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文|朱拜尔·哈桑(Jubair Hasan)  孟加拉国《金融快报》记者   翻译|王晓波
































孟加拉国出口商协会主席Abdus Salam Murshedy对中国境外直接投资的增长趋势大加赞赏,他认为不仅是投资本身对孟加拉国非常有利,而且还有另一个重要原因,即在互相合作的过程中学习到中方最好的经验。





China offers largest single FDI to Bangladesh

By Jubair Hasan;  Journalist of The Financial Express

Bangladesh has received largest ever single foreign investment proposal worth $5.0 billion from a Chinese company and such a large volume of the financial offer indicates that the South Asian economy is emerging as a hotspot for Chinese outbound investment.

In an offer letter, Zhejiang Jindun Pressure Vessel Co. Ltd. officially sent the proposal to Bangladesh Economic Zone Authority (BEZA) after the company found Bangladesh as a suitable place for its would-be investment.

According to the BEZA officials, the firm has sought 1000 acres of land in Special Economic Zone (SEZ) at Mirersarai in the port city of Chittagong for establishing industries that include a massive 2640-megawatt power plant. Once the coal-fired power base is installed, it would be the largest power-generating unit in the delta of Bay of Bengal.

At the same time, the company has already paid a part of the fund, equivalent to one percent of the total investment offer to the BEZA as per its requirements. Once the investment is made, it is believed to be contributed to the country's industrial growth that will ultimately help Bangladesh government achieve its target of transforming the nation into a middle-income economy by 2021.

In recent years, the growing South Asian economy witnessed significant rise of Chinese outbound investment in various sectors like manufacturing industries, infrastructural developments, energy and mineral resources.

The increased trend of investment flow marked the sign that the bilateral relation elevated to a 'strategic partnership for cooperation' from closer comprehensive partnership as promised by heads of both countries during Chinese President Xi Jinping's Dhaka visit on October in 2016.

BEZA Executive Chairman Paban Chowdhury said it is the largest single investment proposal in the history of Bangladesh and the Chinese company did a feasibility study for last one and half years to evaluate business climate here before placing such offer.

He said the company has appealed for a infrastructure-category plot on one-time lease basis in under-construction Mirersarai Special Economic Zone, which is near to Chittagong Port and it wants to set up a massive 2640-megawatt coal-fired power plant and other industries.

“We've been receiving growing number of foreign investment proposals from Chinese entrepreneurs in various potential sectors since Bangladesh became an active member of China's flagship project Belt and Road,” Mr. Chowdhury said.

When asked about the next course of actions to the proposal, he said it will be scrutinized by a high-powered committee of the authority to give approval within the shortest possible time.

Talking about the activities to attract more FDI (foreign direct investment), he said the government of Bangladesh under the leadership of Sheikh Hasina, daughter of father of the nation

Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibar Rahman, come up with bunch of offers for the overseas investors, Chinese in particular. For example, one special economic zone is being built for Chinese entrepreneurs where they will enjoy tax holiday, uninterrupted supple of energy and other fiscal benefits.

In the offer letter, Chairman of Zhejiang Jindun Pressure Vessel Co. Ltd. Zhou Jiancan sent a money-transfer note worth around $0.7 million in favour of BEZA to meet its requirement.

According to the letter, the firm from Chinese Zhejiang province has pledged to complete its investment process within three years of getting approval from the BEZA.

On January 24 last, Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina as part of her government plan to build 100 economic zones for both local and overseas investors inaugurated the country's largest Economic Zone on nearly 1200 acres of land Charsarat of Ichakhali Union in Mirersarai under Chittagong.

It is being developed near Dhaka-Chittagong economic corridor and its location is one hour road transport distance from the Chittagong Port. At least 50 entrepreneurs have already applied for industrial plots in the zone. It will have 800-850 plots that can accommodate 350 industries.

It will be built by three groups – a consortium of local companies, Bangladesh Export Processing Zone Authority (BEPZA) and BEZA.

The way Chinese investment is flowing to Bangladesh in recent years, if the world's second largest economy becomes the biggest FDI contributor to the emerging South Asian economy in couple of years will not be matter of wonder.

This is not first time a Chinese company is offering such a massive investment in power sector, another Chinese company is going to invest around $2.0 billion in the coal-based mega-power plant in Payra located on the coastal part of Bangladesh and the deal was signed during the BRF (Belt and Road Forum) held last year in Beijing. At the same time, Chinese companies are also in a race with some other global firms to secure contract for building onshore LNG (liquefied natural gas) terminal in the country.

According to the Bangladesh government statistics, the USA tops the FDI list with total investment of around $3.30 billion while China holds 16th position in the list of highest FDI contributors with total investment of $241.21 million till the year of 2016. On that year, Bangladesh witnessed highest ever Chinese FDI amounting $61.40 million, but official figure doesn't represent actual scenario because many Chinese investments come to Bangladesh via Hong Kong, Singapore and even the US.

When contacted, Deputy Secretary General of Overseas Chinese Association in Bangladesh Ding Tian said the investment environment for Chinese investors is relatively relaxed in Bangladesh thanks to various initiatives taken by the government over the years.

He said two things –geographical location and availability of labour force at comparatively cheaper rate have attracted the investors here. “Yes, many Chinese investors are showing interest here and the number is going up gradually.”

But some issues like poor infrastructure, lack of enough supply of gas and power, poor handling of labour disputes, inefficient government departments have been hurting the businessmen, he said.

“I know, the government is working hard to resolve these problems. Once these obstacles are settled, the climate of doing business will be improved and more investors will come here because Bangladesh is a perfect place for business,” he added.     

He suggested the Chinese businessmen coming to Bangladesh to evaluate objectively the investment climate here and make full investigation of the market. On the basis of that, investors should handle the investment and registration procedures in accordance with relevant laws and regulations of the country.

The investors, at the same time, should pay attention to using the assistance of local lawyers, accountants and other professionals to do their compliance work while maintaining their legal rights and interests. “Special attention should also be paid to investigating the creditworthiness of their partners.

Hailing the upward trend of Chinese FDI inflow, President of Exporters' Association of Bangladesh Abdus Salam Murshedy said it is not only about the investment, it is also important for another reason – learning best practices through exchanging business.

He said Bangladesh economy is highly dependent on manufacturing and agriculture sectors but shortage of skilled labour force prevented the country to gain best use of the potentials. The deficit can easily be overcome through application of latest technology and China is the world's largest manufacturing base and a key source of modern technology.

Mr. Murshedy, former president of Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters' Association (BGMEA), said RMG (Readymade Garment) sector is the biggest sector in Bangladesh and it is the globe's second last apparel exporter and China. The industry earns nearly $29 billion in FY'17 by making direct employment of over 4.40 million workers, mostly women. The manufacturers made a projection of earning $50 billion by 2021 when the country would celebrate 50 years anniversary of independence. But the industry lacks 25 per cent of skilled workers which is turning into a main problem of achieving the goal.

“So, attracting large volume of Chinese investors in various sectors Bangladesh can learn their best practices and apply those to have maximum industrial and agricultural outputs,” he said.   

He also said Bangladesh is centrally situated along the BCIM Economic Corridor and retains a strategic position along the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road with Chittagong port as a major maritime pivot through the Indian Ocean, a very important factor for realisation of both the Economic Belt and Maritime Road initiatives.

Indeed, Bangladesh's relations with China clearly present a host of opportunities. It may be expected that in the coming years, Bangladesh and China will achieve a truly beneficial and strategic partnership conducive to the establishment of a peaceful and prosperous South Asia.