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《中国投资》: 卢旺达在非洲解放运动中起到了什么样的作用?
《中国投资》: 非洲大陆的解放运动对卢旺达的稳定,经济发展和民生起到了什么样的影响?
从不利的一面来看,独立后的政权分裂,试图颠覆国家独立的力量角逐引发了持续不断的暴力冲突。解放运动时期,领导独立战争的图西族君主被认为是像刚果(金)的帕特里斯·卢蒙巴(Patrice Lumumba)和坦桑尼亚的朱利叶斯·尼雷尔(Julius Nyerere)一样的民族主义者。他们的政治主张及彼此间紧密的联系使得殖民者将卢旺达的独立运动领袖,尤其是图西族领袖,当成共产主义者。因此他们支持更听命于他们的胡图族推翻了图西族的君主制政权。胡图族政府打压所谓的图西族共产主义者,采取了一系列贯彻种族灭绝理念的手段,包括禁止图西族人参于社会经济生活,实行恐怖袭击及大屠杀。1994年,当试图解放全国的卢旺达爱国阵线在战场上取得节节胜利之时,胡图族政府开始彻底实行种族灭绝政策。在接下来的几十年间有超过一百万的图西族人被残害,遇难者还包括数千名反对当权者杀戮行为的胡图族人。为彻底根除图西族,前政府还取消了有利于卢旺达爱国阵线党的选民政策,以进一步削弱其力量。
Liberation is a never ending process
——Interview Charles Kayonga, Rwanda Ambassador to China
Armene·G,China Investment ; Photo by Armene·G
China Investment :The AfricanLiberation Day is a special day to the African continent, how do you evaluatethe significance behind this day?
Charles Kayonga :The AfricanLiberation Day is indeed special in that it is an opportunity to reflect on thecore objectives of continental liberation, the progress that has been made, andto strategize on the way forward. We give tribute to the forefathers of AfricanLiberation for initiating this collective movement and committing themselves tosupport one another in the process. Consequent on this progressive trend, it isthe responsibility of successive generations of leaders, including those oftoday, to carry forward the struggle to liberate the continent from poverty,disease, backwardness, and other obstacles to freedom and development.Liberation is a never ending process and each generation is called tocontribute a fair share toward the goals of human freedom and rights.
China Investment :What kind ofrole that Rwanda played in Africa’s liberation movement?
Charles Kayonga :Althoughsome of Rwanda's pro-independence leaders were among the most radical reformersof the old order who advocated for genuine independence and sustainabledevelopment, post-independence Rwanda was one of the African countries that regrettablycontributed to Africa's woes rather than solutions. This was because atindependence, the colonial authorities raised to power a proxy Hutu elite groupas a way to perpetuate their hold on power and influence on the country. Inorder to ensure that their control over Rwanda was irreversible, the newleaders and their colonial masters initiated systematic massacres killingthousands of Tutsi and sending into exile tens of thousands others. Thus atindependence Rwanda became the first country on the continent to carry outlarge scale massacres against her own citizens and to cause the largest numberof refugees on the continent. Indeed, the genocide against the Tutsi of 1994was the climax of the deliberate terror and sectarian policies of the post-independenceperiod. Therefore, the legacy of independent Rwanda can only be misrule and itsconsequent harm on her citizens and humanity as a whole.
China Investment :How has theliberation movement across the African continent influenced the social stability,economic development and life of the people in Rwanda?
Charles Kayonga:Liberationmovements across Africa have had significant impact on Rwanda. First, on thenegative side, the post-independence divisive rule, the ensuing periodicmassacres was designed to subvert genuine independence. During the run up toindependence, the Tutsi monarch that was leading the struggle for independencein Rwanda was identified with nationalists such as Patrice Lumumba of the thenCongo-Zaire, and Julius Nyerere of Tanzania. Their nationalistic stance and therelationship with these leaders led the colonialists to brand the Rwandanindependence leaders, notably the Tutsi as communists. This is one of thereasons why the monarch in Rwanda was overthrown and power awarded to the Hutuwho were perceived as more loyal. The new government then instituted measuresto keep the so called communist Tutsi in check. This included instituting agenocide ideology characterized by alienating members of the Tutsi communityfrom participation in the social economic life of the country, terrorism andintermittent mass killings. In 1994, when the government was threatened withdefeat by the Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF) that sought to liberate the country,the decades long genocide strategy was unleashed killing more than one millionTutsi and thousands of Hutus that opposed the government killing agenda. Byattempting to exterminate the Tutsi, the former government of Rwanda’sobjective was to eliminate a constituency perceived as supportive of the RPFand thereby undermine the liberation efforts.
On the positive side, Rwanda’s liberationcan be said to be a hybrid of liberation experiences including those on thecontinent of Africa and beyond. It is while as refugees in East Africancountries in the 1970s and 80s, that those who would later liberate Rwandaformed their ideas of liberation. Their military training and combat experiencewas gained alongside freedom fighters in countries such as Mozambique, Tanzaniaand Uganda. This foundation was invaluable in preparing Rwandans for their ownliberation effort when the time came. The liberation of Rwanda itselfencountered unique challenges such as the genocide against the Tutsi. However,the society was protected from the grave effects of such a calamity byresorting to the fundamentals of its culture and values of unity andreconciliation, restorative justice and community service.
The objective of liberation is to empowerpeople to achieve social stability, economic development, and wellbeing. Sincethe liberation of Rwanda and the stopping the genocide against the Tutsi in1994, the leadership of Rwanda under H.E Paul Kagame has sought to do this. Alot has been achieved in the last twenty three years. Rwanda enjoys stabilitythat ensues from a progressive political agenda that fosters unity andreconciliation. Stability favors doing business, which turn is contributing toeconomic development. The political and economic situation in Rwanda and thehope it creates has appealed to hundreds of thousands of Rwandan refugees inexile to return home, bringing to the minimum the numbers of refugees livingoutside the country. Rwanda today, more than at any other point in history, issteadily on the course for genuine liberation and independence, thanks to theRPF and its leadership.
China Investment :What's yourtake on the current relations between China and Rwanda? What are the futureprospects of bilateral cooperation?
Charles Kayonga:Rwandaestablished diplomatic cooperation with China forty six years ago and therelations between the two countries remain excellent. China is Rwanda’s largesttrading partners after East Africa with the trade value between the twocountries in 2013 reaching 243 million USD, consisting of 134 million inimports from China and 109 million exports from Rwanda. In order to assistRwanda's exports, China established a duty-free policy on 95% of Rwandanproducts while Rwandan companies continue to promote their products at variousbusiness fairs in China. The cooperation between Rwanda and China are foundedon strong Party to Party relations given the ruling Party’s roots in liberationand their focus on inclusive and sustainable development. Today, as Chinaupgrades her support to Africa to achieve economic and political integration ofthe continent, Rwanda’s stability and excellent business environmental presentsa pull factor for deeper partnership in this win-win cooperation. This was inessence the spirit of the meeting between President Paul Kagame and his host XiJinping in Beijing in March 2017.