巴基斯坦| 瓜达尔港口
左:巴基斯坦| 田间的孩子 右上:巴基斯坦| 牧羊区 右下:巴基斯坦| 德拉瓦堡
封面文章 Cover Stories
文 | 罗建波
现状·趋势 Status and Trends
——专访斯里兰卡驻华大使 卡鲁纳塞纳·科迪图瓦库(Karunasena Kodituwakku)
文 | 张梅 褚骁骥
文 | 瓦西里·卡什金 ( Vasily Kashin )
丝路影像 Belts and Roads Images
国别 Country
文 | 胡滨
文 | 博扬·茨韦特科维奇
合作与实践 Efforts on the Ground
文 | 朱拜尔·哈桑(Jubair Hasan)
文 | 邹昊飞 韩勇 王一童 谭潇
产业与投资 Industry and Investment
文 | 刘坚
文 | 张嘉国
文 | 王海滨
文 | 许加海
风险与安全 Risk and Security
文 | 杨海霞
论坛 Forum
文 | 程晓波
文 | 付华
文 | 刘钊宏
PPP 观察 Observation of PPP
文 | 李菲 李小豹
社会人文 Society and Culture
文 | 寇馨云 邓亚楠
| 媒体纵览 |
文 | 翁卡纳卡
书评 Book Review
文 | 钱镇
数据 Numbers
《海上丝路贸易指数(2017 年9 月)》
文 | 宁波航运交易所
文 | 国家信息中心“一带一路”大数据中心
Cover Stories
What Does the 19th National Congress of CPC Mean to the World
“What Does the 19th National Congress of CPC Mean to the World ?”
by Luo Jianbo
Status and Trends
“Entering a New Stage of Win-Win Cooperation”
——Interview with Dr. Karunasena Kodituwakku, Ambassador of Sri Lanka to China
by Zhang Mei, Chu Xiaoji
“Russia Economic Relations with China – More Than Meets the Eye”
by Vasily Kashin
Belts and Roads Images
“A Country with a Number of Investment Opportunities in Brazil”
by Hu Bin
“Investment Opportunities in Serbia”
by Bojan Cvetkovic
Industry and Investment
“The Electrification of Global Automobile Industry”
by Liu Jian
“The Practice of Military and Civilian Integration”
by Zhang Jiaguo
“Petroleum Industry Remains its Investing Value”
by Liu Jian
“The Exploration and Practice of Developing Differentiated Refinery Plants”
by Xu Jiahai
Risk and Security
“The Growing ‘guarder’-Interview——Yin Weihong Chairman of HXZA Security Service”
by Yang Haixia
“The Exploration and Practice of Big Data of ‘Belts and Roads’ Initiatives”
by Cheng Xiaobo
“The Various Reasons of Slackening Private Investment”
by Fu Hua
“The Developing Strategies of Joint-Stock Banks”
by Liu Zhaohong
Observation of PPP
“The Rapidly Developing PPP in Sanitation”
by Li Fei, Li Xiaobao
Society and Culture
“The Health of the TCM Biological Clock”
by Kou XinYun, Deng YaNan
| Media Scan |
“Insight of Cambodia Media”
by Kaneka Ung
Book Review
“How to Cope with the Nationalism Challenges”
——Review the Book Blood and Belonging
by Qian Zhen
“The Index of Trade between China and ‘Maritime Silk Road’ Countries(September 2017) ”
by Ningbo Shipping Exchange
“The Big Data of ‘Belts and Roads’ ”
by From larger data center of State Information Center
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