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文|Joseph U Ibeh 非洲空间(Space in Africa)高级分析师 翻译|齐晓彤

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非盟将太空科技视为为期十年的“非洲科学、技术与创新战略”(STISA 2024)实施中最关键的一环,也是非洲的长期转型计划“2063年议程”最关键的部分之一。非洲空间计划着重于四大方面:地球观测、太空学与天文学、卫星通信以及导航与定位










1,Rascom-QAF 1R和New Dawn卫星(现更名为Intelsat 28,由国际通信卫星组织管理)。





非洲蓬勃发展的航天业既有政府的参与,也有私营企业的参与。 越来越多的非洲私营企业在从事航天技术开发,并为区域及国际市场提供基于航天技术的服务。


NewSpace Industry

该研究指出,大多数非洲商业航天企业向机构投资者、风险投资基金和天使投资人筹集股权投资,有些企业则选择自筹资金而不进行融资。 在35家备受关注的公司中,有21家募集了股权投资,有8家在自筹资金,有4家主要靠政府资金支持,还有一家由一所大学独资控股。



















Africa's Fast Rising Space Industry and Opportunities for Chinese Businesses

By Joseph U Ibeh  Senior Analyst at Space in Africa

space industry is evolving as its parameters have expanded to include
more government actors, private ventures and academic institutions at
both national and continental levels are involved. The continent has
seen exponential growth in the total number of satellites in space, from
nine in 2009 to 41 at the end of 2019. The continent launched eight
satellites in 2019 alone, which is the highest ever launched in a
calendar year in its 21-year history of satellite launches.

2019, the industry further recorded an increase in the number of
spacefaring African nations (nations that have successfully launched a
satellite into space ) and welcomed new entrants to the league of
African nations with space ambitions. So far, 11 African countries have
launched satellites into space, up from eight at the end of 2018 and
more than double the number at the end of the last decade in 2009. Egypt
tops the list with nine satellites while South Africa, which previously
held the top rank until recently, comes close with record eight
satellites. Algeria and Nigeria hold the third place with six satellites
each. Morocco has launched three satellites into space while Angola,
Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Rwanda and Sudan have a record for each one.
Through private-public sector collaborations, African institutions have
launched three multilateral satellites: Rascom-QAF 1, Rascom-QAF 1R and
the New Dawn satellite (now wholly owned by Intelsat).

from the African Space Industry Annual Report, 2019 Edition produced by
Space in Africa, a media and consulting firm focused on the African
space industry, forecast that more than 18 African nations would have
launched a satellite by the end of 2024. According to the report,
countries such as Mauritius, Tunisia, DR Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Senegal,
Uganda and Zimbabwe have rolled out plans to launch a satellite into
space by 2024.

On a regional scale, the African Union is
vigorously pursuing a continent-wide space programme enshrined in the
objectives of African Space Policy and Strategy which was adopted by
African Heads of State and Government in January 2016. AU recognises
space science and technology as one of the most important actors needed
for the implementation of its short-term Science, Technology and
Innovation Strategy for Africa (STISA 2024) and the long-term
continental transformation framework known as Agenda 2063.

African Space Policy and Strategy programme focus on four thematic
areas: Earth observation, space science and astronomy, satellite
communication, and navigation and positioning. In a bid to streamline
the implementation of the programme, the African Union adopted a statute
for the establishment of an African Space Agency (AfAS) on 29 January
2018. In February 2019, Egypt won the bid to host the headquarters of
the Agency.

Africa's growing space activities span beyond
government programmes to include private commercial space ventures. The
continent is witnessing the emergence of more private companies that are
developing space technologies and offering space-enabled services
across regional and national markets.

A recent study by Space
in Africa profiled 34 of the leading African commercial space ventures
and NewSpace startups with an emphasis on their size, financial and
investment history, and products and services, as they exist and
interact with other actors in the global space ecosystem.

to the study published as the African NewSpace Industry Report, from
the seedlings of the nascent space sector, Africa's NewSpace companies
are championing the adoption of space technologies and services across
the continent while positioning themselves for strategic segments of the
market. The report identifies maturing interest in the downstream
satellite services segment with most of the commercial activities
focused on communication satellite services, Earth observation and
remote sensing services, positioning and surveillance, geospatial
analytics and ground station equipment. The continent is also witnessing
the rise of expertise in the upstream segment, mostly in small
satellite subsystems and payload manufacturing, with the majority of the
African NewSpace companies supplying vital components and instruments
to the global satellite market. Few African-grown NewSpace companies are
focused on the launch segment, and there is no significant traction on
in-space services or space travel.

In terms of the location of the
emerging commercial hubs, 21 of these companies based in South Africa,
four are in Nigeria, and another four are in Mauritius. Egypt is home to
two of these companies, while Kenya, Sudan, and Tunisia host one each.

study also highlights that the majority of the African commercial space
ventures raised equity investments from institutional investors,
venture capitalists and angels, while some bootstrapped with no external
funding. 21 of the 35 profiled companies raised equity investments
while eight companies are bootstrapping; government funds four are
primarily funded by the government, while one is wholly-owned by a

Foreign space ventures and leading global satellite
operators are also in the race for Africa's emerging space market as
growing interest in space on the continent compound business
opportunities for both local and foreign companies across the various
segments of the market.

Foreign companies dominate the
upstream satellite manufacturing and launch segments with turnkey
contracts signed with African governments for in-orbit delivery of
satellites. These contractors built 25 of the 41 African satellites,
with all the 41 satellites launched from outside Africa by foreign
launch providers. The non-African entities closing the most deals on the
continent include Airbus Defence and Space (France), China Great Wall
Industry Corporation (CGWIC), RSC Energia (Russia), Surrey Satellite
Technology Ltd (UK), and Thales Alenia Space (France).

downstream market features diverse participation of local and foreign
entities, including large corporations and small ventures. African-grown
satellite operators and service providers such as Egypt's
publicly-traded operator NileSat, pan-African operator Rascamstar Ltd,
Nigeria's state-owned operator NigComSat Ltd and Algeria's AlComSat,
operated by Algeria’s transmission services provider Télédiffusion
d’Algérie and Algeria Telecom Satellite (ATS), are competing and in some
instances, collaborating with large global operators such as Eutelsat,
Intelsat, SES, Yasat, Avanti, among others. Many medium-large scale
services providers, resellers and equipment vendors operate in the value
chain, thereby, enabling a vast ecosystem of satellite market that
transcends the space sector to include the telecommunications, defence,
transportation, aviation, maritime, finance and development sectors.

African Space Industry Annual Report currently values the African space
economy at over USD 7 billion with a projected 7.3% CAGR, to exceed USD
10 billion by 2024; combining both estimated commercial revenue
generated and government budgets.

So, why is the African space
economy growing at such a high rate, especially with the presence of
more immediate concerns? The answer is multi-faceted. Some experts
attribute the growing adoption of space science and technology in Africa
to the continent's quest to leapfrog development. In the face of
widespread infrastructural deficit, some African experts believe that
space holds the potential to augment the inadequate terrestrial
infrastructure on the continent, particularly in the areas of
telecommunications, aviation, maritime, security, education, healthcare
and general advancement of science.

It is imperative to note
that space projects in Africa focus on providing solutions to
fundamental challenges rather than on space tourism or in-orbit economy.
Generally, satellite programmes dominate the continent's space sector
with space science research and astronomy rapidly maturing. Of the 41
satellites launched by African countries: 17 are Earth observation
satellites, 12 are primarily for technology demonstration and education
purposes, 11 communications satellites, whereas South Africa's Kondor-E
built by Russia is the only military radar satellite.

are capturing opportunities by offering satellite-enabled services and
products across various application segments, including satellite
television, Earth observation, FSS & MSS, GNSS and similar services,
satellite subsystems, payloads and ground equipment manufacturing. Data
from the African Space Industry Report reveal that the biggest
contribution to the industry is from satellite TV, followed by
fixed-satellite service (FSS) and mobile-satellite service (MSS) and
GNSS, and other similar services. Some satellite operators are raking in
over USD 100 million in annual revenue.

Beyond satellite
programmes, the continent is betting big on space science research and
astronomy with South Africa leading efforts to host the world's biggest
radio telescope, the Square Kilometer Array, within its territory, in
partnership with eight African countries: Botswana, Ghana, Kenya,
Madagascar, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia and Zambia. The first phase
of the project is expected to cost nearly USD 1 billion, which creates
more market opportunities for equipment manufacturers and vendors.

continent is leveraging international collaborations to leap forward in
terms of funding, human capacity development and technology
acquisition. African countries build on existing bilateral cooperation
with their technologically-advanced allies such as France, UK, Russia
and China to advance their space programme. Other notable foreign allies
with significant collaboration on the continent include the European
Space Agency with Japan, India and Ukraine catching up. A level of
pan-African space cooperation exists on the continent in the frame of
the African Resource Management Constellation and the African Space
Leadership Congress. However, space cooperation on the continent is
generally with foreign allies on bilateral terms.

编辑 | 张  梅

翻译 | 齐晓彤

设计 | 高  蕊