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By Song Luzheneg, Expert on international issues in France and Fellow of the Institute of China, Fudan University

文|宋鲁郑 旅法国际政治问题专家、复旦大学中国研究院研究员





● 对中欧关系的总体影响



When mankind enters the 21st century, Europe ushered in a peak moment: the European Union continued to expand and grow, and the euro was successfully put into use. However, a quarter of a century later, Europe is in deep trouble and has become the biggest loser in the game of global powers.

Series of crises lead to European difficulties

The turning point in Europe’s development from rising to falling was the European sovereign debt crisis triggered by the US financial crisis in 2008.Then the Arab Spring happened in 2011. Europe, led by France, overthrew the Gaddafi government in Libya, resulting in the largest refugee flow since World War II and the spread of the Islamic State, which severely impacted security.In 2014, a political crisis occurred in Ukraine. The EU, Poland and Russia jointly mediated and witnessed that the pro-Russian democratically elected President Yanukovych signed an agreement with the opposition. Unexpectedly, the agreement was torn upextremely quickly.Yanukovych was overthrown the next day. The EU did not condemn or oppose this behavior, but supported it. Russia responded by supporting the autonomy of pro-Russian regions in eastern Ukraine and re-incorporating Crimea into its territory. Europe immediately imposed sanctions on Russia, starting the process of eventual confrontation between the two sides.

Under the impact of the economic crisis and the refugee crisis, the first European political crisis finally formed in 2016: Britain, the third largest economy in the EU, a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council and a nuclear power, successfully voted to leave the European Union, and the EU integration for the first time suffered a major setback.

In 2019, the COVID-19 epidemic broke out. Europe wasted the extremely valuable buffer time and experience that China’s successful fight against the epidemic brought to the world, and became the hardest hit area, with its economy and lives severely damaged.

After the conflict between Europe and Russia in 2014, On the one hand, Europe continues to increase its dependence on Russian energy, and on the other hand, it continues to support NATO’s eastward expansion.

The seventh and eighth NATO eastward expansions were carried out in June 2017 and March 2020 respectively. After the Biden administration came to power in 2021, it publicly proposed supporting Ukraine’s membership of NATO. At this background, on February 20, 2022, the Russia-Ukraine conflict broke out. Europe has once again become the biggest loser in terms of interests: refugee and aid costs, the loss of cheap Russian energy leading to a decline in European economic competitiveness, difficulty in implementing reindustrialization, a substantial increase in dependence on the United States from security to energy, severe damage to strategic autonomy, and it’s strategic room for maneuver has been severely compressed.

Under such circumstances, the United States ignored Europe’s opposition and sold energy to Europe at a price four times that of its own market, and introduced The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 that severely affected Europe’s ability to reindustrialize.

These crises eventually escalated into political crises: in June 2022, far-right parties won in Italy, the EU’s third-largest economy. In November 2023, the far-right party won a big victory in the Netherlands, a traditional Western European democracy, becoming the largest party. The results of the European Parliament elections held in June 2024 show that, far-right parties are in the leading position or their influence has increased significantly in various European countries.Most importantly in France, the far-right National Rally is far ahead of the ruling Renaissance party by more than ten percentage points.

The rise of far-right nationalist forces that are anti-EU and xenophobic poses a serious threat to the survival of the EU.

Why Europe is in deep trouble

First of all, this is caused by the EU’s own structural problems.The EU is a political entity composed of sovereign states similar to a confederation. Although integration has been promoted, the degree of integration is far from being able to adapt to the international and internal environment of the 21st century.In addition to being unable to effectively deal with various frequent risks such as black swans and gray rhinos, it is also difficult to cope with the rise of emerging countries, the return of great power competition, fierce competition in globalization, and the increasing failure of the old order.

For example, the financial crisis broke out in the United States in 2008, but it resulted in a more serious sovereign debt crisis in Europe.The current EU only has a unified monetary policy, but it does not have many constraints on the fiscal policy with a strong sense of sovereignty. It is a decentralized fiscal policy independent of each country.This creates a situation of “same central bank, different finances” and “same euro, different national debt”.Although according to the Stability and Growth Pact adopted by the EU in 1997, each country’s public debt cannot exceed 60% of GDP, and the fiscal deficit of countries joining the euro must be less than 3% of GDP.But few countries are able to comply. Even core countries like France and Germany cannot do it.In 2023, the ratio of government debt to GDP in the six countries of Greece, Italy, Portugal, France, Spain, and Belgium will all be higher than 100%. In particular, the debt ratios of Greece and Italy are as high as 165.5% and 140.6%.Although Germany, the “locomotive” of the Eurozone, has a relatively low debt ratio of 65.9%, it also exceeds EU standards. According to Eurostat data in 2023, the average fiscal deficit in the Eurozone accounts for 3.6% of GDP, and the EU average is 3.3%, both exceed the upper limit stipulated in fiscal rules.According to economic data released by the European Commission, for the whole of 2023, about 12 EU countries’ deficit rates exceeded the prescribed 3%. France, an important country in the EU and Eurozone, has a fiscal deficit as high as 5.5% of GDP.

From an economic perspective, such a structure cannot withstand the impact of the US financial crisis, nor can it unite to face the fierce economic competition of globalization.

This structural problem in Europe was exposed again when faced with the COVID-19 epidemic in 2009. The EU has been slow to act and unable to coordinate coordinated actions among countries.The measures introduced by the EU to deal with the epidemic have not been adopted by member states, and each country is doing its own thing.They even broke the basic bottom line of civilization and diplomatic principles to compete for medical supplies: disinfectant water and other medical supplies imported from Switzerland were detained by Italy and Germany, France issued an administrative order to requisition masks, Germany issued an export ban on scarce epidemic prevention materials, and Italy also began to announce a ban on epidemic prevention Material export.Later, in order to prevent the spread of the epidemic in their own countries, Some member states of the Schengen Agreement closed their borders in violation of regulations in order to protect themselves. In particular, Italy was the first country where the epidemic broke out, and no country responded to the EU’s request for help.

From an international political perspective, it is also difficult to resist the intervention of external forces.Hungary, a landlocked country in the EU, has always been highly dependent on Russian energy, so it has close relations with Russia. Even if there is a conflict between Russia and Ukraine, it will stand by Russia.Hungary not only opposes the EU’s aid to Ukraine – it vetoed the EU’s 50 billion euro aid plan in December 2023, but has also repeatedly blocked Ukraine’s efforts to join the EU.

Since the Central and Eastern European countries and the Baltic countries rely on the United States for their security, their positions are aligned with the United States rather than the EU.The Baltic country Lithuania dared to do something that even the major powers in the world did not dare to do. It became the first representative office established in the name of “Taiwan” in Europe. It is also the only representative office established in the name of “Taiwan” in a country that has diplomatic relations with mainland China.After China imposed sanctions, it triggered confrontation between China and Europe. The confrontation between China and Europe is not in the interests of the EU but in the interests of the United States.

Secondly, the supremacy of values has caused Europe to lose its sense of reality.

Europe’s emphasis on values has its rational side.On the one hand, values are an important part of Europe’s soft power and an important factor in Europe’s global status.On the other hand, the EU is composed of sovereign countries with different languages and races. The factors that can bring countries together are economic interests and common values. Values can effectively influence the external world and maintain stability within the EU.

In addition, from the perspective of civilization, the way Europe develops and evolves is increasingly advanced.This is reflected in many aspects, not just at the level of values.For example, the legalization of gay marriage, the legalization of marijuana, the legalization of euthanasia, the large-scale admission of refugees, and the emphasis on climate issues.Even the design of the European Union is the result of this surreal evolution.

However, the supremacy of values has caused Europe to lose its sense of reality when facing international challenges and dealing with practical problems. As a result, Europe has lost its ability to think geopolitically.

After the end of the Cold War, the most obvious change in international politics in the 21st century is the return of great power competition and the re-emergence of geopolitics.But Europe, the birthplace of geopolitics, has lost its ability to think geopolitically and suffered serious consequences.

After 2008, the United States began to gradually adjust its policies toward China and Russia, and the strategic competition between the two sides became increasingly prominent. At this time, the geopolitical environment in Europe was the best. China, Russia, and the United States all needed Europe.Before the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, Europe not only received cheap energy from Russia, but also obtained major strategic gains such as The Comprehensive Agreement on Investment between China and European Union.At this time, the United States also made concessions to Europe and lifted the sanctions against Europe due to the Nord Stream project. But today all these strategic gains have been lost.

Take the EU-Russia relations mentioned above as an example. After the Crimea incident in 2014, Europe both supported NATO’s eastward expansion and increased its energy dependence on Russia, pursuing two completely opposite geopolitical goals.As a result, the Russia-Ukraine conflict broke out in 2022. Faced with Ukraine, which is neither an EU member nor a NATO member, the EU intervened with all its strength, becoming not only the main bearer of the consequences of the conflict, but also the region with the most serious losses.

Another act that caused serious consequences was the European-led military intervention in Libya led by France.

Libya is separated from Europe across the sea and is closely related to Europe’s stability and security.However, in 2011, France was not only the first country to recognize the opposition, but also actively initiated military intervention in Libya and took the lead in launching military attacks.After the Gaddafi government was overthrown, the refugee problem that had been effectively controlled in the past broke out and became the most serious refugee crisis in Europe after World War II.The political chaos and disorder in Libya created conditions for the expansion of the terrorist organization Islamic State, which also posed a huge threat to European security. The Paris terrorist attacks in November 2015 are one example.

It is one of the important principles of geopolitics that neighboring countries should not have war or chaos, but Europe completely ignores it.However, in the late 1980s, a similar incident occurred in Algeria. At that time, France responded by immediately providing 15 billion francs in aid to prevent the collapse of the Algerian government from affecting French social stability. At that time, Europe still had a clear geopolitical awareness.

It should be said that overthrowing the Gaddafi government is in line with Europe’s values, but not in line with its strategic interests.Accepting a large number of refugees is in line with its values, but the consequence is the rise of populism and the promotion of Brexit, which threatens Europe’s internal political stability and reverses European integration.

Overall impact on China-EU relations

No matter from which aspect, China and Europe should be good strategic partners with mutual needs, strong support and close cooperation.

Geographically, China and Europe are far apart and there is no geopolitical conflict.In particular, after two world wars, Europe has given up on pursuing world hegemony. It neither believes that China’s rise harms its core interests nor will it sacrifice economic interests for hegemony.Historically, China is not a country like Germany and Japan, and has always firmly supported the EU’s strategic independence.Especially at present, the strategic competition between China and the United States is the main line of international relations. This is an opportunity for Europe.First, major powers need room for strategic maneuver and have strategic initiative.Second, Europe’s highest strategic interest is to pursue integration internally and strategic independence externally.Therefore, it is necessary to avoid interference from external forces in its internal affairs and to have external support. Normally speaking, both China and the United States in strategic competition need Europe, and Europe can better achieve these two goals if it seizes the opportunity.

Economically, China and the EU will be each other’s second largest trading partners in 2023. China is the EU’s third largest export market and largest import source, and the EU is China’s second largest export market and second largest import source.Currently, half of the 137 major commodities in the EU rely on supplies from China.Of the 30 metals defined as “vital” by the EU, 19 are mainly dependent on China’s exports.

In terms of international relations, the strategic game between China and the United States and the conflict between Russia and Ukraine have rapidly increased the security needs of both parties.Especially after Europe loses the Russian card, if it wants strategic independence, China is the only remaining supporting force. Not to mention that China and Europe have a stable and lasting consensus on global governance, climate protection, globalization and free trade.

But in reality, bilateral relations have frequently clashed.In March 2019, the EU used the term “systemic rival”to characterize China.In 2021, sanctions were imposed on China over so-called “human rights issues”, the first time in thirty years. In addition, the EU has repeatedly intervened in the Taiwan issue and sent parliamentary delegations to Taiwan many times to challenge China’s core interests. The media is full of attacks and distorted reports on China.

The most difficult thing for the world to understand is that Europe’s actions are completely inconsistent with its own interests and will harm others and itself.

The root cause lies in the two major reasons mentioned above.

The EU’s integration is seriously insufficient, and all countries act out of their own interests, which gives the United States an opportunity to intervene.What’s more, due to historical reasons, the United States has a strong influence on Europe. In World War I, World War II and the Cold War, Europe was the main battlefield, and the United States played a key and decisive role as an ally.In this process, American influence and penetration became ubiquitous and deeply rooted in Europe. At all levels of European society: from the grassroots to the elite, pro-American factions are the mainstream.Many elites in the EU are willing to sacrifice their own interests to cooperate with the United States. In their minds, the interests of the United States are the interests of Europe or are higher than the interests of Europe.After the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, Europe, unable to cope with challenges on its own, could only rely on the United States to provide security guarantees, and its strategic autonomy suffered a severe setback.

Not only that, the United States uses its own technology and various convenient conditions to monitor European leaders for a long time.In 2013, former CIA employee Snowden released the inside story of the US “Prism Project” spying on European leaders.In May 2021, Danish media revealed that the U.S. National Security Agency used its cooperative relationship with the Danish intelligence agency to monitor leaders and senior officials of European allies, including German Chancellor Merkel.This is not only to understand the position of European leaders, but also to grasp their handle. During the election, the United States can decide whether to throw out based on its own national interests.

So in this case, when the United States needs the EU to cooperate with it in confronting China, it can either request, demand, or even force it. Therefore, it is not surprising that Europe excludes Huawei from 5G and the Netherlands refuses to sell photolithography machines to China.

Secondly, the United States takes advantage of the reliance of some small EU countries on its own security and the EU’s principle of unanimous decision-making to undermine China-EU relations.
In international relations, as long as their own interests are not harmed, small countries will not take the initiative to provoke big countries, especially the core interests of big countries.China is the second largest country in the world after the United States and poses no security threat to any European country. However, Lithuania and the Czech Republic have taken the initiative to challenge China’s core interests.Of course, these two countries want to strengthen the security guarantee provided by the United States and use China to express their loyalty to the United States.

But the intention of the United States is to use the conflict between China and them to undermine China-EU relations.No matter how much the EU disapproves of these provocations and understands the intentions of the United States, it has to side with them to maintain unity. In essence, it is being kidnapped.

The EU has lost its geopolitical thinking, but the rest of the world has not.On December 30, 2020, The Comprehensive Agreement on Investment between China and European Union was signed over the opposition of the United States. But just over three months later, Britain, the United States, Canada, and the European Union jointly imposed sanctions on China on the grounds of human rights.This is the first time in more than 30 years that the EU has taken such action against China, and China has had to impose counter-sanctions.Obviously, this is a strategy of the Biden administration to undermine the China-EU investment agreement, and it decided that Europe could not refuse to play the value card, thus successfully freezing the agreement.

Now that Europe is in trouble, China not only does no harm to it, but is also the only force it can rely on. However, European public opinion is still vigorously attacking China, and values still come first.

It is precisely this characteristic of Europe that China and the United States’ strategies towards Europe are based on “Do subtraction” rather than “Do addition.”

The so-called “Do subtraction” refers to undermining Europe’s cooperation with the other side, while “Do addition” refers to trying to get Europe to cooperate with itself.The United States mainly undermined the China-EU investment agreement and also tried to make Europe and China actively decouple by hyping up the Taiwan issue, rather than committing Europe to follow it.Among the three major systems used by the United States to contain China: AUKUS, the Quad and the Five Eyes Alliance, not a single EU country is included.

It is in China’s interest to promote Europe to not completely follow the United States’ China policy and to achieve strategic independence. For example, France opposes the establishment of a NATO office in Japan.

New opportunities for China-EU relations today

From the current point of view, although Europe’s relationship with China has not improved and is deteriorating, its China policy is still significantly different from that of the United States. There are two main reasons.

First, the conflict between Russia and Ukraine has reached a stalemate.

The Russian-Ukrainian conflict turned into a stalemate that was beyond everyone’s expectations. At the beginning of the war, Ukraine withstood the Russian attack on its own.The surprised West then launched unprecedented sanctions against Russia. But surprisingly, Russia not only defeated Ukraine’s counterattack militarily, but its economy also resumed growth, even surpassing that of the European Union. This deadlock has thus become a new opportunity for China-EU relations.

Since Europe is the main victim of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, a quick end to the Russia-Ukraine conflict has become Europe’s core strategic interest. Any factor that can contribute to the end of the conflict has become a strategic factor for Europe.

When all parties still want to fight, although China calls for peace, it cannot play much role. Now entering a stalemate stage, all parties have realized that military means are no longer effective and political negotiation is the only way out.At this time, the role of China, which has always been neutral and capable of dialogue with all parties, became prominent. From a European perspective, China’s role is strategic.

Second, Trump may win the US presidential election again.

Trump’s election poses four major threats to Europe. First, the troubled West increasingly needs the role of values and the support of soft power.But Trump’s election itself is a denial of Western values and a blow to soft power. In the eyes of the world, the so-called Western democracy means electing Trump over and over again. Trump’s election itself threatens the legitimacy of Western values.

Second, Europe is facing the threat of rising populism sweeping across Europe. If Trump is re-elected, it will greatly encourage populism in Europe to expand faster.When the very pro-Russian Hungarian populist Prime Minister Orban visited the United States in March this year, in an extremely rare event, he did not meet the current President Biden but met with Trump as a civilian! This shows the relationship between the two parties. Trump also blatantly supported European populism in his first term.

Third, Trump pursues America first and is dismissive of Atlanticism. He believes that Europe is a country that takes advantage of the United States. He even regards Europe and China as the same kind,U.S.-European coordination and cooperation basically no longer exist.It is for the same reason that he announced the withdrawal from the Paris Agreement under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Changet and numerous international organizations. Although Europe pursues strategic independence, it still needs the leadership of the United States when it is still in its infancy.Trump’s unilateralism has led to a power vacuum and disorder in international politics, which is also inconsistent with European interests.

Fourth, Trump has made no secret of his identification with Putin and his negative stance on aid to Ukraine.When he met with Hungarian Prime Minister Orban, he claimed that he did not want to spend a penny in Ukraine. During the campaign, he even talked about ways to end this conflict one day.Obviously if he is re-elected, he will immediately cut off aid to Ukraine. Even if Europe continues to provide assistance, it will be difficult to maintain the current stalemate.

Europe is now confronting Russia. If the United States re-elects Trump , the only world power that Europe can rely on will be China. From this perspective, China’s value is strategic to both France and Europe.

Next year marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the EU. At a time when the old international order is increasingly shaken and a new international order has not yet emerged, China-EU relations are also at a crossroads.













比如2008年美国爆发金融危机,却在欧洲形成更严重的主权债务危机。当下的欧盟仅有统一的货币政策,但却对主权色彩浓厚的财政政策没有太多的制约手段,是各国自主的分散式财政。从而造成“同一央行,不同的财政”、“同一欧元,不同国债”的局面。虽然根据欧盟1997年通过的《稳定与增长公约》,每个国家的公共债务占GDP比重不能超过60%,加入欧元的各国财政赤字占GDP的比例必须低于3%。但是几乎没有任何国家能够遵守。就是法国和德国这样的核心国家也都做不到。2023年希腊、意大利、葡萄牙、法国、西班牙、比利时六国的政府债务与GDP之比均高于100%,尤其是希腊、意大利的负债率高达165.5%和140.6%。作为欧元区“火车头”的德国负债率虽然相对较低,为65.9%,也同样超过欧盟标准。根据2023年欧盟统计局数据,欧元区平均财政赤字占国内生产总值的比重为3.6%,欧盟平均为3.3%,均超过财政规则规定的上限。 据欧盟委员会发布的经济数据,2023年全年,约有12个欧盟国家赤字率超过规定的3%。欧盟和欧元区重要的国家法国,财政赤字占GDP的比重高达5.5%。











































