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文 | 智宇琛  中国社会科学院西亚非所南非研究中心副秘书长  

编辑 | 杨海霞 




● 全方位开放背景下非投资合作趋势








Chuwkwudi Uchegbu是尼日利亚的一位记者兼编辑,他感兴趣的是,习主席不仅承诺向非洲提供600亿美元的资金援助,而且还明确表示要监督这些资金的使用过程。他说,“仅仅提供资金确实是不够的,因为许多政府不知道应当怎样合理地使用这些资源。这是非洲国家中的一个普遍现象。因此,中国应当进一步采取措施,确保资金合理审慎地使用。我还建议中国方面更多地关注私营部门的生产性融资,也就是说把钱用于企业而不是给政府。因为商人讲求赢利,所以贷款给他们更能得到有效使用,进而达到消除贫困的目的。”












Nigerians excited about last FOCAC 2018 Summit economic agenda

Author | Ikenna Emewu,Editor-in-Chief of the AFRI-CHINA MEDIA CENTRE Nigeria

The keynote speech of President Xi Jinping to open the 2018 Beijing Summit of the Forum on China Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) in September announced new plans and policy measures through which the world’s second largest economy would better her engagement with the African continent.

One of such policies is that China would increase her import of African products, especially non-resource or finished goods. This resonated with Nigerians.

President Xi had stated in the new eight-point objective of the FOCAC in the next three years that China would encourage the economic development of African countries by importing more finished or non-resource commodities from the continent.

Through that resolve, the trade imbalance between China and Africa which is logically in favour of China due to her higher industrial production capacity would be narrowed down with more economic opportunities created for Africa.

After listening to President Xi, Obi Ezeude, a major manufacturer and member of the Nigerian Industrial Council said it’s a great step for good.

Ezeude, a keen follower of the Chinese economy said he was happy that Nigeria’s President Muhammadu Buhari was at the event and urged that the government of Nigeria keys into the policy and creates the opportunities for Nigerian businesspeople to benefit from it because it will facilitate investment and manufacturing partnership between African and Chinese manufacturers, thereby making it possible for Chinese businesspersons to set up industries in Africa.

“The announcement excites. China is far ahead of Nigeria in manufacturing and the trade imbalance has been heavily in favour of China because you should first have products before they are bought. We can only close that gap when we manufacture and process. The policy if implemented would enable Africa add value to her raw materials and also create jobs and expertise while also opening markets for China to sell her industrial hardware and also create offshore production opportunities.”

An engineer and marketing expert, Mr. Barry Uba, said if the policy is followed through, it is an assured way China would more than before encourage industrial production in Africa and reduce the heavy export of raw materials from the continent into China for processing.

“If implemented, it means China has genuine resolve to assist Africa industrialize. Again, we can’t just attain industrialization without a market to consume the products or the technical capacity. On that note, Nigeria and Africa would still rely on China by moving her production base to Africa.

A Nigerian journalist and editor, Chuwkwudi Uchegbu said his interest is mainly the promise by President Xi that China would not only provide funding of $60b for the period but further monitor the utilization. “It is not enough to provide fund for governments that have not been so strong in implementation and utilization of resources and this is common in African countries.

“So, China should take further steps to ensure utilization and prudence as promised. I would also advise that China focuses more in financing production by the private sector players. Let the financing go to businesspersons and not governments. Because businesspeople are out for profit, they are better managers and loans given to them have higher assurance of utilization and creation of further resources to eliminate poverty.”

These views imply that Nigerian stakeholders keenly watched the summit and more aware of FOCAC and the promises it holds for the development of the economy of the country Nigeria and Africa and also how the benefits would impact on China.

I have followed FOCAC myself and a beneficiary of the human resource development of the forum, and with our media basically to push the awareness of the friendship of the two sides, I took away some points from the event which our media reported effectively liaising with partner Chinese media organizations.

FOCAC was the most dominant media issue worldwide two weeks before and about a week after it held. The reason for such bloated attention is quite obvious. There is no other country of the world that aggregates such large pool of diplomatic friends under one roof every three years. FOCAC has 55 members, including China and of course the African Union, So, it commands great influence that one country would move the entire Africa in one fell swoop to Beijing. Of course the UN is run by five major countries that make up the Security Council and some smaller affiliates, and not an exclusive preserve of the US.

By number, FOCAC is the largest stand-alone multilateral diplomatic body connecting two different and disparate worlds.

The West and especially the US never speak tongue in cheek that China angles to wrest leadership, or manipulation of the world from them and they are not ready to brook such daring incursion.

I keenly watched and waited for the FOCAC summit to end before making any comment to be fully informed of how it played out.

At least since the 2015 FOCAC in Johannesburg, China had pursued funding of African nations in loans and grants through two major financial platforms – the China EXIM Bank and the China Development Bank that is custodian of the China Africa Development Fund (CADFund) with capital base of $10b from an initial $5b.

On July 31, 2016, the Director General of the African Department of the Chinese Foreign Ministry, Mr. Lin Songtian, now Chinese Ambassador to South Africa fielded questions from 28 African journalists at the Kempinsky Hotel, Suzhou, Jiangsu Province.

That was after the tour of the Suzhou Industrial Park by the team of African leaders that visited Beijing for the evaluation meeting of the Johannesburg FOCAC the previous year. The visit was to inspire them to develop like China.

With my firsthand interaction with China, including this event, I still have not found it convincing that China through FOCAC and loans plans to subjugate the continent. Neither would I be swayed that African countries are such daft in today’s world not to know what they want.

I believe FOCAC has shown tenacity and productivity over time and must be encouraged to get stronger and achieve more.

⬆Passengers board the carriage to take their seats inside one of the coaches of the newly commissioned Abuja light rail train in Abuja, Nigeria