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本格拉铁路运输前景可期——专访本格拉铁路公司董事会主席路易斯·洛佩兹·特涉伊拉(Luís Lopes Teixeira)


——专访本格拉铁路公司董事会主席 路易斯·洛佩兹·特涉伊拉(Luís Lopes Teixeira)

文|本刊记者 张梅 图片提供|中铁二十局集团安哥拉国际有限责任公司

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7月30日, “非洲之傲”列车缓缓停靠在安哥拉本格拉铁路洛比托车站。这场标志着坦桑尼亚、赞比亚、刚果民主共和国、安哥拉4国的铁路首次实现互联互通的列车旅行宣告完成。近期,由中国企业承建的本格拉铁路将正式移交安哥拉政府。9月,《中国投资》就本格拉铁路运行情况,对促进国家经济发展,改善人民生活发挥的作用,以及与刚果(金)货运联运计划,对本格拉铁路公司董事会主席路易斯·洛佩兹·特涉伊拉(Luís Lopes Teixeira)先生进行了采访。


路易斯·洛佩兹·特涉伊拉(Luís Lopes Teixeira):本格拉铁路属大修工程,中铁二十局边施工边保证其分段运营。2017年7月,本格拉铁路全线临时移交,正式开始全线运营;2018年,据本格拉铁路局统计,全年客运量112万人次,货运量92000吨。2018年3月,随着来自刚果(金)的矿石等国际货物运输的开始,本格拉铁路的影响力正在逐步提升,很多客户开始关注本铁并看好本铁的货物运输前景,相信本铁的货运量会快速增加。2019年7月,随着南非“非洲之傲”豪华旅游列车抵达安哥拉洛比托港,相信也会带动安哥拉及周边国家旅游业的快速发展。


路易斯·洛佩兹·特涉伊拉(Luís Lopes Teixeira):本格拉铁路属东西走向,自西向东贯穿安哥拉全境,自铁路修通以来,对安哥拉当地的经济发展和交通出行带来了巨大的变化。尤其是对于地处内陆的莫西科省居民来说,铁路现在已经成为他们最重要的交通出行方式,同时也是燃油、海产品、食品、生活物资、木材、建筑材料等最主要的运输途径。如果没有这条铁路,当地居民的出行和日常生活将受到严重影响,内陆省份的物价也将快速上涨。与此同时,国际矿石运输业务也将中断,这将给安哥拉带来极大损失。



路易斯·洛佩兹·特涉伊拉(Luís Lopes Teixeira):随着本格拉铁路的建成通车,国际矿石运输列车和跨国旅游列车相继开通,给安哥拉及其邻国带来了发展机遇,同时也面临很多现实问题,比如:刚果(金)、赞比亚、莫桑比克境内的铁路年久失修,设施老化严重,急需重修和升级改造,否则难以满足不断增长的客货运输需求,同时也存在极大的运输安全风险;跨国运输费用如何结算分配以及如何实现各国间海关的监管和合作等,还需各国之间充分沟通协商。目前,安哥拉和刚果(金)之间已经开展了这方面的合作,进展也较为顺利。

《中国投资》:据了解,安哥拉与刚果(金)已实现货运联运,目前,运行情况如何?预计未来还会有哪些计划? 还需要做哪些工作?

路易斯·洛佩兹·特涉伊拉(Luís Lopes Teixeira):本格拉铁路交付运营后,安哥拉交通部和刚果(金)交通部之间进行了积极沟通,达成合作意向。2018年3月5日,首列矿石运输列车自刚果(金)境内驶入安哥拉卢奥车站,双方海关人员在卢奥车站办理了交接手续,同时更换了牵引机车;3月7日,国际货运列车顺利抵达洛比托港口,随后矿石运输列车逐步增多。目前,通过本格拉铁路运输的物资主要有:锰矿、铜矿(含半成品)、钴矿、钢材、水泥等物资。未来要提高国际货物运量的话,还需要做大量的工作,比如:铁路的维护和升级改造,资金的支持和投入,铁路物资运输所需机车车辆的大量投入,完善铁路运输组织体系,提升安全管理能力和水平,铁路职业技能工人的培养和配备等一系列工作还要去做。



Promising Prospects of Benguela Railway Transport

——Interview with  Luís Lopes Company Chairman Of Teixeira Benjamin Railway

By ZhangMei  China Investment  Translator: Zhang Yibo

On July 30th, the “African pride” train was slowly docked at the Lombarto station of the Benguela railway in Angola. This is the first time that the railways linking Tanzania, Zambia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Angola have completed the inter-connected train travel. Recently, the Benguela Railway, built by Chinese companies, will be officially handed over to the Angolan government. In September, "China Investment" on the operation of the Benguela Railway, the role of promoting the country's economic development, improving people's lives, and the Congo (Golden) freight transport plan, and Benjamin Railways Chairman Luis Lopez Mr. Luís Lopes Teixeira had a conversation.

China Investment: What is the status of the benguela railway after its completion? What about the quantity of passengers and freight ?What are the estimates of future operations? What is the investment and financing status of railway?

Luís Lopes Teixeira:The Benguela Railway is an overhaul project, and the China Railway 20  Bureau Group Corporation guarantees its segmental operation while construction. In July 2017, the Benguela Railway was temporarily handed over and officially started to operate in full line. In 2018, according to the Benguela  Railway Bureau statistics, the annual passenger traffic was 1.12 million passengers and the cargo volume was 92000 tons. In March 2018, the influence of Benguela Railway is gradually improving with the start of international freight transportation of ore and other goods from the democratic republic of Congo (DRC). Many customers begin to pay attention to Benguela Railway and look forward to the freight transportation prospect of Benguela Railway, believing that the freight volume of Benguela Railway will increase rapidly. In July 2019, with the arrival of South Africa’s “pride of Africa” luxury tourist train in Lobito, Angola, it is believed that it will also drive the rapid development of tourism in Angola and neighboring countries.
The construction funds in the early period of the Benguela Railway mainly relied on Chinese loans to complete the construction work. In order to ensure the normal operation of the railway, a large amount of funds are needed for the maintenance and repair work during the operation of the railway. At present, the government lacks such funds.

China Investment: As a transportation corridor in Angola, what changes has Benguela Railway brought to the lives of local people and local economy?

Luís Lopes Teixeira: The Benguela Railway is an east-west trend that runs through the whole territory of Angola from west to east. Since the railway built, great changes have been brought to the local economic development and transportation in Angola. Especially for the residents of Moxico province inland, the railway has become their most important mode of transportation, and it is also the most important transportation route for fuel, seafood, food, living materials, timber and building materials and so on. Without the railway, travel and daily life of local residents will be severely affected, and prices in inland provinces will rise rapidly. At the same time, international ore transport operations will be disrupted, which will bring great losses to Angola.

China Investment: From the completion of the Benguela Railway to the realization of trans-Africa, the railway has achieved cross-border transportation. What are the practical problems facing it? For example, the problem of different gauges of different road sections, the distribution of charges for railway systems in various countries in the future, and how to coordinate the cooperation of customs systems. How to overcome these difficulties?

Luís Lopes Teixeira:With the completion of the Benguela Railway, international ore transport trains and multinational tourist trains have opened up, bringing opportunities for development in Angola and its neighboring countries, as well as many practical problems, such as: The railway in Congo (DRC), Zambia, Mozambique has been in disrepair for a long time, the facilities are aging seriously, and it is urgent to rebuild and upgrade. Otherwise, it is difficult to meet the growing demand for passenger and cargo transportation, and there are also great transportation safety risks. How to settle and allocate cross-border transportation costs and how to realize customs supervision and cooperation among countries still need full communication and consultation among countries. At present, cooperation in this field has been carried out between Angola and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), and the progress is relatively smooth.


China Investment: It is learned that Angola and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) have achieved combined freight transport. What is the current operation? What are the plans for the future? What else needs to be done?

Luís Lopes Teixeira:After the Benguela Railway was put into operation, the Ministry of Transport of Angola and the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of the Congo (DRC) had active communication and reached the intention of cooperation. On March 5, 2018, the first ore transport train entered the Luao station in Angola from the Congo (Golden) territory. Customs officers at both sides handled the handover procedure at Luao Station and replaced the traction locomotive. On March 7th, the international freight train arrived at the port of Lobito smoothly, and the ore transport train gradually increased. At present, materials transported by Benguela Railway mainly include manganese ore, copper ore (including semi-finished products), cobalt ore, steel, cement and other materials. Future to improve international freight traffic, a lot of work need to be done, such as: maintenance and upgrade of railways, support and investment of funds, large investment of locomotives and vehicles required for railway materials transportation, improvement of railway transportation organization system, and improvement of safety. A series of tasks such as management ability and level, training and equipment for railway vocational skills workers must be done.

编辑 | 杨海霞

图片提供 | 中铁二十局集团安哥拉国际有限责任公司

设计 | 李玉丹