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38    以人为本的中非职业教育合作
唐溪源43    职业教育赴非办学的可持续方案
李雅温46    职业教育是产业更是事业
李雅温48    卢旺达“中文+ 职业技能”教育实践与理论探索



14     加快全国统一大市场建设正当其时
杨宜勇  杨雨佳16     国际资本流动格局演变、趋势展望及相关举措建议
姚淑梅19     北方邦选举及印度政坛新动向
孙现朴21     中国与南亚:不断深化合作 拓展发展空间
23     自由放任经济不是万能的


26    我国冰雪产业的现状、问题和建议
李含30    大宗商品价格波动导致的经济风险预警及应对策略
于明  张恩铭【“十四五” 前瞻】
32    我国边境城镇发展和“十四五”对策建议


58    泰中携手 共促疫情后经济复苏
阿塔育·习萨目(Arthayudh Srisamoot)   泰国驻华大使66    斯里兰卡与中国的贸易和投资合作
帕利塔·科霍纳(Palitha Kohona)博士  斯里兰卡驻华大使70    重视老中发展战略对接 实现双方互利共赢
坎葆·恩塔万(Khamphao ERNTHAVANH)
74    赴哈萨克斯坦投资与承包工程的风险分析

78    福州都市圈的形成与发展
董红燕85    福州都市圈——加快推动福州创建国家中心城市

88    对城市群的认识与规划

92     创新重大工程项目投融资模式
吴亚平94    关注政策效应变动趋势 推动全年投资稳定增长

金准·PPP 观察
96    浙江省开化水库工程引入社会资本实践经验
吴佩峰   李飞贞  邵建群

98    海上丝路贸易指数(2022 年1~2 月)
100   打造中非经贸往来的枢纽——纪念毛里求斯与中国建交五十周年
西萨古尔·汉斯(Hans Seesaghur)博士 毛里求斯共和国驻华大使馆经济商务参赞、
104   南非比勒陀利亚大学
欧玉芳  孙崇斌投资非洲
106   贝宁经贸投资法的四大优势
洪永红  陆智艺


108  “一带一路”倡议在非洲的有效抓手——非洲城镇化

杨莉  董琪琪

112   让汉语之花在刚果大地绽放

116 “非洲社会主义”的观念与形式

118   危机下资源争夺的盲目、无序与长期伤害






Cover Stories
38  People-Centered China-Africa Vocational Education Cooperation
Tang Xiyuan

43  Sustainable Plan for Running Vocational Education in Africa
——Interview with Fan Ziyi, General Manager and President of Forever TVET Institute
Li Yawen

46  Vocational Education Is an Industry but More Important a Cause
——Interview with Ms. Zhang Na, President of Hui Tsai Academy Niger
Li Yawen

48  Theoretical and Practical Exploration in Rwanda’s “Chinese Plus Vocational Education”
Zeng Guangyu


Observation And Reflection
14 It’s High Time to Accelerate Construction of a Unified National Market
Yang Yiyong and Yang Yujia

16  Pattern Change and Trend Prospect of International Capital Flow and Policy Proposals
Yao Shumei

19  Uttar Pradesh Election and New Trend in Indian Politics
Sun Xianpu

21  China and South Asia: Continue to Deepen Cooperation and Expand Development Space
Liu Xiaoxue

23  Laissez-Faire Economy Is Not a Panacea
Hok-Lin Leung


Strategy And Investment
26  Conditions, Problems and Recommendations for China’s Snow and Ice Industry
Li Han

30  Forewarning and Countermeasures for Economic Risks Caused by Commodity Price Volatility
Yu Ming and Zhang Enming

32  Development of China’s Border Towns and Policy Proposals for the 14th Five-Year Plan Period
Xu Xin


54  Thailand – China Joining Hands to Advance Post-Pandemic Economic Recovery
H.E. Mr. Arthayudh Srisamoot,Ambassador of the Kingdom of Thailand to China

62  Sri Lanka – China: Trade and Investment Cooperation
H.E. Dr. Palitha Kohona, Ambassador of Sri Lanka to China

70  Set Store by Integrating Lao-China Development Strategy, Achieve Win-Win Mutual Benefit
H.E. Khamphao ERNTHAVANH, Ambassador of the Lao PDR to China

74  A Risk Analysis of Investing and Contracting Projects in Kazakhstan
Zhu Zhonghua


Metropolitan Area Observation

78  Formation and Development of Fuzhou Metropolitan Area
Dong Hongyan

85  Fuzhou Metropolitan Area: Spurring Fuzhou to Become a National Central City
Ye Feiwen


Regional Economies

88  Understanding and Planning City Clusters
——Interview with Xiao Jincheng, Vice-President of the Regional Science Association of China
Xiao Jingqiu


Investment And Financing Studies

92 Innovating in Investment and financing Models for Major Engineering Projects
Wu Yaping

94  Observing Trend of Changing Policy Effects, Promoting Stable Annual Investment Growth
Liu Lifeng


Ktrue·Observation Of PPP
96 Practice of Introducing Social Capital to Kaihua Reservoir Project in Zhejiang Province
Wu Peifeng, Li Feizhen and Shao Jianqun


98 Trade Indicators of Maritime Silk Road (January-February 2022)
Ningbo Shipping Exchange


Understanding Africa

100  Building China-Africa Economic and Trade Hub: Reflecting on the 50th Anniversary of Establishment of Mauritius-China Diplomatic Ties
Dr. Hans Seesaghur, Economic and Commercial Counsellor at Mauritian  Embassy in Beijing, and Chief Representative Mauritius Economic Development Board Representative Office in Shanghai

104  Brief Introduction to University of Pretoria, South Africa
Ou Yufang and Sun Chongpin


Investing In Africa
106 Four Advantages in Benin’s Economic, Trade and Investment Law
Hong Yonghong and Lu Zhiyi


China-Africa Academic Field

108 African Urbanization: An Effective Focal Point of BRI in Africa
Yang Li and Dong Qiqi


Society And Culture

112 Let Flowers of Chinese Teaching Bloom in Republic of the Congo: a Report on Development of Confucius Institute, Marien Ngouabi University
Wang Yongkang

116  Concepts and Forms of “African Socialism”
Liu Weicai

118  Blind, Disorderly and Long-Term Harm of Crisis-Related Resources Grabbing: Reviewing The Transnational Land Rush in Africa
Liu Weicai