封面文章 Cover Stories
教育 振兴之基
《教育合作 释放活力》
文 | 常浩
文 | 万秀兰 李佳宇
文 | 常浩
文 | 布克拉·奥冈西纳(Bukola Ogunsina)
文 | 常浩
文 | 苏天舒
文 | 徐永亮
文 | 梅勒妮·彼得斯(Melanie Peters)
现状·趋势 Status and Trends
文 | 王洪一
影像非洲 Africa Images
《加纳 南苏丹》
认识非洲 Understanding Africa
文 | 艾哈桑·布哈利法( H.E Ahcène Boukhelfa ) 阿尔及利亚驻华大使
文 | 阿布德努·贺利菲( Abdenor Khelifi ) 阿尔及利亚驻华使馆商务参赞
文 | 刘晓光
| 媒体纵览 |
文 | 蒂埃里·拉马斯瓦米(Thierry Ramasawmy)
| 组织机构 |
合作实践 Efforts On The Ground
文 | 常浩
投资非洲 Investing in Africa
文 | 查尔斯·曼纽埃尔(Charles Manuel)
风险与安全 Risk and Security
文 | 杨海霞
社会人文 Society and Culture
| 专栏 | 非洲世界文化遗产巡礼
| 专栏 | 我眼中的非洲人
文 | 王正龙
数说非洲 Africa in Numbers
文 | 智宇琛
文 | | African Development Bank
| 书架 |
文 | 罗纳德·卡托( Ronald Kato )
文 | 钱镇
Cover Stories
“Education: Fundamental to Economic Revival”
“Education Cooperation to Ignite Vitality”
| Chang Hao
“Enormous Demand of Tertiary Education in Africa”
| Wan Xiulan Li Jiayu
“CEIBS: Explore the African Business Education”
| Chang Hao
“Vocational Education Fast Fading in Nigeria”
| Bukola Ogunsina
“Order-orientated Cultivation of Railway Personnel in Africa”
| Chang Hao
“Talent Cultivation Through Combination of Industry and Education”
| Su Tianshu
“Chinese Education is Welcomed in Africa”
| Xu Yongliang
“Education Cooperation Between China and South Africa”
| Melanie Peters
Status and Trends
“Path to Oil and Gas Development in Egypt”
| Wang Hongyi
African Images
“Ghana South Sudan”
Understanding Africa
“Factors That Drive Investment in Algeria”
| H.E Ahcène Boukhelfa
“Incentives for Investment in Algeria”
| Abdenor Khelifi
“Diversified Cooperation in Capacity, Economy and Trade between China and Mozambique”
| Liu Xiaoguang
|Media Scan |
“The Mainstream Media in Mauritius”
| Thierry Ramasawmy
|Organizations Institutions |
“The Permanent Consultative Committee of the United Nations in Charge of Security Issues in Central Africa”
“Nigerien Party for Democracy and Socialism”
Efforts on the Ground
“Equip African Railway with Signal Processing and Communication Systems”
| Chang Hao
Investing in Africa
“Investment Opportunities in South Africa”
| Mr Charles Manuel
Risk and Security
“Overcome the Difficulties of Overseas Interest Protection”
| Yang Haixia
Society and Culture
|Column| Survey of Africa World Heritage Sites
“Stone Town of Zanzibar”
| Li Zhen
|Column| Africans in My Eyes
“African Chiefs in History ( 2 )”
| Wang Zhenglong
Africa in Numbers
“Current Status and Development of Human Resources in Africa”
| Zhi Yuchen
“Currency Exchange Table in Africa”
| African Development Bank
Book Review
“Around China in 300 Days”
| Ronald Kato
“Into Africa on the Eve of Independence”
—— Inside Africa by John Gunthe
| Qian Zhen
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