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中巴经济走廊带动巴中务实合作——专访中巴经济走廊特使扎法尔(Zafaruddin Mahmood)


文|本刊记者  周洋   摄影|周洋


2017年5月14日,举世瞩目的 “一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛的北京举行,巴基斯坦代表表示希望将来在两国的合作中能够有更多的延伸发展。本刊记者就巴中两国合作的现况和将来的发展愿景采访了中巴经济走廊特使扎法尔先生。










































China-Pakistan Economic Corridor Moves forward Pragmatic Cooperation

between Pakistan and China

Zhou Yang; China Investment; translated by Liao Dong; Photo by Zhou Yang

China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC)is an example of cooperation
within the framework of the OBOR initiative, onwhich the two governments
and businesses of the two countries have made heftyinput of energy and
resources, striving to achieve the goal of mutual benefitand win-win
situation through open and inclusive cooperation.

May 14, 2017, the Belt and Road Forumfor International Cooperation,
attracting the world’s attention was held inBeijing, on which Pakistan
expressed the hope to see more extensive developmentderiving from
cooperation between the two countries.  On conditions and prospect of
cooperationbetween Pakistan and China, the China Investment
correspondent had an exclusiveinterview with Mr. Zafaruddin Mahmood, the
Pakistani Special Envoy on the CPEC.


Investment: First of all, would youplease comment on the current
progress of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridorand why Pakistan should
have appointed a special envoy on it?

Zafaruddin Mahmood: First of all, I wouldlike to speak about the background of the CPEC.

2013, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang made anofficial visit to Pakistan,
during which he put forward the idea of the Beltand Road.  He proposed
that with aprofound friendship between China and Pakistan, if the two
countries could setup pragmatic cooperation within the framework of
OBOR.  It was through several consultations betweenleaders of both
countries that a consensus had been reached to build the CPER.  After
both sides came to agreement on theintent for cooperation, leading
members of concerned departments of bothcountries worked out a series of
plans for the CPEC, including principal areasof cooperation, mode of
cooperation and implementation of planning.  Eventually, four areas are
set for generaldirection.

The first area
of cooperation is energycooperation, especially construction of power
generation projects.  The second area chosen for cooperation
isconstruction of infrastructural facilities. The third area is the
construction and management of the GwadarPort.  The fourth area is
cooperation onproduction capacity between the two countries.

has been two years since the basicframework was put in place.  Things
aregoing on well and very smoothly with the four areas.  In a short span
of over two years, China’sinvestment in Pakistan has surpassed US$ 25
billion, unprecedented in thePakistani history of more than seventy
years. It also results from the fact that both countries set great story
by theCPEC.  At the same time, as Pakistanbelieves that the cooperation
between the two countries with areas so extensiveand involving an
investment so large that calls for the designation of aspecial officer,
whose job is to look after related contact work.

Investment:  Just now you mentioned that as far back as2013 when
Premier Li Keqiang visited Pakistan, he called for cooperation on
theCPEC.  But its formal implementation didnot begin until 2015.  For
the two yearsin between, what work had been done?

Zafaruddin Mahmood:  Because
it was necessary to set the directionat the early stage and to work out
the mode and plans for cooperation. Besides,the period of establishing
cooperation on the CPEC happened to experience achange in government of
Pakistan, and as such it was necessary to brief andexplain to the
incoming government on conditions of the cooperation.  And only by then
could preparatory work ofthe early stage be done, including decisions on
key areas and concrete projectsand how to deal with issues of
implementation such as financing.  As a gigantic plan, it had a
preparatory procedureto go through in the early stage.  All ofthe above
took about two years.

Investment: When President Xi Jinpingvisited Pakistan in 2015, he
underscored that Sino-Pakistani cooperationcenters on the Gwadar Port,
energy, communication infrastructures andindustrial cooperation.  Within
thecurrent CPEC framework, China’s actual investment in Pakistan has
exceeded US$25 billion.  As such, perhaps you couldcomment on the
progress of projects in the above four areas and the prospect oftheir
future development?

Zafaruddin Mahmood:
First of all, let mebegin with the energy area.  There arenumerous and
complicated classifications of energy.  For instance, by ways of power
generation,power plants can be classified as thermos power stations,
hydraulic powerstations, solar electrical energy power stations and wind
poweredstations.  As it is more speedily todevelop solar and wind
powered stations, at present some of solar and windpowered projects
under Pakistan-China cooperation have been operational andintegrated
into the power grids.  Atpresent, a thermos power station is
operational.  Besides, some of the power projects areexpected to be
completed by the end of this year or early next year.  It takes a longer
period of time to build ahydraulic power projects, which is now under

On May 12, the first unit
of Sahiwal CoalPower Project (2×660 MW) built by China Huaneng and
Shandong Ruyi wasinaugurated and connected to the grid successfully,
becoming the firstcoal-based generation unit to be connected to the grid
under the CPEC.  It will markedly alleviate Pakistan’s powershortage.

Secondly, Pakistan conducts closecooperation with China on infrastructural cooperation.

Karakoran Highway (KKH), being the onlyland passageway between Pakistan
and China, is known as the Highway ofFriendship between Pakistan and
China. In August 2008, the first phase of the project of KKH renovation
andexpansion as one of Chinese assistance was officially launched.  It
was completed by June 2015.

In April
2016, the first key highwayproject of the CPEC, the second phase of KKH
elevation and renovation (theThakot-Havelian section) was officially
launched in the Manshera District,Pakistan.  The project is contracted
toChina Road and Bridge Corporation, a subsidiary of China
CommunicationsCorporation and expected to be completed next year.

construction of the KKH is a complexproject.  The project moves
southwardalong the KKH to Islamabad, Pakistan’s capital, the highest
elevation being 4500meters above the sea level and the lowest
(Islamabad), merely 700 meters, thealtitude drop being great.  Though
thehighway is not too long in distance, less than 400 kilometers as the
crowflies, the engineering work is very difficult. The topography along
the highway is complicated, with many rivers andvalleys to go across by
tunneling and building bridges.  As a result, the construction is costly
inexpenses and slow in speed, which is eventually decided to be built
section bysection.

Meanwhile, the
superhighway between Karachiand Lahore is also an important project
within the framework of the CPEC, ofwhich the Sukkur-Multan section is
about 400 kilometers long and designed for 6carriageways in both
directions and 120 kilometers/hour in speed.  The project is built by
China ConstructionGroup and expected to complete next year. The ultimate
goal of the superhighway is to link the two largest citiesof the
country Karachi and Lahore, which will greatly promote social
andeconomic development.

Third, the
construction of the GwadarPort.  At present, the management rightof the
port has been transferred to companies on the Chinese side.  Through
renovation, the port has beenremarkably improved in terms of depth of
water and port facilities.  The port now handles loading and unloading
ofChinese ships on regular basis, it now operates in business mode.  At
the same time, Pakistan will enter intoagreement with China on
cooperation in building the superhighway in Gwadar andin overall urban
planning of the city. The Government of Pakistan has declared a free
trade zone (FTZ) inGwadar, which is likewise handed over to Chinese
companies for management andoperation.  The first phase of
tenantenrolling and leasing of the FTZ has been completed.  The greatest
bright spot of the FTZ forinvestment is preferential policy including
tax exemption for 22 years.  Currently, ongoing projects there include
theconstruction of a power plant with the investment of China
CommunicationsCorporation, which is already underway. The construction
of the Gwadar Airport,an assistance project by the Chinese Government,
will be started with theyear.  There is also a large-scalelogistic
center built with the investment of Linyi, China, the first phase
ofwhich is completed.  Geographically,Gwadar is located near the Middle
East, bordering countries like Iran andAfghanistan, which, in addition
to the preferential policy of 22-year taxexemption make it suitable for
doing business with neighboring countries.  As a result, the
construction there isdefined as one for logistic base.

the construction of Gwadar isunder a comprehensive plan. Previously,
owing to the lack of development, thebusiness opportunity of the coastal
city is not well utilized.  In the future, within the framework of
theCPEC, the city will be built into a free trade center, an
industrializedmetropolis and a logistic center.

in the area of cooperation inproduction capacity between the two
countries, the priority of this year is tobuild a China-Pakistan
industrial park in Pakistan, in support of which theGovernment has
announced a policy of ten-year tax exemption.  The labor cost of
Pakistan is relatively low,about a third of that of China, which is an
important factor for thedevelopment of manufacturing industries. Both of
the points will become the bright spots for the industrial parkto
attract investment.


Investment: According to mediareporting, the text of the long-term plan
for CPEC has been basically finalizedrecently.  Would you please speak
aboutthe principal tasks and set goals of the planning?

Zafaruddin Mahmood:
At present, the text ofthe long-term plan for CPEC has been basically
decided upon throughconsultation, the planned timeframe being until
2030.  However, in the process, both sides of Chinaand Pakistan will
continue to work on planning. For instance, in the area of energy
construction, in the future,exploration of water resources in Pakistan
will be conducted and studies willbe made for rational utilization of
water resources.  In the area of infrastructure construction,an upcoming
agreement will be one on cooperation in setting up a highwaytraining
and research center and cooperation in other areas of extension. 
Therefore, I believe that when this timeframeends, both countries will
go further on hand in hand.

On the
importance of electrical power toPakistan, I would like to say that over
a long period of time in the past, thestate of Pakistan went amiss in
setting store by electrical resources.  In addition, its own
technological basis isnot broad enough.  All of this has led tothe
situation of serious shortage of power for the whole country, which has
experienced10-hour blackouts in a large area. Now, Pakistan is moving
towards anindustrialized country and there will be more industries in
the future.  If this situation remains unchanged as soonas possible, it
will stand in the way of development on top of causinginconvenience in

At present, we plan for a
certain degree ofincrease in electricity every year. Through
consultation in the past two years, both countries have come upwith an
agreement for long-term cooperation plan until 2025.  In five years to
come, Pakistan will add17045 MW to its total installed generation
capacity, an increase of about 80percent of its daily generation
capacity of less than 20000 MW.  Looking at the figure, this is
obviously ahuge project.  Both the Chinese andPakistani sides are
detailed in the project plan and meticulous in its implementation.  Both
sides have set up a working group forregular meeting, reviewing the
progress of the project, exploring onoutstanding issues and working out
improvements.  Sitting above the working group, there is asupreme
committee to guide its work. The National Development and
ReformCommission of China and the Ministry of Planning of Pakistan each
haveappointed a leading member to head the committee.  The reports of
the working group aresubjected to the supreme committee for further
studies.  As such, every year there will bereadjustment of concrete
measures for implementation so as to ensure that theplan will be carried
out on time and according to what is desired.


China Investment: Would you comment on theattitudes of Pakistani general public toward the CPEC?

Zafaruddin Mahmood:
Many people gain theirunderstanding of Pakistan through the media.
However, there are also certainelements of exaggeration and cooking up
there. Pakistan may face one kind or another kind of problems in its
socialconditions.  Therefore, since the CPECwas launched, the Government
has taken very rigorous measures to ensure thesafety of foreign
investors.  So far,nothing abnormal has happened.  Ingeneral, the
Pakistani people entertain very friendly feelings for the Chinesepeople.

various political parties in thecountry, the concept and significance
of the CPEC have gained moreunderstanding and more traction. For
instance, the site selection forinvestment should be conducted according
to the surrounding environment andwhat is required for
post-construction operation.  Only by getting economic viable
investment,can development be achieved.  All of theparty people have
conversely turned to think in terms of how to attract foreigninvestment,
producing very good benign effects.

the benefits of projects undercooperation between the two countries can
be foretold and so can the potentialbenefits for local people and local
development.  Though it takes time for the projects to beoperational
and to make real economic returns, at present we have already
beenaccorded with benefits of the CPEC for the overall development of

Let me give an example.  In
implementing all projects under planning,the employment of Pakistan is
greatly promoted, increase on jobs leading toimprovement on people’s
livelihood.  Soit is a benign circle.  Taking theconstruction of 400
kilometers of highway for example, it needs 10000 workersto work on
site.  Since it is far morecostly to hire Chinese workers than local,
Pakistani ones, the company hiresonly 2000 Chinese workers, and
therefore it gives 8000 jobs to the Pakistanis,which equals to solving
the problem of the livelihood for 8000 Pakistanifamilies.  Another
example is a powerplant under construction, which has adopted the method
of hiring 200 collegegraduates and financing their visit to China for
training on technologicalknowledge, learning to operate machines and
learning Chinese.  On their return, they will work side by sidewith
Chinese technical staff.  Thecooperation period for the power plant is
about 25 years, and therefore, the200 Pakistanis participating in the
construction of the power plant will haveguaranteed jobs for just as
long.  At thesame time, in the process of their construction, the
projects of highways,railways, power plants and ports have driven
forward surrounding economicdevelopment locally, concerned industries
such as the catering industries,hotels and retail businesses all
enjoying parallel development.  All this breeds potential benefits for
localpeople in Pakistan and as a result, the Pakistani civil society is
verysupportive of the construction of economic corridor between China
and Pakistan.


Investment: As the CPEC is thelargest project of the OBOR initiative
under implementation, in this context,how would you comment on the OBOR

Zafaruddin Mahmood:  When
the Chinese side first came up with thisidea, there were a lot of
comments in the world.  Many of the commentators believed that it wasfor
expanding its political influence that China made the
initiative,displaying some doubts and concerns. However, Pakistan has
all along maintained very good ties with China andwe do not believe that
China has any such ideas.  In the long history of diplomatic
relationsbetween China and Pakistan, we have never seen China either
interfere with ourcountry, or ask us to do anything improper or use us. 
Therefore, Pakistan has never harbored anydoubts about China’s OBOR
initiative.  Weconsider the OBOR initiative purely for mutual benefit
and win-win situationand for expanding development of all
countries. Should one list a self-serving purpose, one could say that it
allowsmore opportunities of development for Chinese industries while
all countriesparticipating in the construction of the OBOR can also be
benefited.  Pakistan is the first country that hasapprobated and
responded to the OBOR initiative.  When the Chinese Premier visited
Pakistan, heproposed that China and Pakistan build an economic corridor
together and makeit a showcase for all people to see.  Asa result,
Pakistan is very supportive and appreciative of the OBOR initiative.

China Investment: For the coming OBORsummit, what are your expectations?

Zafaruddin Mahmood:  We
expect that this summit can enable morepeople to understand the idea
behind China’s OBOR initiative, to accept thisbeautiful aspiration and
idea of China and to take part in OBORcooperation.  With more people
toparticipate and to mutually understand and support one another, the
areas ofcooperation will continue to enlarge. More trust will lead to
more sharing. I believe that the world can be more beautiful.  It is
also the hope of the Pakistanileadership to share Pakistan’s experience
on cooperating with China with allparticipants and to tell them that
what we have got, you should also joinup.  Finally, it is for all
countriesparticipating in the OBOR construction to benefit rather than a
certain countryonly.