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文|本刊特约撰稿 阿尼斯·本赫多格(Anis BENHEDOUGA) 阿尔及利亚电台记者 翻译|张慎翔

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⬆2017年12月11日,我国成功发射阿尔及利亚一号通信卫星 (新华社 琚振华摄 )






















How cooperation with China birthed Algeria's Alcomsat-1 satellite

By Anis BENHEDOUGA  Journalist for Algerian Radio

development of space programs has become for nations a strategic
challenge of economic development and national sovereignty. For this
reason, Algeria had focused on space, a few years ago to consolidate its
sovereignty, accelerate its economic growth and bring social progress
for its citizens. It had established a 2006-2020 space program which
includes the launch of several satellites and which ended with the
launch of its most important satellite Alcomsat-1.

The Algerian
satellite Alcomsat-1 was one of the most important Algerian satellites,
and its launch two years ago constituted the achievement of the Algerian
space program 2006-2020. This program was initiated in November 2006
and aimed to gradually acquire space technology and meet national needs
for sustainable development as a response to the challenges of space
development activities.
In this context, Algeria has successfully
launched the Alcomsat-1 satellite, a multi-mission tool that aims to
strengthen national sovereignty in telecommunications through the
establishment of an appropriate transmission network that is efficient
and secure.

Alcomsat-1 has a strategic dimension in the cooperation between Algeria and China

important space project was possible with the cooperation with China.
Few days after successful launch by the Chinese Long March 3B rocket
from Xichang Satellite Launch Centre, in Sichuan Province, the former
Algerian President exchanged with President Xi Jinping congratulations
on this achievement, which was the "fruit of a successful scientific
partnership between the Algerian Space Agency (ASAL) and several Chinese

The willingness of China to share technology in a
very developed field, namely ICTs, was very appreciated by the Algerian

Indeed, China was always motivated by the spirit of
sharing even in sectors where other countries never share anything and
keep their secrets, especially in high technology and space science
As President Xi Jinping said many times, we have to build a
community of shared future. This is means that we have to cooperate and
exchange the experiences and knowledge to achieve the development and
progress for all.

The spirit of knowledge sharing was
demonstrated by the successful launch of Alcomsat-1, which is the
concretisation of the strategic partnership agreement signed by
President Bouteflika and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping, on May 25,

The $250 million Alcomsat-1 is a satellite of very high
technology. It is part of the Dong Feng Hong 4 range, which has a mass
of 5,200 kg and which is 26 meters wide for 15 years in geostationary
It has many missions with the objective to strengthen
national sovereignty in the area of telecommunications, through the
establishment of an appropriate, efficient and secure transmission
Alcomsat-1 is equipped with 33 transponders, including 9
dedicated to the broadcasting of digital TV and radio. It provides
television, audio transmission, distance education, telemedicine, and
videoconferencing services among others.

It allows the
continuity of operation of telecommunications services in the event of
major natural disasters and also  increases the capacity of the national
telecommunications network.
The Alcomsat-1 satellite, which also
transmits on the L-band and covers a large part of the northern
hemisphere of Earth, allows optimizing the signal quality of
geo-location satellites (GPS, GLONASS, Galileo) and reducing the risk of
interference or deliberate deterioration of signals.

surveillance is also part of the objectives of the satellite, which also
aims to relocate activities and services concentrated in the north of
the country through an optimized telecommunications network and the
reduction of current operating costs linked to the use of the space
capacity provided by international telecommunications systems.

Alcomsat-1 provides satellite services not only to Algeria but many
other countries in north, west and central Africa. It allows the
diffusion of internet on the KA band at a very high speed (20Mb/s),
which covers the entire Algerian territory, and providing users in North
Africa with medium speed internet (2Mb/s) via the Ku-band that will
cover, in addition to Algeria, Morocco, Mauritania, Western Sahara,
Mali, Niger, Burkina Faso, Libya, Tunisia, northern Chad, and North

Good return on investment and positive impact on local and regional development

two years, ASAL engineers from the telecommunication system
exploitation centers of Boughezoul (170 km- south-east) and Bouchaoui
(Algiers) carry out the exploitation and control of the Alcomsat-1. More
than 300 of them have been trained in the control, operation,
expertise, and assembly of the satellite in China.

Today the
Algerian Space Agency ensures a good return on investment. With the
Alcomsat-1 system, ASAL has had positive and promising feedback on the
performance of program communications and broadcasting. These capacities
are also used to develop new applications in broadcasting, telephony,
data transmission, disaster management and live coverage of sporting and
cultural events.

After the signing of several contracts with
national and international operators, the exploitation of the
satellite, more than 27,000 schools and 3,700 hospitals also benefit
from the satellite program. The VSAT (Very Small Aperture Terminal)
satellite solution enables high-speed interconnection between several
sites located in isolated areas like rural sites, mountains or areas
lacking telecommunications infrastructure on the ground.

It provides them the guarantee of high availability satellite links and quality applications for the benefit of all users.

allowed broadcasting to public television channels in high definition.
More than 50 radio channels also broadcasted through the satellite to
all national territory and other countries.

In this regard,
many Algerian private television channels could broadcast their program
through the satellite and expand their audience base beyond Africa.

this satellite, the CEO of Algeria Telecom Satellite (ATS) said the
country would be able to save some 20 million dollars, which it loses
annually in the broadcasting of TV and radio channels by calling on
foreign satellite operators.

This satellite has also strong
positive impact, not only for Algeria but also for many other countries
in the region. In this regard, Mauritania expressed his interest in
telecommunication services provided by Alcomsat-1, especially in
maritime and hydrocarbur sectors. Tunisia has also indicated readiness
to benefit from the satellite services.

⬆The Algerian satellite Alcomsat-1

Alcomsat-1, a model for next Algerian satellites

mentioned above, the Alcomsat-1 was the achievement of space program
2006-2020, and it was the sixth Algerian satellite launched into orbit.

Algerian Space Agency aims to launch several latest generation
satellites as part of its 2020-2040 space program, which is currently
under study.

In September 2016, Algeria launched the
satellites Alsat-1B, Alsat-2B, and Alsat-1N, from India. Alsat-1B is the
second Algerian earth observation satellite at medium resolution,
launched by Algeria after Alsat-1(launched in 2002).

objective is to take images from an orbit at 670 km altitude to help
experts in the protection of the environment and the different natural
ecosystems, the observation of the phenomena of desertification and
their maps, the mapping of land use, regional and coastal planning, as
well as the prevention and management of natural risks.

is the second high-resolution earth observation satellite, placed in an
orbit at 670 km altitude, after Alsat-2A in orbit since July 2010. The
images taken by Alsat-2B are increasing the frequency of shots and
strengthen the national territory's coverage capacities.

is a nanosatellite with scientific mission and technological
demonstration developed within the framework of the implementation of
the cooperation agreement with the space agency of the United Kingdom
(UKSA), by a team of Algerian-British researchers.

编辑 | 张  梅

翻译 | 张慎翔

设计 | 高  蕊