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文|马苏德·哈立德 (H.E. Mr.Masood Khalid) 巴基斯坦伊斯兰共和国驻华大使   翻译|王晓波


● 中巴经济走廊建立稳固双边贸易体

































Build the road of connectivity between Pakistan and China

by H.E. Mr. Masood Khalid, Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan

President Xi Jinping`s vision of the Beltand Road is a model of inter and intra – regional integration and connectivitybased on the concept of mutual prosperity and win-win cooperation. Just likethe historic Silk Route, the New Silk Road will bring together differentregions and shrink the distance between civilizations. It will yieldunparalleled dividends for participating economies, and foster the developmentof trade, infrastructure and energy resources.

The concept of the New Road comes at a veryimportant juncture in the economic development of the world. The global economyis showing signs of improvement, with worldwide economic growth forecast toreach 3.5% in 2017. However, there are still many systemic challenges that haveto be overcome in order to actualize a higher and more inclusive level of humaneconomic development.

One of the most significant bottlenecks toeconomic growth is the lack of inter and intra – regional connectivity andinfrastructure gaps between countries. In this regard, President Xi’s Belt andRoad Initiative has been described as “the most significant and far-reachinginitiative that China has ever put forward.” Five major goals are definedwithin a broad framework of; connectivity and cooperation, policy coordination,facilities connectivity, unimpeded trade, financial integratio and people topeople exchanges and contact.

As President Xi noted in his speech at theplenary session of the Belt and Road Forum (BRF) for International Cooperationin Beijing in May this year, the ancient silk routes have to come to representthe “Silk Road Spirit of our times,” which embodies peace and cooperation,openness and inclusiveness, mutual learning and mutual benefit.

It is this Silk Road Spirit that animatesthe sprawling infrastructure projects and economic corridors that constitutethe New Silk Road. Humanity has now reached a plane of development andtechnological progress far transcending that of our ancestors along thehistoric silk routes, it is only fitting, then, that the modern Silk Roadshould build atop its historic foundations and contribute to the onward marchof human development.

The Belt and Road Initiative embraces threecontinents. It covers half of the world population, half of its resources, andmore than 65 countries. International investors from all over are pouringresources into projects along the New Silk Road.  It makes win-win partnerships possible forall. It will accelerate economic growth in developing countries; yield dividendsfor international investors; and tear down barriers to trade and commerce.While more importantly it will help repair and reform global economicgovernance, the initiative represents a crucial next step in the process ofeconomic globalization and the strengthening of the rules-based internationalorder.

As Pakistani Prime Minister, Nawaz Sharifnoted in his address at the Belt and Road Forum plenary, the country does notsee the initiative merely as a modern revival of the ancient Silk Road. Rather,it views the New Silk Road as a conscious and humanistic endeavour to takehumankind as a collective to a higher level of prosperity, peace and stabilitythrough connectivity and close contact. This is the New Future that is in storefor those who travel the New Silk Road.

The world has come a long way since theconcept of the Silk Road Economic Belt was first presented by President Xiduring his visit to Kazakhstan in September 2013, followed a month later by hispresentation of the vision of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road to the IndonesianParliament.

In the years since then, the expression “Beltand Road” has become common parlance in capitals across the world. China'ssuccess in presenting the Belt and Road Initiative as a new model of win-wincooperation for the world was nowhere more in evidence than at the Belt andRoad Forum for International Cooperation in May. The forum consolidated thegains made by China and international partners in developing corridors acrossregions, building supportive financial institutions such as the AsianInfrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) and Silk Road Fund, and launching expresstrains that have formed a land-bridge across the expanse of the Eurasianlandmass.

In short, the phrase “New Silk Road” hasbecome synonymous with a new model of inter and intra – regional integrationand connectivity underpinned by core values of mutual prosperity and win-wincooperation.

At the forefront of this new model is theChina-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), work on which began in earnestfollowing the visits of Chinese Premier Li Keqiang to Islamabad, and that ofSharif to Beijing in May and July of 2013, respectively. The visits establishedthe bilateral consensus to jointly build the corridor. This consensus wasreinforced when President Xi made a historic visit to Pakistan in April 2015.The tour gave the Pakistan-China relationship a new impetus, elevating it tothe “All-Weather Strategic Cooperative Partnership,” enriching thePakistan-China Community of Shared Destiny and ensuring the perpetualcontinuity in Pakistan-China friendship, from generation to generation.

The two countries friendship is based onmutual trust as well as benefit and serves the cause of peace, sharedprosperity and human development.

People of Pakistan see China as theirtrusted friend and a strategic partner. In addition, they greatly admire theprogress China has achieved in the last four decades. The CPEC has given a newsocio-economic development dimension to our already strong relations. Again,the CPEC has evolved into a concept of mutual prosperity – anintersection where both nations’ visions of development and prosperity meet.

The CPEC complements Pakistan’s Vision2025, which is the country’s long term vision of economic development andprosperity. It emphasizes and envisages enhanced physical infrastructuredevelopment, effective institutional arrangements and empowering people forregional connectivity and economic cooperation. The goal set for Vision 2025,is to establish an efficient and integrated transportation system thatcomplements efforts to develop a world-class economic base.

The realization of the Belt and Road wouldlead to unparalleled dividends in economy, trade, infrastructure, and energyresources for all associated countries. Just like the historic silk route, theNew Silk Road will connect different regions and civilizations.

Pakistan’s geographical location – at theconfluence of China, the Eurasian land-bridge, South Asia and the Middle East,supplements the potential of the Silk Road and enhances the scope of itssustainability in the future. This positions the country to be en route to afour-way economic corridor between China, Central Asia,

South Asia and the Middle East. Also,Pakistan’s long coastline makes its ports of Gwadar and Karachi key transitpoints on the Maritime Silk Road.

Gwadar Port is already partiallyoperational and Chinese trade convoys have successfully made their way to itfrom Kashgar city in Xinjiang province. When the port operates at its fullcapacity, the economic dividends will multiply to the benefit of the region andthe two nations.

CPEC is a flagship project of the One Belt,One Road. The corridor envisions a network of roads, railways, pipelines andcommunication networks, development of dry and sea ports, major energy andinfrastructure projects and establishment of Special Economic Zones andindustrial parks.

Similarly, the establishment of Pakistanibanks in China is another positive step in enlarging the scope of bilateralcooperation. This will give a real boost to bilateral trade, which already hasexceeded $19 billion, as well as deepen the financial cooperation andfacilitate inter-regional trade along the Silk Road. It is our shared hope thatwith the operationalization of Pakistani banks in China, the pace ofdevelopment of business and trade relations between our countries would shiftinto high gear.

Pakistan-China economic relations, of whichthe CPEC is a major part, is the agenda of mutual prosperity and a recipe foreconomic development, enhanced trade and energy security and equally criticalfor peace, prosperity and well-being of the citizens, the region and the world.Pakistan and China are committed –携手并肩 – toovercoming any and all challenges and ensuring resounding success of the CPEC.

Worth noting is that many projects underthe corridor have been launched and work is going on smoothly. Pakistan willsee an increase in the number of projects and their progress in the comingdays. The country’s economy has made a turnaround, evidenced by improvedeconomic indicators. It is the best time for investors and members of thebusiness community to explore our rapidly growing market of affluent consumers,take advantage of the beneficial facilities and policies of the Government ofPakistan, and become a partner in endeavouring for global peace anddevelopment, both of which go hand in hand. It is Pakistan`s conviction thatnothing can pave the path for peace more than economic development achievedthrough regional collaboration.

The Belt and Road marks a paradigm shift inthe traditional approach to interstate relations: geopolitical considerationsmust give way, geo -economics must take precedence, and the centre of gravityshould shift from conflict to cooperation.

As the New Silk Road unfolds acrosscontinents and along and through the lofty mountain ranges and vast expanses ofPakistan, China, Central Asia, the Middle East and Africa, this should be seenas fostering inclusion, creating tolerance, and promoting acceptance ofcultural diversity. This is a powerful response to those who would preach onlyhatred, and to those who continue to adhere to outmoded notions of zero-sumconspiracy.

Pakistan believes that the most powerfulimpact of the New Silk Road will be on the lives of poor and marginalisedpeople – the ones who need it the most, and who would see higher incomes,better education and more health facilities. It would help in eradicatingpoverty and achieving Sustainable Development, leaving no one behind. It willfinally allow individuals to unlock their maximum potential, free from theprivations of hunger and homelessness. It will help the people of the region toascend to a level of development, best described by a classical Chineseproverb:八仙过海各显神通, with each individual able to give full play to his uniquecapabilities for the overall betterment of all humanity.

Revival of the fabled silk routes will bindcommunities, integrate economies. This is the dream of the New Future, and weneed only join hands and forge ahead in order to make it reality. (Editor:YvonnieSundu)