文I奎因·莫科佤佩 博茨瓦纳《报道者报》记者
To Be Better, To Help Those in Need
By Queen Mokwape, Journalist MMEGI/THE MONITOR, Botswana
On September 3rd to 5th,the 9th BRICS Summitwas held in Xiamen, China. As a journalist from Africa, I had the honor ofattending the event.
BRICS has become a important helper formost countries that are struggling to stay afloat both economically and politically.The five countries has declared that with a strong stance that they mandatewill focus more on helping and developing other countries rather than justfocusing on themselves.
Like China’s President Xi Jinping has beensaying in the run up to the summit, the BRICS countries are making headway inpursing common development for the globe and this has been evident with theintroduction of the BRICS PLUS which is expected to make way for other or moreemerging markets outside the BRICS circle.
BRICS which is a group of emergingeconomies consisting of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa areevidently pressed by the slow growth shown by others countries that they havefound it fit to lend a helping hand instead of watching from the sidelines.
At the opening ceremony of BRICS BusinessForum President Xi Jinping gave a glimpse of their intentions of making BRICS aworld leader in global development and helping other countries in sustainabledevelopment.
“BRICS cooperation has now reached a crucialstage of development. In assessing its performance, it is important to bear twothings in mind: the historical course of global development and evolvinginternational landscape and the historical process of development of the BRICScountries and other emerging markets, both individually and collectively, inthe context of which BRICS cooperation is pursued,” he explained
Xi said the BRICS countries co-agreed onthe BRICS PLUS as a way of closing the global gap between the five countriesand those outside the circle in order to enhance cooperation and allow othermarkets to have a wider trading space for better development.
As expected since China has a soft spot forAfrica and believes in its growthand others as a way of fulfilling their globalresponsibility in helping developing countries still struggling to remainafloat economically and as well as politically without interference into theirinternal affairs which has always been their principle when dealing with otherscountries in need.
“The past decade has seen the BRICScountries endeavoring to fulfill their international responsibility. Committedto multilateralism, fairness and justice, our five countries have staked outour positions on major regional and international issues and made our proposalsto address them. We have promoted reform of global economic governance toincrease the representation and say of emerging market and developingcountries. As a champion of development, we have taken the lead in implementingthe Millennium Development Goals and Sustainable Development Goals, and engagedin close dialogue and cooperation with other developing countries to pursuedevelopment through unity,” Xi said.
Not only does the five countries believe indeveloping themselves but they also believe in developing those in need as Xipointed out that as the five countries they have always believed in developingthemselves while at the same time having the well-being of the world in ourmind as such having gone through an arduous course of development, the BRICScountries share the agony of those people who were still caught in chaos andpoverty.
The countries are in the same page aswitnessed by Xi maintaining that “Since the very beginning, our five countrieshave been guided by the principle of dialogue without confrontation,partnership without alliance. We are committed to observing the purposes andprinciples of the UN Charter, international law and basic norms governinginternational relations in conducting state-to-state relations. When developingourselves, we are ready to share development opportunities with othercountries. The philosophy of BRICS cooperation has gained growing appreciationand endorsement, and it has become a positive energy in the internationalcommunity,”
Furthermore one can rest assured that thefive countries are taking their global responsibility very seriously as theyshowed indication that poverty and conflicts should be eliminated for the sakeof prosperity
The BRICS countries believes that althoughconflict and poverty are yet to be eliminated globally, the trend toward peaceand development has grown stronger and that in the last decade the world hasseen large number of emerging market and developing countries coming into tothe fore, playing an ever greater role in international affairs.
Despite the outbreak of the 2008 globalfinancial crisis that left the world economy reeling, and which is yet to fullyrecover as it is facing external shock, the five countries have held the groundby strengthening the domestic economy, boosting growth and improving people'slivelihood.
“In the past ten years, our combined GDPhas grown by 179%, trade by 94% and urban population by 28%. All this hascontributed significantly to stabilizing the global economy and returning it togrowth, and it has delivered tangible benefits to three billion and morepeople,” Xi said.
Still on the resolutions of the summit thefive countries discussed issues of global security with terrorism at the forewhich is very commendable in the sense that lately terrorism and terror attackshave been rising which has a become a global security threat. The discussion onhow to tackle terrorism was overly due because without countries showing theirstand and voice on terror attacks innocent people will continue to suffermeasurably.