现状·趋势 Status and Trends
| 伊肯内·埃梅乌
1 月11 日,中国外长王毅和尼日利亚外长奥尼亚马在阿布贾签署备忘录。双方支持对两国外交共识加强巩固和常态化——这些共识首先就包括对“一个中国”原则的认同,此外中国还宣布将向尼日利亚新增400 亿美元的投资
| 格雷姆·斯图尔特
认识非洲 Understanding Africa
| 张梅
| 杨洋
组织机构 Organizations and Institutions
封面文章 Cover Story
| 袁卿
| 袁卿
| 曾爱平
| 吕晓峰
| 鲁门
| 鲁门
| 李佳璇
| 昌达
影像非洲 African Images
合作实践 Efforts on theGround
| 吕晓峰
| 祖米里
投资非洲 Investing in Africa
| 骆雅婷
| 朱伟东
社会人文 Society and Culture
| 专栏 | 非洲世界文化遗产巡礼
| 潘华琼
| 专栏 | 我眼中的非洲人
| 王正龙
数说非洲 Africa in Numbers
| 智宇琛
| 荐书 |
| 李梦琪
Status and Trends
“Deepening Nigeria-China diplomacy”
| Ikenna Emewu
“2017 in African people’s eyes: Confucius Institute, education andSino-Africa relationship”
| Graham Stewart
Understanding Africa
“Focus on key areas and enhance China-Nigeria cooperation”
| Zhang Mei
“Zambia:Investment hotspot in Southern Africa”
| Yang Yang
Organizations Institutions
“Southern Africa Customs Union”
“Côte d’Ivoire Rally of the Repoublicans”
Cover Story
“28th AU Summit in limelight”
| Yuan Qing
“The West’s uncertainty in Africa policy facilitates deeperChina-Africa cooperation”
| Yuan Qing
“Challenges facing the African continent”
| Zeng Aiping
“Chinese Ambassador to AU: “The Africa Opportunity” is theconsensus”
| Lyu Xiaofeng
“Mohamed Ouaoua,Deputy Chief of Misson:Morocco returned AU”
| Armene.G
“Rwanda: set up a model in terms of investing in young people”
| Armene.G
“China Model:Opens a new window for young Africans”
| Li Jiaxuan
“AU is eager to establish the Continental Free Trade Area”
| Mwazipeza Chanda
African Images
“Africa in Pictures”
Efforts on the Ground
“Polysolar: Bringing solar energy to African homes”
| Lyu Xiaofeng
“Ni Hao Super Market opens in Bangui”
| Saint-Regis Zoumiri
Investing in Africa
“Booming business opportunities in New Energy”
| Luo Yating
“Legal and policy environment for PPP programs”
| Zhu Weidong
Society and Culture
|Column| Survey of Africa World HeritageSites”
“Three native cultural heritage sites in Senegal”
| Pan Huaqiong
|Column| Africans in My Eyes
“Leaders of African countries”
| Wang ZhengLong
Africa in Numbers
“Sub-Saharan Africa in World Economic Forum‘GlobalCompetitiveness Report 2016-2017’”
| Zhi Yuchen
Book Review
“The Fishermen Growing up lost in fear”
| Li Mengqi
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