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文I布克拉·奥冈西纳  尼日利亚《领导者》报记者













Ninth BRICS Summit: an Agenda for all Inclusiveness

By Bukola Ogunsina, Journalist of the newspaper Leadership of Nigeria

The ninth BRICS summit has come and gone at Fujian Province, city of Xiamen with about 3000 media personnel covering the entire event. It has left in its wake a totally new perception for Africans who initially believed the economic group, made up of; Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa had nothing to do with Africa. Albeit, this year, the Summit’s emphasis and intense focus on an 'all-inclusive’ theme has become the massive deal changer for a win win cooperation.

While addressing the opening of the ninth BRICS summit, President Xi Jinping noted the potential for cooperation with other countries, disclosing that the foreign investments of BRICS member countries summed up to 197 billion USD in 2016, and only 5.7 percent took place between its member states. Portraying that cooperation of the group with other countries is of more benefit.

Several topics were contemplated at the business forum ranging from infrastructural development, agriculture, cyber technology, manufacture and security among others. Other topics mentioned by the Director of the Organising Committee of the 2017 BRICS Business Forum and President of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, Mr Jiang Zengwei, while briefing the press during the forum include a larger role in global governance, strengthening the groups role of contribution in world economic governance, trade and investment, financial integration and development, connectivity, and BRICS desire to promote the blue economy. This will in turn include activities that will help develop marine resources and rely on the sea for its economy, namely; marine tourism, oil and gas and so on.

The BRICS Plus model, inviting five countries namely; New Guinea, Tajikstan, Egypt, Mexico and Thailand, offering them a seat at the table for this year’s Summit, has also caused an undeniable thrill in the media and among non-member countries. Perhaps it’s because this comes just as the ‘all inclusive’ theme takes centre stage.

The fact that this year’s BRICS Plusparticipants are developing countries and two out of the five are African countries underlines that Africa has a vital role to play in the group’s efforts.

Already Africa intends to be a member of the New Development Bank (NDB) formerly the BRICS Development Bank, which is a part of the mechanism for Africa’s development. It is a multilateral bank established in 2015. Africa would take this opportunity in order to gain access to loans which would resolve an array of problems. The bank presently has a branch office in South Africa.

Africa suffers from infrastructural problems. It needs to extensively develop infrastructure, transportation, electricity, manufacture, agriculture and health which are key issues it faces among others. But the fact cannot be denied that the continent is an emerging market.

The attendance of the President of New Guinea, and the Chairman of African Union, Alpha Conde at BRICS Summit, sends a strong message of Africa’s participation. At an interview with a couple of journalists from China Africa Press Centre (CAPC) in Ningxia Province, President Conde disclosed, “Today, our major concern is energy, renewable energy; and then mining, agriculture, and youth employment so that our children do not continue to die in the waters of the Mediterranean Sea while trying to migrate to Europe. 

“The other concern is infrastructure. Without infrastructure, you cannot envisage a free trade zone. If neighbouring countries like Cameroon and Congo Brazzaville are not connected by roads or rail lines, how can we talk of free trade zone? Energy, industrialisation, education, new technologies and healthcare are the issues we are trying to address,” he said, on challenges facing Africa as a whole.

This resonates true for Africa as a whole, and more specifically Nigeria. The largest economy in Africa, Nigeria is an emerging market. Nigeria has a lot to bring to the BRICS table and equally a lot to benefit from it. With the recent news from BBC of the country’s official emergence from recession, alongside South Africa, Nigeria’s annual GDP growth is less than 0.6 percent, considered to be slow, however the country’s economy has potentials.

According to a report by the African Development Bank Group, Nigeria’s outlook for 2017, ‘is for a moderate economic recovery with real GDP projected to grow at 2.2 percent spurred by increased infrastructure spending and restoration of oil production to previous levels.

The President of Nigeria, Muhammadu Buhari's mandate is clear. His administration intends to restore back and develop the economy through diversification to promising areas such as agriculture, manufacture, and infrastructure. These areas currently align with BRICS Agenda for development.

In turn, Nigeria with its population officially at above 170 million, is an attractive market for trade and investments. Investments in oil refinery, agriculture, manufacturing of steel, clothing among others. Nigeria has the largest and most internationally applauded African peacekeeping troops. Nigerian soldiers have been deployed on various peacekeeping missions in and out of the continent. Its military strength can complement security efforts of BRICS.