文|李淼光(M. K. Lee Hon Chong) 毛里求斯共和国驻华大使 翻译|王晓波
● 政府2030愿景的主要内容
● 为什么选择毛里求斯
● 中国企业在毛里求斯
● 焕发生机和充满活力的制造业基地是发展的基础,而推动制造业向高端、精密和拥有科技含量的方向发展则是工作的重心。目前制造业仅占国家整体经济总量的18%,在未来三年里预计将增加到25%。政府对于从事高精密工程、食品加工、医药产品、珠宝和手表制造、轻工业制造以及其它快速消费品生产的企业会给予必要的扶持。
● 毛里求斯是东南非共同市场和南部非洲发展共同体的市场准入国家。随着毛里求斯制造业的发展,毛里求斯的港口需要满足更多货物运输的需求。每年会有3万艘船只途经毛里求斯,其中有约3000艘经过路易港,因此这个港口需要进行重大改造,才能容纳更多的船只停靠加油和得到其它相关服务,并进而使该港口发展成为领先的地区石油枢纽。
● 路易港还将采用最现代化的设施扩建成一个更大的港口,可以在服务方面产生迭加效应,包括对货物公司和物流服务供应商。
● 海洋经济正蓄势待发,将发展成为支柱产业。毛里求斯的专属经济区(EEZ)是国家经济的宝贵财富,但到目前为止还没有得到最充分的利用。毛里求斯将被建成一个大型区域渔业中心,正在吸引国际规模的渔业公司在本地建立渔业和海鲜加工基地。
● 金融已经成为毛里求斯经济可持续发展的重要行业,它将得到进一步的加强,使毛里求斯成为一个在金融领域更具活力的先进国际金融服务中心。
● 考虑到国家利益和经济发展需求,制定更加开放和强劲的空中入境政策,十分必要。政府正在考虑在毛里求斯建立区域航空公司的可能性,使毛里求斯与整个非洲大陆连接起来。这一举措有助于旅游业和服务业的发展,并且可以让毛里求斯发展成为航空枢纽。
● 毛里求斯将发展成为医疗保健和医疗服务区域中心,并将建立非洲最杰出的医学教育中心。
● 毛里求斯政府致力于把国家打造成为网络岛屿,而且这一构想已经付诸实施了。软件与动画开发、大数据分析、灾后重建计划和云计算等高端和前沿技术都将得到支持。
● 通过发展智慧城市,建筑业也将得到带动,并由此可以吸引约1200亿毛里求斯卢比的投资,创造数千个就业机会。
● 道路控制方案是政府规划中的优先事项,政府计划在未来五年投资150亿毛里求斯卢比解决道路拥堵的问题。
● 时尚、娱乐和电影产业在毛里求斯的经济发展中也具有极大的潜力。电影补贴计划(据悉,根据毛里求斯相关法规规定,电影拍摄过程中在毛里求斯发生的所有费用,政府将会以各种形式返还30%。)正在专业人士的指导下修改和完善。
● 大力推进毛里求斯与非洲在关键领域的产业联盟:包括食品、能源、数字经济、医疗和旅游业;
● 鼓励毛里求斯的公司按照毛里求斯的法律对非洲地区进行投资;
● 帮助加强非洲经济的融资能力,为非洲基础设施作出贡献;
● 支持非洲的区域一体化。
● 引人注目的历史记录、政治稳定和30多年的经济可持续增长;
● 健全的法律、安全的投资环境;
● 非洲国家中最自由和营商环境最佳的国家;
● 多种族和多重文化相互交融,和平、独特的生活方式;
● 可自由流动,并具备双语(英语和法语)沟通能力和高技能的劳动力;
● 有利于投资的监管制度;
● 对外国投资者和人才开放;
● 拥有世界上较大的专属经济区之一的海洋国家;
● 对非洲、欧洲和美国优惠的市场准入条件;
● 最先进的基础设施;
● 所处时区方便与各地联系(格林尼治时间+4小时);
Mauritius: the Gateway to Africa
By M. K. Lee Hon Chong, Ambassador of the Republic of Mauritius to China
Mauritius and China enjoy excellent relations based on the Principles of mutual respect for territorial integrity and sovereignty, mutual non-aggression, non-interference in each others’ internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit, and peaceful co-existence.
Our bilateral relationship is indeed extensive and continues to grow in breadth and depth. These relations have been shaped by historical, cultural, strong trade and economic ties, wide-ranging cooperation spanning into various fields and regular high-level visits. They have been further strengthened by the existence of a vibrant Sino-Mauritian community, increased tourism both ways, and the popularity of Chinese Universities among Mauritian students.
In 2015, the Government of Mauritius launched its ambitious Vision 2030, which outlines the targets for the next fifteen years.
Key features of the Vision 2030 of the
In the next fifteen years, Mauritius aspires to become a high income economy. In order to achieve these objectives, the Government will be implementing the following strategies as spelt out in its Vision 2030:
• Emphasis will be laid on a revamped and dynamic manufacturing base with focus on promoting high end, precision driven and technology enabled manufacturing in the country. Manufacturing currently accounts for about 18% of the economy and is expected to contribute to 25% of the economy within the next three years. The Government is providing the necessary support to attract enterprises in high precision engineering, food processing, pharmaceutical products, jewellery and watch making, light manufacturing and other Fast Moving Consumer Goods, amongst others.
• Mauritius has market access to COMESA and SADC countries and as the Mauritian manufacturing industry grows, the Mauritian port will have to handle much higher cargo traffic. Out of 30,000 ships passing by Mauritius annually, about 3,000 call at Port Louis. The port will undergo important changes to attract a substantial number of these vessels for bunkering and other related services in order to transform Port Louis into a leading regional petroleum hub.
• The port is also expected to expand to a bigger modern port with state of the art facilities which will create a multiplier effect for support services, including freight companies and logistic service providers.
• The Ocean Economy is poised to become a pillar of the economy. The Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of Mauritius represents a valuable asset to the economy which has not been exploited to its optimum so far. Mauritius will be transformed into a major regional fishing centre and is looking to attract major international fishing companies for the setting up of fishing and seafood processing facilities locally.
• The Finance Sector which is already a sustainable sector of the economy will be reinforced to become a more vibrant and sophisticated international financial services centre.
• A more open and robust air access policy that takes account both national interests and economic growth imperatively needs to be developed. The Government is considering the possibility of setting up a regional airline company in Mauritius to connect to mainland Africa. This initiative will help diversify the tourism and hospitality industry and develop the country as an aviation hub with all the linked benefits.
• Mauritius will be developed into a regional hub for healthcare and medical services as well as a medical education centre of excellence for Africa.
• The Government is committed to develop Mauritius into a Cyber Island. It is already operational. High end activities should be encouraged such as software and animation development, big data analytics, disaster recovery and cloud computing, amongst others.
• A boost will be given to the construction sector through the development of Smart Cities which are expected to mobilise approximately MUR 120 Billion of investments and create thousands of jobs across the economy.
• The Road Decongestion Programme is a priority of the Government. MUR 15 Billion will be invested over the next 5 years to address the road congestion problem.
• Fashion, Entertainment and Cinema industry has the potential to contribute substantially to the economic development of Mauritius. The Film Rebate Scheme is being revamped with the guidance of professionals in the field.
As per the Vision 2030, Mauritius aims to become a bridge between Asia and Africa. There is a convergence of objectives between Mauritius and China with regard to Africa, in that Mauritius wishes to develop its own services outreach to Africa, and this dovetails with China's need for a secure location, in terms of services, facilities and regulatory stability, while investing in Africa.
The Government aims at consolidating an Africa strategy as progress in the continent is accelerating. The principal objectives are:
• Stimulating industrial alliances in key sectors for the Mauritian economy and Africa: Food, Energy, Digital Economy, health and tourism among others,
• Promote investment in Africa by Mauritian companies and encourage the use of the Mauritian jurisdiction for investment in Africa
• Helping strengthen Financing capacity of the economy and contribute in African infrastructure
• Supporting regional integration
In addition, to be more proactive in taking Mauritian investment into mainland Africa, the Mauritian Government is actively involved in setting up Special Economic Zones in Ghana, Madagascar and Senegal. Discussions are already at an advanced stage with Ghana, Senegal and Madagascar with a view to creating a conducive and risk-free environment to mobilize private sector investment.
Global Rankings of Mauritius
Why choose Mauritius
The reasons for choosing Mauritius as an investment base for operations in Africa are manifold. Mauritius has a proven track record as a country adept in continually reinventing itself. By leveraging its strategic position at the crossroads of Africa, Asia and Australia, Mauritius is gradually transforming itself into a hub and an international jurisdiction for investors in search of security, transparent regulation and high value-addition. Over the years, the economy has successfully evolved from a mono-agricultural model to a diversified, innovation-driven and knowledge-based economy, underpinned by a broad spectrum of business activities.
• Impressive track record, political stability and more than 3 decades of sustained economic growth
• Secure investment location with established rule of law
• Freest and most business-friendly country in Africa
• Peaceful, multi-ethnic with a unique lifestyle in a blend of cultures
• Flexible, bilingual (English/French) and skilled workforce
• Investment-friendly regulatory regime
• Open to foreign investors and talents
• Ocean State with one of the largest Exclusive Economic Zones in the world
• Preferential market access to Africa, Europe and the USA
• State-of-the-art infrastructure
• Convenient time zone (GMT +4)
International Benchmarks
Mauritius is recognised by international organisations for the continuous improvement in its Doing Business regime. The country is today acclaimed as a leading investment destination.
Mauritius wishes to develop its own services outreach to Africa, and this dovetails with China's need for a secure location, in terms of services, facilities and regulatory stability, while investing in Africa.
Mauritius attended the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation on 14th May 2017 and the delegation afterwards conducted a series of meetings with Chinese public and private organisations.
The delegation included leading officials from the Board of Investment and the Financial Services Promotion Agency. BOI and FSPA met around 40 targeted Chinese companies, and they were optimistic that a substantial number of these companies will proceed to invest in Mauritius in the near future. Interest has notably been noted in the fields of pharmaceutics and finance.
I am confident that the coming years will see growing interest by Chinese companies in Mauritius. Huawei, a major Chinese networking and telecommunications equipment company, has chosen Mauritius as its anchor location for its investments in Africa. The Bank of China has recently opened a branch . Another, lesser-known but interesting example, is Kuan fu tea, a Chinese company which produces tea in Mauritius for export to China and Europe. The Jin Fei project, a major Chinese -financed real estate project linked to the development of our harbor, is also attracting significant attention.
Our Mission has produced a free bilingual ( English/Chinese) guide to investment in Mauritius, in collaboration with VITWO publishing company, which will be made available to all those interested. My staff and myself remain available should any Chinese company wish to seek further information with regard to investment in Mauritius.