit was an overwhelming success, thatprovided both countries with the opportunity to reflect on the successes thathave been achieved across the breadth of the relationship as well as set anambitious agenda for the future. The visit had many highlights, and besides thePremier being able to enjoy a of New Zealand’s natural beauty for himself, wemarked some significant achievements, to the benefit of many Chinese consumersand tourists, and of New Zealanders too. This includes the commencement ofchilled meat exports from New Zealand, five year multi-entry visas for Chinesetourists and a bilateral year of tourism. A list of all announcements can befound on the New Zealand Embassy’s WeChat page [NewZealandInChina].
What influence ‘Belt and Road’ Initiativewill have under the current uncertainties the world is facing?
John Mckinnon: China is an important playerin the global economy and in the Asia Pacific Region. New Zealand recognisesthis, and has consistently engaged with China over a period of years tostrengthen our bilateral ties and economic linkages. New Zealand was the firstdeveloped country to recognise China as a market economy and the first tolaunch an FTA with China, which speaks to our confidence in the strength ofbilateral relations.
We engage with China across a wide range ofregional fora, including in APEC and in RCEP negotiations. We were the firstdeveloped country to sign on to the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. Wecongratulate China on its shepherding of this institution to its establishmentin 2015. The bank supports strong,sustainable growth in Asia and we value our partnership with China, both asfounding members of this important institution.
We are proud of our FTA with China, whichhas been a categorical success. Bilateral trade flows have doubled since theFTA entered into force. As a trusted supplier of high quality food, New Zealandis now one of China’s top five foreign food suppliers.
New Zealand has observed China’s recentstatements on globalisation and President Xi’s remarks at Davos deservecongratulations. China’s commitments to open borders and its investments alongthe belt and road are of international significance and we look forward to usboth working together to demonstrate the benefits of open borders to others.
New Zealand and China recently launchednegotiations to upgrade our bilateral FTA. This will set the scene for a newchapter of growth in our relations, and demonstrate China’s commitment on tradeliberalisation to the whole world.
In order to achieve development objectivesfor both China and NZ, what NZ is going to do and what NZ expects China to dounder frame of the ‘belt and road’ initiative?
The overarching aim of the belt and roadinitiative (BRI) is consistent with New Zealand’s goals as an exporting nation.New Zealand values increased connectivity, freer trade, enhanced people-peopleconnections, greater financial integration and closer collaboration onregulation and policy. During the Premier’s visit we agreed to explore neweconomic opportunities along the Belt and Road.
New Zealand has a wealth of experience in areasof trade facilitation and services. We are world leading in pushing forward theglobal trading infrastructure and regional integration to help the flow ofgoods, services, people and finances. We do not have large infrastructurecompanies with global reach, but we feel there are synergies to be forgedbetween China’s experiences in building infrastructure, pairing that with NewZealand’s experience in enhancing connectivity more broadly.
New Zealand has historically taken apositive and innovative approach to our relationship with China. Signing an arrangement on belt and roadduring Premier Li’s visit continues our long-standing commitment to embrace newideas positively and innovatively. Itsignals our willingness to work with China to identify new ways to add value,in an innovative way.
Several agreements reached at the timeofPremier Li’s visit to New Zealand are consistent with the spirit and intentof the Belt and Road Initiative. We jointly announced dates for the first roundof FTA upgrade discussions, which took place in April; we agreed to liberalisevisas, to improve the experience of our tourists; we agreed to an increase inthe number of direct flights between our two countries; and we agreed onstronger education cooperation. Each of these areas strengthens our bilateralconnectivity, and frees up the movement of goods, services and people. NewZealand may be physically distant from China – at one end of theBelt and Road – but that physical distance is becoming increasingly irrelevant.
What changes the ‘belt and road’ initiativewill bring to NZ? What would the future look like for China and NZ under theframe of ‘belt and road’ initiative?
John Mckinnon: The people of New Zealandand China have a genuine friendship. This is backed-up by a series of political and trading firsts that makeour relationship a partnership. But, our relationship is also focused on thefuture. The pursuit of science and technology cooperation has pushed ourrelationship to new frontiers. In 2016, New Zealand established three NewZealand-China Research Collaboration Centres to facilitate and supportengagement between our science communities.
Pursuit of agricultural cooperation hasdeepened the cooperative spirit of our relationship, and pairs an area of NewZealand expertise with China’s desire to modernise its agricultural industry.The linkages here are very strong, underpinned by scholarship programmes forChinese food safety officials and veterinary cooperation programmes.
We have new cooperation activities onclimate change and emissions reduction. Last year, the first phase of aninnovative water quality project was completed in Shandong Province.
New Zealand is now home to 170,000 personsof Chinese ethnic decent, around 4% of our total population. With over fortydirect flights per week, over 400,000 Chinese tourists visit our shores eachyear and over 35,000 Chinese students are enrolled at New Zealand universitiesand schools. It’s no surprise then that China is regarded as one of New Zealand’smost significant political, economic and cultural partners. We have agreed todefine the bilateral relationship as a “comprehensive strategic partnership”.We mutually benefit from increased exposure to our cultures, through festivals,films and food. We benefit through the increased numbers of people visitingeach other’s countries. We benefit from the large number of New Zealanders whoare learning Chinese and who come to study, work and live in China – now over100,000. We benefit from the large number of Chinese students who spend time inNew Zealand. We benefit from a two-way investment and from knowledge flows. Andof course, we both benefit from our flourishing two-way traderelationship.