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38    在安哥拉希望的田野上

44    安哥拉是一片期待农业投资的热土
唐溪源  谷林丽

48    “我的能力在江洲农业得到了全方位的锻炼和提升”
——专访江洲农业万博农场安方经理西蒙·恩佐里(Simão Nzori)
谷林丽  唐溪源

50    希望的田野上盛开着公益之花
——专访安哥拉泰州希望小学校长萨比诺·西蒙·巴胡(Sabino Simão Bahú)、
沙希达姆社区医院院长路易斯·桑多琳娜·豪尔赫(Luis Sandolina Jorge)
谷林丽  唐溪源

54    广阔天地 大有作为

58    市场化、科学化、本土化的中非农业合作之路



16     处在十字路口的欧洲
拉德·德罗巴茨(Rade Drobac) 贝尔格莱德平等世界论坛副主席

23     后苏联空间的俄罗斯、中国与土耳其:合作还是竞争
鲍·古谢列托夫(Guseletov B.P.)

26     “共同富裕GDP”



30     两业融合助力产业迈上价值链中高端
田煜  吴梦宸

33     依托优势  对接战略  引资工作有所作为
胡凯运  甄选  孔维锋  廖玮烜



60     建设现代化太原都市圈

65     郑州都市圈:促进中部地区崛起的重要增长极



72     在诺贝尔可持续发展奖颁奖典礼上致辞
解振华  中国气候变化事务特使

76     加快经济社会发展全面绿色低碳转型
张英健  李浩铭

78     欧盟将实施全球首个碳边境税



80     推进智慧高速公路建设
丁金学  李卫波


金准·PPP 观察 

82    有关调整运营期绩效考核方案的初步思路



84     探索经济周期 促进经济高质量发展



86     海上丝路贸易指数(2022 年12月)



88     西方对非援助困境分析



92     中国和尼日利亚关系具有内生动力

94    南非安全研究所(ISS)



96    刚果(金)安全风险态势及在刚投资风险防范
徐舒扬  王璟璇

100   苏丹投资法律环境更宽松
洪永红  李数娟

102   安哥拉新税法的各项优惠措施
吴卡  李博宇

104   刚果(金)本土成分立法分析
朱伟东  雷甜甜



106   医疗援助视角下阿尔及利亚医疗人才外流研究:历史、现状及原因
伍昌力  俞正东  秦梦迪



110   肯尼亚多彩的舞蹈文化
曾振鹏  王婷

112   非洲西部的岩画艺术

114   西非孔子学院本土汉语教师队伍建设策略研究
王美雨  张祥合

116   非洲国家与冷战:挑战与适应

118   是“意料之外”还是“认识不足”?




Cover Stories
38  On the Land of Hope in Angola
——Interview with Chairman Zhu Jinlin of Jiangsu Jiangzhou Agricultural Science and Technology Development Co. Ltd
Tang Xiyuan

44  Angola Is a Favored Destination of Inward Investment in Agriculture
——Interview with Mayor José Manuel Dos Santos of Chicala-Choloanga Municipality, Huambo Province
Tang Xiyuan and Gu Linli

48  “My Capacity Has Been Tempered and Improved Comprehensively in Jiangzhou Agriculture”
——Interview with Simão Nzori, Angolan Manager of Jiangzhou Agriculture Huambo Farm
Gu Linli and Tang Xiyuan

50  Charitable Flowers in Full Bloom on the Land of Hope
——Interviews with Sabino Simão Bahú, Principal of Angola-Taizhou Hope Primary School and Luis Sandolina Jorge, President of Sachitemo Community Hospital
Gu Linli and Tang Xiyuan

54  High Skies and Vast Land Where Much Can Be Done: Inspirations from the Development of Jiangzhou Agriculture’s Huambo Farm in Angola
Tang Xiyuan

58  Marketization, Scientification and Localization Attribute to a Model Farm: Success Code for Chairman Zhu Jinlin of Jiangzhou Agriculture to Invest and Build Huambo Farm in Angola
Li Zhibiao


Observation And Reflection
12   Europe on the Crossroad
Rade Drobac,Deputy President of the Belgrade Forum for the World of Equals

20  Russia, China, Turkey In The Post- Soviet Space: Cooperation Or Rivalry
Guseletov B.P., Doctor of Political Sciences, Head of the Department of Political Science of the Institute of Socio-Political Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences

26  “Common Prosperity GDP”
Hok-Lin Leun


Strategy And Investment
30  Integration of Advanced Manufacturing and Modern Services Helps Industry Take High-end of Value Chain
Tian Yu and Wu Mengchen

33  Supported by Advantages and Dovetailing Development Strategies in Attracting More Investment
Hu Kaiyun, Zhen Xuan, Kung Weifeng and Liao Weixuan


Metropolitan Area Observation    
60  Constructing a Modernized Taiyuan Metropolitan Area
Zhang Jinjin

65  The Zhengzhou Metropolitan Area: An Important Growth Pole for Rise of Central China
Yao He


Investment In Green Industry 
74  The Ceremony of Nobel Prize for Sustainable Development Acceptance Speech
Xie Zhenhua, China’s Special Envoy of Climate Change

76  Accelerating Socioeconomic Development and Comprehensive Green Low-carbon Transformation
Zhang Yingjian and Li Haoming

78  EU to Levy Global First Carbon Border Tariffs
Gao Rongwei


Industries And Investment 
80  Promoting Smart Highway Construction
Ding Jinxue and Li Weibo


Ktrue·Observation Of PPP

82  Preliminary Thinking on Adjusting Plan for Operation Period Performance Appraisal
Hu Qifeng


Investment And Financing Studies

84  Exploring Economic Cycle, Promoting Quality Economic Growth
Cheng Yi


86  Trade Indicators of Maritime Silk Road (December 2022)
Ningbo Shipping Exchange


Observation And Reflection

88  An Analysis of West’s Dilemma in Aiding Africa
Liu Xian


Understanding Africa

92  Endogenous Drivers for China-Nigeria Relations
Chen Biao

94  Institute for Security Studies (ISS, South Africa)
Lu Yidan


Investing In Africa
96  Security Risk Profile and Investment Risk Prevention in Congo-Kinshasa
Xu Shuyang and Wang Jingxuan

100  Legal Environment for Investment in Sudan Becomes More Relaxed
Hong Yonghong and Li Shujuan

102  Various Preferential Measures in Angola’s New Tax Law
Wu Ka and Li Boyu

104  An Analysis of Local Content Legislation of Congo-Kinshasa
Zhu Weidong and Lei Tiantian


China-Africa Academic Field

106  A Study on Brain Draft of Medical Talents from Algeria in Perspective of Medical Assistance: History, Conditions and Causes
Wu Changli, Yu Zhengdong and Qin Mengdi


Society And Culture

110  Colorful Dancing Culture of Kenya
Zeng Zhenpeng and Wang Ting

112  Rock Art and Petroglyphs in West Africa
Wang Shaobo

114  A Strategic Study for Nurturing Local Chinese Language Teaching Talents for Confucius Institutes in West Africa
Wang Meiyu and Zhang Xianghe

116  African Countries and the Cold War: Challenges and Adaption
Liu Weicai

118  “Beyond Anticipation” or “Insufficient Knowledge”: Reviewing Africa since 1940: The Past of the Present
Liu Weicai