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文|日瓦丁·约万诺维奇(Zivadin Jovanovic)贝尔格莱德世界平等论坛主席    翻译|王晓波
























⬆中国承建白俄罗斯维捷布斯克水电站枢纽区全景(新华社记者  白雪骐摄)















塞尔维亚是中国与中东欧16+1框架中一个相对来说比较小的发展中国家。在响应一带一路倡议后,中国的公司和银行迄今已经为其在产业、基础设施和能源的各个项目上投入了约60亿美元。其中最重要的是中国、塞尔维亚和匈牙利三国共同参与的从贝尔格莱德到布达佩斯的 350公里高速铁路项目,它已于2017年开工建设。中国公司参与连接贝尔格莱德与亚德里亚海南部(黑山)的11号走廊公路的现代化改造已经好几年了。中国在欧洲兴建的第一座跨越多瑙河的桥梁就位于贝尔格莱德;中国建的第一个钢厂位于距离贝尔格莱德40公里处的斯梅代雷沃;中国建的第一批内河港口在多瑙河和萨瓦河(位于斯梅代雷沃、科斯托拉茨和沙巴克)。塞尔维亚是欧洲国家中第一个对中国公民免签证的国家;中国银行贝尔格莱德分行负责周边十几个欧洲国家的业务。目前在中国赞助的项目中雇用的劳动力超过了15000人。一些新项目正在筹备中,其中包括两个经济区(产业园),均位于多瑙河畔(斯梅代雷沃和贝尔格莱德)、水质净化厂、发电厂(潘切沃)以及总计达300公里的公路。这意味着在未来一、两年里在这些一带一路项目中工作的雇员人数将翻一倍,从而使塞尔维亚许多家庭的生活得到改善。为了体现经济合作与民间交流同步发展,两国决定在对方国家开设自己的文化中心。位于贝尔格莱德的中国文化中心已经开工建设;塞尔维亚也在北京得到了用作其文化中心的场所。与此同时,两国高校、学校、剧院、美术馆、科研院所、电影制片人、体育机构和智库间的交流也在与日俱增,充分体现出塞尔维亚与中国作为全面战略伙伴的广泛合作。


Community of Shared Future of Mankaind

By Zivadin Jovanovic, Chairman Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals

China, the second strongest world economy, has become the key driver and central factor of building the new multi-polar world order based on the principles of sovereign equality, territorial integrity, freedom of choice of internal system and noninterference. China’s economic, political and moral strength, her strategy of peace and dialogue in solving major issues and challenges, her devotion to equal chances and prosperity for all made her policy trustworthy and the most desirable partner. Peoples yearnings to peace and better life is the corner stone of Chinas internal and foreign policy.

China’s development achievements are without any precedent in the world. GDP of China in the past 5 years grew by an average yearly rate of 7,2% which is the highest growth in the world. Securing modern overall development and better life for own people at the same time China has devoted enormous energy and resource in order to assist and support development of other countries, particularly the least developed ones. In the period of the world economic crises 2008 – 2012 China has undertaken important initiatives and responsibility to help the world community to resolve the crises and recover economy, be it through the system of UN, be it through G-20 or various financial and regional organizations.  China never was merely an observer of other countries’ economic or humanitarian hardships but rather the partner showing solidarity and openness for cooperation in alleviating difficulties. The background must be conviction that nobody in the planet is alone neither self-sufficient, that all of us belong to same humanity. Therefore there is need to maintain and reinforce the sense of interdependence and openness, especially now in the era of globalization.

Implementing policy of reforms and openness China at the same time contributed to the world economy growth by over 30%, more than US, Euro Zone and Japan together. What is also unique, China’s economic development has helped to substantially alleviate poverty and development gaps among regions and to satisfy people’s yearning for better life. This experience is also valuable on the global level in order to stop further aggravation of socio-economic gaps between what is conventionally known as North and South.

The historic Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) of the president Xi Djinping in  2013 has been welcomed and supported world-wide as the new model of multidimensional, global, more balanced, inclusive and stable economic growth. More than 100 countries and international organizations have been participating in its implementation so far and this number is further growing. Great achievements in the practical implementation of BRI in the field of infrastructure, industry, trade, energy and other fields have proved that the BRI is appropriate long term strategy to build “community of shared future for mankind”. This and other similar messages have been enshrined on the initiative of China in a number of UN strategic documents including in the resolution at the 55th UN Commission for Social Development (CSocD) in 2017. Apart from being global, multidimensional and inclusive, the BRI, compared to other forms of integration, encompasses people to people friendship as integral, equally important, part.

In his address to the International Summit Forum on the Belt and Road Initiative in May 2017 President Xi Jinping grasped reality of globalization and chances of peace and better life:

“In this increasingly multi-polar, economically globalized, digitalized and culturally diversified world, the trend toward peace and development has become stronger and reform and innovation are gaining momentum. Never have we seen such close interdependence between countries as today, and such a fervent desire of the people for a better life, and never have we had so many means to prevail over difficulties. ”

Having regard to such clear, positive approach to the present, future and peoples just yearnings for better life, it is only natural that the President Xi Jinping’s strategy gains unique and united understanding and support, equally, at home and worldwide. He is particularly conscious of the growing gap between rich and pore insisting that it should be narrowed. The recent research of the international scientists’ team, including renowned French economist Thomas Pickett, shows that 1% of the richest persons gain income twice as high as 50% of the poorest people, in the world! This, of course, is hardly bearable. First, it is questionable if such reality and trends could conform to humanitarian, cultural and contemporary civilization standards.  Second, because such situation may become fertile environment for spreading various extremisms, terrorism, social or other unrests. It is logic to conclude that there is need for the world community, i.e. to explore the ways and new initiatives how to stop further aggravation of socio-economic gap before it may become late. No doubt that complex of masseurs and actions are needed from humanitarian assistance to innovative governance in the world economy.  One direction of the strategy must not be neglected, that is – insisting on open, inclusive and balanced development with due support from the international financial institutions and individual governments. Something that has already been practice within the BRI.

Advocates of protectionism, isolationism, unilateralism and egoism neither recognize realities of globalized economic processes and inter-dependence among states and nations, nor they find the proper ways for development of own country. In addition, it should be understood that BRI is global, open development project and that any geopolitical approach or reasoning would miss the real sense.

Characteristics of BRI

● Equality, openness, inclusiveness instead of protectionism

● Mutual benefit, win win cooperation

● Mutual respect, noninterference

● The highest technological and ecology-friendly standards

● Respecting realities and priorities of participating countries

● Policy coordination instead of unilateralism

● Respect of national and international laws and regulations

● Compatibility with EU-China relations, EU standards and EU members’ obligations

Character and adherence to these principles make BRI cooperation different from the other forms of economic cooperation and integration.  Compliance with these principles has led to rapidly growing interests, initiatives and support of participating countries thus uncovering quite new potentials, synergies and drivers for future cooperation, not only between 16 CEE and China, but also between CEE countries themselves and between all the countries along the Belt and Road.

Incorporating the BRI initiative into the Constitution of the Communist Party of China at the 19th CPC Congress has been received as very important and significant decision confirming steadfastness of the BRI as the global, multidimensional and long term Project and sending the message of encouragement to participating countries as well as to other potential participants.    

China alone, or in cooperation with other partners, has established a number of new institutions of great importance for the global governance in the era of emerging multi-polar world order: China-UN Peace and Development Fund, China South-South Cooperation Fund on Climate Change, South-South Cooperation Assistance Fund, Silk Road Fund, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. China is among the first countries to adopt national plan for UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. In addition, China in cooperation with other member countries of BRICS, has established New Development Bank. All this demonstrate China’s engagement with global governance and firm commitment to responsibilities as a major country.

In the past four years since BRI became reality many trans-border infrastructure projects have been constructed which have strategic importance in the field of physical connectivity and, particularly, for integration of Euro-Asia. China and many Asian countries along the Belt and Road have been connected with Europe by several corridors, railways, sea routes and new direct air lines. Cargo trains regularly function from China to Germany, Poland, France and other countries of the West Europe. Land and Sea Express Line is connecting the largest Chinese ports with the heart of Europe using Greek port of Piraeus and from there train via FYROM, Serbia, Hungary and again to the Central and Western Europe. Total trade between China and Belt and Road countries in 2014-2016 reached the sum of over 3 trillion US$. China’s investments in those countries exceeded 50 billion US$. In 20 countries Chinese companies established 56 industrial parks and economic zones employing over 180.000 workers and generating tax revenues of over 1.1 billion US$.

Twin Engines

China and European Union (EU) are comprehensive strategic partners cooperating on bilateral and international issues in the framework of joint EU-China 2020 strategic agenda for cooperation. Three pillars of their cooperation are: strategic-political; economy and trade; and, people to people exchange. EU is China’s the most important trade partner and China is the second EU’s most important trade partner. In 2014, EU imported €302 billion of goods from China and exported €164 billion of goods to China. Services exchange in the same year reached 50 billion Euros.
During his 2014 visit to Europe President Xi Jinping said that China would cooperate with Europe so as to integrate European and Asian markets and to make China and the EU the twin engines for global economic growth. According to the European Commission President Jean Claude Junker, Europe can benefit from the Chinese BRI as it can interact.

China has defined three potential priority areas for economic cooperation: infrastructure, high technologies, and green technologies which all make parts of EU strategy.  

On the global plan there is need for even more intensive EU-China cooperation in finding appropriate solutions to such issues as slow recovery of the world economy, growing unemployment, international terrorism, global warming and alike.

The 16+1 format of cooperation has from its inception been compatible with cooperation between China and Europe (EU) as comprehensive strategic partners. Compatibility is built in the very nature of 16+1 format of cooperation as guaranty that both China-EU and China-CEEC cooperation would progress as lasting, strategic policies of all involved partners.

Compatibility is also precondition that both ways of cooperation may radiate synergy relying and reinforcing each the other. It is compatible too with obligations of EU member countries participating in the 16+1 format of cooperation. Out of 16 CEE countries, 11 are EU members, while 5 are, formally or de facto, candidates for membership (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia).

In addition, China and EU are Comprehensive Strategic Partners having concluded EU- China 2020 Strategic Agenda for Cooperation and a number of other important agreements. Also, China is negotiating with EU investments agreement which is of high importance for both sides. As for CEE countries, those which are EU members understandably are bound to care and obey EU laws and membership obligations. Candidates for EU membership are not legally bound by EU laws but, in principle, they are interested in smooth course of negotiations process toward membership.

Also, regardless on any formal obligation, it is definitely in their interest to observe EU standards in economy, trade, investments, safety of food, environment protection, renewable energy production and alike.

It is important to note that each of the five Guidelines for Cooperation between China and CEE Countries (Bucharest, Belgrade, Suzhou, Riga, Budapest) paid the highest attention to commitments to respect EU laws, regulations and obligations of EU members.   In fact, all participants of 16+1 format cooperation aim at creating synergy between Belt and Road Initiative, 16+1 Format cooperation and EU plans, agendas and objectives. Open and constructive approach is clearly reaffirmed in the Suzhou Guidelines which reads:

The participants “welcomed and supported the important agreement between the Chinese and EU leaders on establishing the China-EU Connectivity Platform, as well as on developing synergies between the Belt and Road initiative of China and the Investment Plan for Europe, and between 16+1 cooperation and China-EU relations” .

Neither China nor CEE countries have intention to provoke internal concurrence or weaken EU cohesion. Their aim is to improve mutually beneficial cooperation, to provide additional resources for modernization of infrastructure and economy in general, to open new markets along BRI Economic Belt, and finally, to bring their countries’ development closer to the development level of the most advanced EU member countries .

The November 2017 China+16CEEC Summit in Budapest paid particular attention in comprehensively stating clear constructive position on relations toward EU. The Budapest Guidelines noted:

 “The Participants maintain that 16+1 cooperation constitutes an important part of the cooperation between China and Europe as a whole. The Chinese side reaffirms that it attaches great importance to China-EU comprehensive strategic partnership, that it supports the road of integration chosen by EU members in an independent manner, that it wishes to see a united, stable and prosperous Europe, and that it will promote China-EU partnership of peace, growth, reform and civilization. EU member states and candidate countries within the 16 CEECs are committed to the advancement of EU-China Comprehensive Strategic Partnership and EU-China Agenda 2020 , including actively promoting practical cooperation in the framework of the EU-China Connectivity Platform, in the Investment Plan for Europe and supporting the conclusion of an ambitious and comprehensive Agreement on Investment between the EU and China” .