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加纳 解放运动的先锋、合作共赢的榜样——专访加纳共和国驻华使馆临时代办马卡洛斯·阿肯邦


文I 本刊记者 许成之    摄影I 刘关关    翻译I 王晓波

































Ghana: A Leader in Liberation and Example of Partnership

——Interview McArios A. Akanbong, Ghana charge d'affaires to China

Xu Chengzhi, China Investment ; Photo by Liu Guanguan

China Investment: We are remembering 1958with the first Congress of independent African nations, which was also thefirst Pan-Africa Congress held in Africa. So since then there has been thecelebration of African liberation. Looking back, what do you make of thatspecial period of time?

McArios: First of all, we have to put allof this in perspective. By 58’ only a handful of African countries had becomeindependent. The 58’ Congress was only the culmination of earlier efforts bygreat Pan-Africanists. Marcus Garvey, Du Buois, and especially Kwame Nkrumahand his peers to bring the African condition and African story more to theworld –that the black man, after all, is capable of managing his ownaffairs. It is this thinking that led to the independence fever. When you takeover the reigns of your destiny, you can do it. Because remember whatcolonialism and slave trade had done to Africa was a mental colonization wherethey had come to think they cannot be independent but they have to besubservient to another hegemony. What the Nkrumah movement, thePan-Africanists, and especially they 58’ Congress did was celebrate theachievement that Africans can lead themselves and are capable of managing theirown affairs. It also set the tone to rapidly get some of our sister countriesthat were still under colonization to wake up to reality and take the fightfurther because, remember, at the time, some other countries were skeptical. Soin 58’ what Nkrumah sought to do was tell his other brothers they can taketheir destinies into their hands. Soon after by 59’, 60’ many more countrieswere added. By 63’ we had about thirty states, which became the foundingmembers. So the Accra Conference was critical in that it accelerated theindependence drive. It also was the time that the issue of continent unity wasbroached and Africans got to see the importance of coming together. We werenewly independent, weak and fragile. If we did not come together in a type ofunion then independence may be meaningless.


China Investment: That is what brought theorganization of the African Union?

McArios: Yes, the Accra Conference laid thefoundation for the organization of African unity. It also helped in thedecolonization process of the continent because at that point Nkrumah realizedwe couldn’t survive single handedly. We don’t have the means either politicallyor economically to stand alone; and remember there was the Cold War of Russiaand America –capitalism versus communism. The two of them were fighting on ourcontinent. Confusion everywhere. So if you didn’t come together you couldbecome a victim of the politics between America and Russia. Russia wants you tobe communist; America wants you to be capitalist. If you don’t agree then thereis a coup d’etat, they start fighting in your country. So Nkrumah said, this isthe reality, we need to forge a unity because if you are more you are strongbut if you are one they can finish you. So that was the beginning, to safeguardour independence. In that sense, that was the importance of the AccraConference of 58’.


China Investment: Ghana was the firstsub-Saharan African country to seek and successfully obtain independence. Sowhat kind of role did Ghana play to liberate other African nations fromcolonial rule?

McArios: It was a big, monumental role weplayed and we are grateful that many of our African brothers recognize this.First of all, in the case of Guinea, at the time of independence, many of theFrench colonies did not want independence as fast as Ghana wanted it. But SékouTouré [the first President of Guinea, 1958-1984], being close to Nkrumah and inthe Casablanca Group, was interested in independence now. When Touré declaredindependence in 58’ the French took out everything from the country, everylittle thing. Guinea had nothing. Nkrumah was the first to go and give a bigsum of money to support –pay civil service, to allow emergency services to run. In fact, ofthe many Freedom Fighters, Nkrumah invited them to come to Accra where theywere either trained or schooled. Because even if you get independence but thepeople who have been fighting have not been educated, you can’t rule. So manyof the African fighters like Mugabe of Zimbabwe and Nnamdi Azikewe of Nigeria,went to school in Ghana. Nkrumah also spent lots of money in military training.Remember when Congo, DRC (one of the richest countries on the face of theearth, so rich it can support Africa and the reason why there is intrigue andinstability in the Congo), the Belgians incited the coup against PatriceLamumba. Ghana had to carry our troops there. That was one of the firstpeacekeeping operations. They all went to school in Ghana before Nkrumah tookthem back to fight. So to that extent, we will say that our role in thedecolonization of the African continent was very significant.


China Investment: In 1960 China establishedrelations with Ghana.

McArios: China was interested in seeing thedecolonization of the continent. China gave the best support that they could tosome of our Freedom Fighters so that they can gain independence and take theirown destinies into their own hands. And not only in Ghana, but in othercountries like Angola, South Africa. Today, we are happy that every Africancountry is free, politically. Now, the next step is economic freedom.


China Investment: What kind of changes didthis independence bring to Ghana in terms of socio-economic development?

McArios: First of all, it broughtnationalism. In fact, at the time of independence the nationalist fervor,patriotism, the passion and love for one’s country was at its highest. Never inour history did we find our people so in love with our country and willing tosacrifice and die. 


China Investment: Like a new identity?

McArios: A new identity! Which wasimportant for an emerging country. You see if you don’t have people thatsupport and love the country, you can have the best policies and not achievethem. One of the things in Africa that we admire about Asia and especiallyChina is the love for the country. It doesn’t matter if they are poor or rich;they always love their country. That is a very fundamental ingredient fornational development. One of the things Nkrumah did was to bring this. In thisregard, Nkrumah himself was visionary. At the time, our per capita income wasone of the best in the world from 1957 to 1964/65’. Like China has a five-yearplan, Nkrumah had a seven-year plan. Many countries came to Ghana and took thedevelopment plan. Malaysia, for instance, came to Ghana to learn and today weare taking aid from them. But because of Nkrumah’s personality and hiscriticism against the West they always knew that with Nkrumah, the West cannotcome through Africa, so they had him deposed in 1966.

China Investment: Coup d’etat?

McArios: Coup d’etat. And with the coup d’etatthe problems started because the people didn’t have a plan. Those who came hadonly been told by their masters to go and take away somebody but they were notgiven the skills to manage. So sure, the governance of the country is a bigissue. Many leaders came but no stability. If you don’t have stability noinvestor puts money, and people run away –those intellectualswho came to help us in our universities, they were running back; they weredisillusioned.


China Investment: Yes, this is part of thereason why China stresses so much about stability.

McArios: Yes! Stability is important. That’sthe first thing for development. If you are not stable you are finished; youcan have all the resources, see Congo.


China Investment: If you look at history,In China we say we were “semi-colonized” by Western countries so we had asimilar experience and understand how people feel when being colonized byanother country. This is why we have a non-interference policy; we believe wehave to respect the people. So how do you see the historical and currentrelationship between China and Ghana?

McArios: I think the greatest that everhappened to us was that we took the bold step –the two countries—to establisha relationship in the 60s. Ghana was the third country in Africa to establishrelations with China and since then, as we know, it’s been growing formstrength to strength. We know that China is a great friend, very sincere withus. Only a true friend can be sincere with you; if your friend calls himself atrue friend and he goes around back-stabbing you, he is not a true friend.Since our colonial struggle, China has always given the little that she had. Sowe are very happy with that and as you know, on our part, we also supportChina.


China Investment: Absolutely, especiallypolitical support. Chinese people still feel indebted to the support of Africancountries. Chairman Mao actually said, “we were carried into to the UN SecurityCouncil by our African brothers.”

McArios: Yes! Basically! So we use ournumbers and we said, “Oh! This injustice cannot continue. China has to take itsrightful place and legitimate place in the Security Council.” And it hasn’tended there. In many fora, when China is there and Africa is there, we listento China. A African proverb says, “if you want to walk fast you walk alone, butif you want to walk far you walk with a friend.” So, Africa says we want towalk far and we want to walk with China. We have worked with our otherpartners, European partners, from independence up to fifty/sixty years, and weare still where we were. If indeed they were interested in our development,they would know what to do. Wouldn’t they know? Yes, you have colonized us, youwant me to develop, and you should know what to do. And we say, “okay, we havebeen with you, let’s try another partner and see.” Now they say, “why are yougoing to China?” and we say, “Well…”


China Investment: Remember the EuropeanParliamentary speaker, Antonio Tajani, received an interview from a Germanmagazine talking about China colonizing Africa.

McArios: Yes, they run to us and say, “youknow, China is going to colonize you.” We say, “don’t worry, we already knowcolonialism.” We don’t have a problem with China and we want to go on. We thinkthat what our Chinese brothers are doing so far is so very good.